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  1. K

    Triple Rect. tone clip

    Sweet! Sounds really good - thanks for sharing...
  2. K

    Possibly fixing my buzz..

    Is the buzz coming from the sound (like amplified through the speaker)? Perhaps it is a bad tube somewhere in the line. That would be your easiest fix. Or if a combo amp, does it seem to be more of sympathetic buzz? Perhaps tubes rattling or chassis vibrating in the cabinet creating a buzz...
  3. K

    Dual Rectifier Vs. Lone Star

    I agreee with ibanez4life. The lonestar may be giving you great tone now, but after the honeymoon phase, you may regret not getting "the real deal". or what you can do is keep searching on ebay for a used rectoverb (I've seen for around $800 or so) or dual recto with the money you saved with...
  4. K

    question for F-Series amp owners.

    I had the F-50 for a short duration. The reverb was very sterile, but, then again, it's silicon. I bought a DC-5, much better reverb as it it tube, but by no means lush (comparing to Fender). Also, there is no real gradualization on my amp. No matter how incrementally I turn the knob, it is...
  5. K

    Help me choose F-30 or F-50.

    I recently had an F-50, which cleans were decent and the grind was awesome. But since it had inherent hiss on the clean channel I took it back. I ended up buying a used Mesa DC-5 with no regrets. It has decent cleans, tube reverb, and the grind is just as sweet! Plus, no hiss! Score one of...
  6. K

    New F-50 - Volume drop????

    Guitar Center found one at another location. Hopefully this one will work properly. I'll have it in a week or so. I really think I would love this amp if I can get one that works. I don't want to give up on it so soon. Thanks for hearing me out...
  7. K

    New F-50 - Volume drop????

    I talked with Mesa Customer Service today. Bascially, they stated that hiss is inherent in the design. I never played a clean channel amp where hiss is so obvious. Its like saying "Mesa has designed a two channel amp - Channel one - delicious Hiss with a hint of lush cleans and Channel two -...
  8. K

    New F-50 - Volume drop????

    I just brought home an F50 tonight. The cleans are decent for a high gain amp, but the slight break up to distortion are sweet! BUT... The more I am playing it, it seems as if the volume is dropping intermittently and raising back up. It is subtle, but there. Also, there is a lot of hiss...
  9. K

    Caliber vs Studio .22

    I'm new to the Mesa board, but trying to find one that will best fit my needs? What is the difference between the Caliber & .22's series combo amps? Do they have the same distortion gain? How are the cleans in each amp? I like the Studio .22 PLUS, but am contemplating a Caliber 50 that's for...
  10. K

    Need MB Amp Advice

    I am thinking about getting a Mesa Boogie amp, but not sure on which one. Perhaps if I tell you my needs, someone can point me in the right direction. For guitars I have a SG & Tele & I'm getting a Schecter soon. I have a Carr Rambler, Vicky Champ clone & some cheaper amps, but looking to...