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    1957 junior

    Da Bomb. Rock Machine.
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    Take a vote

    Do NOT repaint - that puppy is perfect. Green is good when it comes to Goldtops I bought my 74 LP Deluxe GT in 94 for $500. After a succession so PUp's I've finally settled on a WCR Godwood in the bridge and I've stuck with the P90 neck pu. Doesn't have as much green as your's but I'm workin...
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    DR#68 is on Seattle CL

    DR#68 is on Seattle CL [email protected]
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    DR#68 is on Seattle CL

    DR#68 is on Seattle CL [email protected]
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    MYSPACE Music Links....

    The DR and Marshall as well as the LP's in my signature are on all of these, I've been using the same rig since 95 - "If it ain't broke...". My first band as a guitar player (played bass for 15 years prior): The above band morphed into this...
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    MXR MC401 (OD) - Anybody tried one?

    MXR MC401 (OD) - Anybody tried one?
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    Post your amp!

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    Post your pedalboard!

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    Post your Rig!

    Guitars Pedalboard AMPS
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    Anyone use a Lonestar 2x12cab w/DR???

    Anyone use a Lonestar 2x12cab w/DR??? Probably not, but if anybody does they probably live here. Anybody have any experience with this combination. If not - how about opinions (duck). Currently running a modified Marshall 4x12 in a halfbaack configuration. I would like to reduce my rig size...
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    +1 I've noticed this.....
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    Great info gentlemen. I bought this guitar on a whim coz the price was right. The more I play it the more stable the tuning becomes so "stretching the strings" properly is probably part of the problem. But after working the bar fairly aggressively I start to notice things being a little more...
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    That's 2 for the Trmol-No. I watched the Vid- looks like just what I need. Now my only problem is which one?????? The webpage is unclear as to which one is suitable for the Floyd on an HSS Strat. Do I need the clamp model or the pin model???? Thanks for the info guys
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    The LP 71 Deluxe sound

    You might find this interesting Art.
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    Thanks for the input guys. I ordered a tremsetter from MF. If it doesn't work I'm only out $36.
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    The LP 71 Deluxe sound

    I have an Epiphone Dot with the 57 Clasisc Plus in the bridge and a regular 57 Classic in the neck position. To my ears the regular 57 Classic is a better sounding pickup than the 57Plus. Not as bright,and smoother, of course they're not in an LP either so your mileage may vary. FWIW I...
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    The LP 71 Deluxe sound

    I have a 74 Deluxe that someone had the bridge position routed for a fullsize Humbucker when I bought it years ago, it has s has a P90 Soapbar in the neck pos. I recently put a Duncan PhatCat (P90 in with a Humbucking sized cover) in the bridge position. There's a bit more hum but it's...
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    Hi Guys I decided years ago that Strats were not my thing (after buying and selling 2 of them) and have stuck to LPS and Teles ever since. Having said that there are certain sounds that only come from a Strat and apprarently disregarding my above statement I bought a Mexican Strat for $300...
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    I have come full circle

    Gentlemen: Born in 1954- still married to a woman I met on the road 27 years ago. Our 22 year old daughter just graduated college with a Music Business degree (I am sooooo screwed). Kids can (as they should), cause a shift in your priorities, hence. I've worked ans an NC Programmer for a...
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    The First Amp You Ever Played On A Live Gig?

    After the MosValve I used the MP1 with a Peavey 50/50 tube power amp. I would have liked to go to the Boogie Power amp but was too cheap to pull the trigger till I bought the Dual Rec in 95.