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  1. I

    1x12 Cab w/ 60w MK IIC+?

    I'm thinking about picking up a 1x12 to compliment the combo. Anyone have any experiences or opinions regarding whether a closedback cab with a Celestion V30 (some different tone color to go with the EV in the amp) can handle that workload without petering out or significantly changing your...
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    MK II C+ near death exp./revival

    All preamp/power tubes were changed within the last year. Considering that i play the amp at more than bedroom level no more than 1-2 times a week, i think the tubes should still be okay...?
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    MK II C+ near death exp./revival

    During a soundcheck this weekend my amp reached a maximum of funny behavior and i'm curious if anyone has had similar problems and what the diagnosis is/was/could be. My C+ 60w's volume started dropping in and out about every 4-5 seconds. Also, there was a new and unfamiliar predominate dynamic...
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    attack response increase with treble on II C+

    So if i understand Soundstorm's post correctly, the mids and bass will have a higher(?), or at least different level of effectiveness the higher i keep my treble set? I really like the attack response the high treble gives me and it works great at bedroom levels but in the studio i haven't had...
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    attack response increase with treble on II C+

    Maybe someone has some input on this... I recently noticed that the response of my amp (II C+) to my guitar increases/becomes more sensitive, tighter, etc. (which is a good thing) when i push the treble up around 8 or higher. Unfortunately, i can't really get a preferable/usable clean tone...
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    Need some IIC+ info help.

    Just an updated fyi--my Mark IIC+ has a serial # of 12489. Again, this was confirmed as a C+ by Mesa/Boogie. I didn't open up the amp yet to get the production codes.
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    What speakers, tubes, cab for the Mark IIC+

    much obliged Russ. i agree that the tung-sols are fantastic. its funny how all i saw on this forum was JJs, JJs, JJs. When it came time to retube the guy from (i think) said no way, tung-sols are where its at for the Mark series. A couple months later, word was out and many of...
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    What speakers, tubes, cab for the Mark IIC+

    Russ--I agree with you. I guess i misinterpreted what you said about the tung-sols. I was under the impression that your opinion was that they are NOT good tubes for other positions other than V1 but now i'm thinking what you are saying is that the other positions are just not as critical to...
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    Need some IIC+ info help.

    I don't have my amp in front of me but i do know that Mike at Mesa confirmed my amp as a orig. C+ AND it has a serial # pre 12500--something like 12347. Does this help account for the discrepancy?
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    What speakers, tubes, cab for the Mark IIC+

    Russ--Just curious as to why you think that the Tung-Sol 12AX7 is only a good choice for V1? What are the qualities of this (or any other pre-amp tube) that make it a good choice for the V2-V4 positions.
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    what about Keef(Richards)? Mark series amp user?

    i respectfully disagree. i think boogie mark series have a definite distinctive clean tone. i've A-B'd them with fenders and, while not all fenders/mesas are the same, i think i can tell the difference, especially when assuming that keith is playing a tele (deluxe?). who knows though? I...
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    what about Keef(Richards)? Mark series amp user?

    i respectfully disagree. i think boogie mark series have a definite distinctive clean tone. i've A-B'd them with fenders and, while not all fenders/mesas are the same, i think i can tell the difference, especially when assuming that keith is playing a tele (deluxe?). who knows though? I...
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    what about Keef(Richards)? Mark series amp user?

    thank you sundaypunch for being the one person to finally step-up and actually address one of the orignial questions on my post. i didn't intend for it to turn to into a public opinion forum re: the stones music /keef's drug use/or personal relationships. whatever, peeps. anyway, the only...
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    what about Keef(Richards)? Mark series amp user?

    If you are a regular on this site, you are no doubt well aware that a large portion of discussion centers on two bands--Metallica and Dream Theatre> That's all fine but i was curious as to why is there little to no talk of Keith Richards/Rolling Stones as users of the Mark series amps? I'm...
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    JJ or Tung Sol 12AX7s in a Mark IV?

    I'm curious (and pardon me if this sounds dumb) as to why lots of people on this list only use the new Tungsol 12AX7 in the V1 and opt for the JJs or Shuguangs in the other preamp slots... What do those tubes provide in those positions that the tungsol (which almost everyone agrees is great) can't?
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    Help identifying GC MK II?

    Hmmmm. Maybe its time i had my MKIIC+ sent back to mesa for a checkup. I bought it used about 5 years ago (700 bux!) but after hearing the volume on that MKIIB yesterday, i'm thinking there may be something I'm missing. I tested the caps a few months back. The originals were still in there...
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    Help identifying GC MK II?

    Hello all. Thought i might pique someone's curiosity with this inquiry... I was at the local (Bay Area) Guitar Center yesterday. They had what was marked as a MK IIB on the floor (1500 bucks). I own a IIC+ (60 watt, reverb, no eq) and wanted to compare the IIB to mine. So, after plugging in...
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    MK II C+ FX loop ?

    hmmm. thanks for the info. yeah, i would think it would sound at least as good thru the loop, if not better than in front--but it doesn't. Could this be a pre-amp tube related problem? anyone have a similarly frustration experience like this with yr. Fx loop on a MK II C (+)?
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    MK II C+ FX loop ?

    I don't believe its the GE-7. It seems to sound fine in front of the amp. Due to the # of pedals i use i wanted to try moving some to the loop (and maybe find a better tone). Also, i forgot to mention that i can hear a 'pop' noise when i engage the eq pedal when its run thru the fx loop? Its...
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    MK II C+ FX loop ?

    Can anyone comment on their experiences using the effects loop on the MK II C+. I've tried running a simple Ibanez eq pedal thru it (once when i bought it a few years ago, and again yesterday) and it just doesn't produce a good sound. Seems more bassy and to make the amp rattle a bit? Could...