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  1. R

    crazy problem with roadster

    Also let them know that their customer service is ridiculous. I called once a few weeks ago to try and help a fellow dude around here with the volume being lower in channels 3 and 4 compared to channels 1 and 2. I knew this was normal and it has alot to do with the compression but was still...
  2. R

    crazy problem with roadster

    There's ALWAYS one like you isn't there?
  3. R

    Soldano questions (Avenger, HR) and Mesa Mark IV

    Correct! The Avenger uses Mercury Magnetics. I know.. it's my favorite amp all time as is the SLO. If the Avenger used the DeYoung tran it would cost $1000 more. This is how rumors and bad info gets around.
  4. R

    crazy problem with roadster

    Sounds like a good idea to me. I'll join up.
  5. R

    Soldano questions (Avenger, HR) and Mesa Mark IV

    That's IMPOSSIBLE as the tran is what seperates the SLO from all other amps in the planet. Do you even know which tran in the SLO? Of course not. Take a guess how much that tran costs? Unless there as person stupid enough to take the tran out of the SLO and put it in the Avenger..but what...
  6. R

    roadster recto tracking question

    I waited 5 minutes for the clerk dude to give me the receipt and help me wheel it out. :D They had 2 in stock when I tried the Roadster.
  7. R

    Tell me about Splawn

    You can't get there with ANY effects. 1. you have a different transformer and you're getting a thicker, wider distortion tone. What effect gives you that? None! There's only one thing that would give you that and that's top notch transformers and circuitry. Listen to gains from possibly the...
  8. R

    Does a new Tri-Axis come with footswitch?

    Right on, thanks.
  9. R

    Does a new Tri-Axis come with footswitch?

    Do these things ship with a footswitch / midi pedal or just the unit alone?
  10. R


    Did you sell this?
  11. R

    To VOODOO or not to VOODOO?

    GO FOR IT! :twisted: Get a Recto that kicks more ***.
  12. R

    Mesa Recto Crisis

    Mod/great tone virgin huh? Let's just say you're not turning it off after you mod it. What does it do? Real cleans, meaty not fuzzy, clean tight gain not dirty of fizzy like Mesa is known for and the bottom end will be like a Soldanos..very tight. If you can play you'll love it but if you...
  13. R

    6L6 vrs EL34 any tone difference?????

    There NEVER will be either. People just don't get it that it's the transformer and other electronics that will change the sound of an amp not different tubes. There will be a slight difference because of how quick one breaks up compared to the other but that's about it. Nothing major.
  14. R

    Issue with Roadster... PLEASE HELP!!!

    Yes, that should be normal and it happens with most high gain amps. I just don't feel confident with the way Mesa responded. That's not a good response from a co. like Mesa. If I know what it is how come they don't? :?: :?:
  15. R

    Issue with Roadster... PLEASE HELP!!!

    This should be normal because of the compression and the high gain out of channels 3 and 4. I have the same thing but not 50-60% lower volume. Remember clean channels need to be louder for the headroom and gain channels are not really louder. They seem louder but they're so compressed that they...
  16. R

    Mesa Recto Crisis that AGAIN and hope to blow the transformer then give me a PM and you'll hear how that amp was meant to sound after you get the new transformer. I live to blow transformers out on all my's a well justified modded job. :twisted: Like it's been said already, check the...
  17. R

    Will a Roadking or Roadster do this..

    Exactly! I never liked Mesa before I tried both Road King and Roadster but now I love these amps. I wouldn't play the older Rectos though. I've always been a Soldano or Hot Rodded Marshall player. I do like the Mark IVs but who doesn't.
  18. R

    Will a Roadking or Roadster do this..

    NO it doesn't! (if you understood how amps worked and what REALLY makes an amp sound the way it does or gives it it's characteristic tone..surprise it's NOT the tubes) You might fool newbies or those that have been playing for a few years but I was born with my ear next to an amp and a Fender my...
  19. R

    Will a Roadking or Roadster do this..

    There is NO difference in tone between these two amps. The RK has the EL34s already in it and that's about it. If you want EL34s then simply put them in the Roadster and that's it. You're basically paying for an amp that already has the tubes in it and you don't have to switch back and forth...
  20. R

    Which Mesa is best for warm hard rock soloing? Help

    The newer Mesas like the Roadster and Road King have the most incredible sustain I have ever heard on an amp. I've played a ton of custom amps and most my friends have one or two. Myself, I own a Roadster, SLO 100 and ENGL SE. I play the Roadster the most because of the sustain that this amp...