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  1. O

    Mesa Static

    Yeah the hum is due to the fan actually, thanks for that. As for the windy static, it occurs on all three channels. I've always had a kind of buzz on channel 3 due to the high gain?
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    Mesa Static

    haha, yeah that doesn't sound the best. But there is a certain hum to the amp? I was trying to describe that. Yeah i know about the pop, kind of annoying but i thought that was pretty normal for the amp? That hasn't been too much of an issue for me, but the noise mentioned is a different one...
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    Mesa Static

    Hello, Just yesterday i had a guitar lesson and my teacher put an input into the Mark V head so both guitars could go into it. I wasn't sure if it would be bad for the amp so I went with it and took his word that it shouldn't affect it at all. About 5 minutes later there was a lot of...
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    breaking in the Mark V

    I have all the channels set to 10w, does that make it a problem?
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    breaking in the Mark V

    I've been experiencing some popping noises when changing between channels also, does it hurt the amp at all?
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    Mesa Boogie Volume

    A tutorial would probably be a really good idea actually, its just a matter of getting there as they are located in another state. Thanks for the assistance.
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    Mesa Boogie Volume

    Thanks for the quick reply! When it was really loud i had it set on Loop, i tried the hard bypass today and it was mostly the same and not super loud like it was originally. It wouldn't be the tubes would it? As I would have no idea what do if it was them! :P Thanks again for the quick reply.
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    Mesa Boogie Volume

    Hey everyone, I just recently got my first high end amp, the Mark V being it and am extremely excited and happy that i finally have my dream amp. Seeing as this is my first high end amp though I am fairly new to the whole set up and maintenance involved in using an amp such as this. When i...