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  1. C

    just converted back...

    I just converted the loop to serial on my Single Rect and it was very easy. I am very happy with the way it turned out. You can call Mesa and get the specific instructions for your amp. They sent me mine. Here are some links to other discussions that have more information...
  2. C

    Single Rectifier Problems

    It could be a bad pot. I had a similar problem and had to replace one of the pots on channel two. The tone controls are interactive so it could be any one of them. I called Mesa and they sent me a replacement. It was very easy to change. Give them a call, they should be able to help you out.
  3. C

    Mesa Solo 50 tone

    At low volumes, I use an overdrive and sometimes a compressor and I can get all the sustain I need. Everything changes when the amp gets turned up. At master volumes above 9:00 I don't use any pedals. I also run EL34s in my solo 50. I like the lead tones better with the EL34s. Speaker and...
  4. C

    Rectifiers and Modelers

    Just like several others on this board, I was inspired to look into Mesa Rectifiers by the tone of the Rectifier amp model on my Line 6. It took some time for me to learn to dial in the real deal, and in almost every way I like the tube amp much better. There is one thing though that I still...
  5. C

    Avatar cab, or replace speakers in the marshall?

    Here is another option, I've had good results with mixing speakers in cabinets. You might try just getting two v30's and put them in the Marshall along with the g12t75's. I have multiple cabinets and speakers and I tried many combinations. My least favorite combination was when all the speakers...
  6. C

    Does your tone change after warmup?

    Last night I changed the power tubes and played for a couple of hours. With the new tubes, the tone change was very slight. It was not as noticable as it was with the old tubes.
  7. C

    Does your tone change after warmup?

    I don't wear earplugs and it may be ear fatigue. I'll give that a try. The power tubes are just over a year old and I'll let you know if the new ones help. tele_jas, your right about the other instruments getting louder as the night goes on. We've had lots of discussions about that problem...
  8. C

    Does your tone change after warmup?

    I've been noticing lately that I am losing some high end after my amp has been on for more than an hour. It seems to me that the tone is not as clear. At our last two shows, I've heard comments from guitar players in the audience that I'm getting lost in the mix on after the first set. I'm not...
  9. C

    Struggling to get a good Rect-O-Verb "Modern" soun

    Something else you might want to try is turning down the gain and putting a clean boost in front. I use a TS-9 to add clean gain. The TS-9 drive is set on zero and the level is around 1:00. I set the tone to be neutral. This gives you just a little clean boost. I set the amp gain between 11:00...
  10. C

    MESA Rect-O-Verb 50 Solo Head

    I have tried Mesa EL-34, JJ EL-34 and Shuguang EL34-B. My favorite were the Shuguang EL34-B. I bought them from The JJs had the most gain and low-end followed by the Mesa then the EL34-B. All of them were better than the stock 6L6 to my ears. I think even the clean...
  11. C

    MESA Rect-O-Verb 50 Solo Head

    I like my Solo 50 much better after I switched to EL-34s. I get better note to note articulation. Overall the EL-34s work better for all they styles I play. For hard/classic rock tones, I prefer the vintage setting. My best advice would be to start with the sample settings in the manual and...
  12. C

    Back is gone at 18. Which small combo?

    Something else to consider. Celestion Century speakers weigh about 7 lbs lighter than a Vintage 30 or Mesa Custom 90. I have a combo amp loaded with an EVM-12L and it's so heavy that I stoped taking it out of the studio. An EVM-12L is 19 lbs, a Custom 90 is 10.6 lbs, and a Century is about 3.6 lbs.
  13. C

    Single Rectifier modding fx loop to serial

    I have been considering the same mod. If you can find a push/pull pot that is the same value as the effects loop mix control, you can make it switchable without drilling any holes. I don't see any reason why it couldn't be switched. You should ask Mesa just to make sure. I haven't made the mod...
  14. C

    How do you use your amp live?

    It seems like most players I watch play live almost never adjust the settings on their amp after a sound check. If they use multi-channel amps they sometimes switch channels but most just use pedals to change the tone. Now I can understand that if you are playing all originals and you have...
  15. C

    so who actually plays out?

    I use a Single Rectifier half stack for both practice and gigs. We have a loud drummer and I can just get the volume up enough to sound good over the drums without an attenuator. We have a rehearsal studio so no problems with levels.
  16. C

    Bad presence knob on Trem / DR?

    I had a similar problem with my single rect. It turned out to be the master volume control. It was bad and it caused the bass and middle controls to quit working. You can read the thread here. They sent me the pot. It was an easy fix.
  17. C

    For techies only!

    I had a similar problem and it turned out to be the volume pot. You could try cleaning it. I pulled mine out and checked it with a meter. I called Mesa tech support and they sent me a new one. I replace it and the problem was solved.
  18. C

    Problem with my Single Rectifier

    Problem solved! Mesa tech support sent me two new pots. It turned out to be the master volume control for that channel. There was nothing wrong with the bass and mid controls, but because of the problem with the master control they didn't seem to work. It was a simple fix. The amp sounds great...
  19. C

    SD-1 for Dual Rec.

    I have had good results adding any "clean" boost in front of my rectifier. Right now I'm using a Rat and a TS9. I set the drive low and the level high and set the tone control to a nuetral position. The Rat smooths out the distortion and the TS9 adds punch. I don't run them at the same time, but...
  20. C

    Problem with my Single Rectifier

    Last night I was adjusting the bass on channel 2 and the volume suddenly dropped. No noise, no popping just lower volume. The channel was still working but at about half power. I put the control back at its normal setting but the volume was still low. I switched back to channel 1 and it worked...