crazy problem with roadster

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I didn't get a chance to try it out last night, but maybe tonight.

And you know the problem is bad when FOH guys start noticing the trend.
Just to give an update on the petition, I am setting it up...hopefully by tomorrow night I can have the link for everyone (sorry guys working fulltime!). Its good to see so many people saying yes for this. As much as I love mesa, I think its really annoying....and they should fix it or take a look at it. I will still play my mesa but hopefully with the petition, randall smith will put some kind of notice on this issue
Living_justice said:
standards are slipping in the mesa boogie, hope they get their *** in gear soon.

Standards? What do you mean? This is not a QA issue. It's inherent in the design. If you can't live with it, get a new amp. But to trash the whole company is stupid.


I've got an RKII and I haven't really noticed a pop. Maybe it does maybe it doesn't. But I'll support the petition and sign it when it's done.

It's not so much a problem with Mesa as a whole, and I for one am not trashing the company. It's just sad to see a product as good as this have a major issue. If it's just something that comes with the design, then I would expect RS to change the design and try and dial out the problem. I am convinced that RS has the ability to do it, but I don't know if he's given it a shot at all. I am not comfortable with the official reply being "just deal with it". That's not professional at all. We all understand that at this point, the popping issue is something that's inherent to the design, but that doesn't mean we have to accept it. The Roadster is an amazing amplifier, and I will also continue using mine, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't have room to improve. I also don't want to see the Roadster fall into oblivion as a "poor man's Road King", if you can even call this an amp for a poor man. I'm concerned that Mesa may not be paying too much attention or really caring enough about the Roadster due to the fact that the Road King is only a few hundred dollars more. I'm not trying to start conspiracy theories or anything here, but not fixing the popping issue may be Mesa's way of saying "go buy a Road King II" or something of the like.

The Roadster has it's place. I for one didn't need progressive linkage and cabinet switching and all of the other bells. I haven't heard too many Road King users complain about popping, but it seems that just about every Roadster user has at one point or another encountered the problem. Like I said before, hopefully a petition will push RS back to the drawing board to dial out some of these issues. The result will be a more appealing amplifier, which is in Mesa's best interest.
I love my Roadster, do not have any QA worries, and will continue to support Mesa Boogie. The pop is almost un-noticeable when playing at gig levels (but pops none-the-less), and cycling through in standby is a must. For some dumb reason I took her out of standby then started switching :oops: at soundcheck.

I'm in on the petition. A high quality "boutique" amp company should not just "overlook" the growing number of players concerned with this. Granted the fix is probably not so simple or we would not be having this topic, but should be officially addressed by Mesa IMO.

I'm not giving up my Roadster just because it pops.

I had a Roadster for a while and it popped loud as hell from CH3 it was ridiculous so I took it into the place I bought it and they could'nt fix so I sent it to Mesa and they thought it was normal and I was like "Are you kidding me?" So they looked into it and said they improved it and when I got it back--POP! I was so pissed man but after I cycled through the channels it wasnt that bad, more of a clicking.I also would get that thump going from 3 to 1. Here's my question "If this is normal shoud'nt we be informed?"
I will sign that petition as well... I mean, I love my Roadster... nothing but boogie love all around, but I cycled through all the channels while in standby, and then I decided to try switching from modern to vintage on channel 3 and "POP!!!" The pop was louder than the actual volume I was playing at... so now I cycle through the channels and the channel "dip switches" while in standby!
A RK user here.
My RK pops once after I do the standby tap dance, and yes, channel 3 is the only channel that pops reguardless of gain stage. I will help my recto brothers with this matter, I too support the petition.
I will post the petition link tonight...once its up , please sign it and spread the word. Such a great amp but what a lame problem! Randall Smith we need your help......
while this is a huge issue among roadster owners, a lot of mesa's other products pop as well..... i've heard plenty of complaints from many users of different mesa amps.... that being said whatever comes of this petition it should be for all mesa owners because if they can fix it for one product they should be able to fix it for all their products....has anyone noticed this started happening when they first started with the monsterous footswitches... i never had this problem with my other mesa amps that used the 1/4 inch jacks for the footswitch.....

also just to throw it out there whether they can fix it or not my roadster isnt going anywhere.... i dont really have the problems other roadster owners have once i cycle through the channels.... even on channel 3 i dont get the loud pop..... only thing that they could improve alongw ith the pops is a faster switching system.... there is definitely a noticible lag ... none the less i'm signing this petition because for people throwing out 2g's for an amp shouldnt have these problems
Although I like the Roadster, I might be making the move to the Mark IV anyway, or I might go Lone Star. A different story for a different time.

Anyway, I had the amp cranked for a few hours last night (my closet makes a nice isolation room) and the amp performed well without any pops. The only thing I noticed was the "woof" when changing to channel 1 and channel 3. The noise was more noticable on channel 1 than channel 3. My amp was running on spongy/50 watt/tube rectification on all channels. I tried with the effects loop engaged and with it hard bypassed and there was no difference in the "woof". The woof was less noticable however when I mismatched my speaker connection (8 ohm 2x12 cab connected to the 4 ohm output). I prefer the overall sound of the amp with the mismatch anyway.

Anyone have a single latching 1/4" jack footswitch to try to see if the switching noise is still there if you don't use the Mesa footswitch?
I agree totally with the petition should be all Mesa. I had a Dual and a Roadking that also popped. It wouldnt be fair to our brothers missing in action :wink: I sign it without hesitation so brang it on!
So should I make the petition generic..saying mesa amps making popping sounds on channel changing?
CudBucket said:
Living_justice said:
standards are slipping in the mesa boogie, hope they get their *** in gear soon.

Standards? What do you mean? This is not a QA issue. It's inherent in the design. If you can't live with it, get a new amp. But to trash the whole company is stupid.


I've got an RKII and I haven't really noticed a pop. Maybe it does maybe it doesn't. But I'll support the petition and sign it when it's done.


There's ALWAYS one like you isn't there?
vertigo_ said:
So should I make the petition generic..saying mesa amps making popping sounds on channel changing?

Also let them know that their customer service is ridiculous. I called once a few weeks ago to try and help a fellow dude around here with the volume being lower in channels 3 and 4 compared to channels 1 and 2. I knew this was normal and it has alot to do with the compression but was still curious. I called them and I got this, "uhhh, well....yes, uhhhh...we've never ran into that". Look you sack of **** I didn't ask if you ran into that before..I'm asking you to EXPLAIN and fix it because you KNOW **** well what the issue is. You've been building amps for decades so you KNOW **** well what the problem is. If I know you sure as hell do as well.

Second time I called about the Tri-Axis I just purchased to ask how old it was and how much time I had left on the Warranty. "Uhh, yees..well...uhhh see, uh, we don't keep very good records of how old our units are so you see...". I just hanged up on the ignorant ****.

In comparison I called Soldano to ask a few questions about my SLO and Avenger. They even told me about the gain circuitry in the..HOT ROD and which output transformers my amps had. They had an ANSWER for every single question. There was never a "uhhh, yes...welll, uhhhh yeaaaah..." none of that pathetic, high school dialoque bs. I felt I was talking to men, grownups when I called Soldano.

I felt like I was talking to some yum yum, teeny bopper when I called Mesa. WHY? Why do I spend $5000 on a brand and I get teenagers to "try" and help me?
You know anyone that starts any dialogue with "uhhhm" that to me is the most aggravating, and vulgar display of stupidity coming from a human being. It just tells me the stupid **** has NO confidence in what they're about to say.

You make the petition and please let me know where you send it too because I've been meaning to chew someone out at Mesa due to my last two experiences with them.
Wow man...sounds like you a pretty bad go at it with them.

Your volume problem is odd, I have the exact opposite problem. Channels 1 and 2 are almost not even there. To match volumes, you have to max out the volume and nearly max out the gain on channels 1 and 2 to get close to the volume of channels 3 and 4, with mid gain and the levels between 2 and 10 o'clock. And then the clean channels break up and sound like they have a very harsh edge to them. The amp still have good cleans at low volumes, but I'm looking for something a bit warmer with a lot more volume.

Another complaint I have is with the relationship between Mesa and their vendors. You know you can't really get Mesa's at every guitar store. Pretty much the only option that's not an hour drive away for me is Guitar Center. The only amps I ever see in there are rectifiers and maybe a long lost (and beat to hell) Lone Star. I have yet to see a Mark IV in store. Same goes for the Mark I, Stiletto, any of their rack gear and even the Roadster. I had to put a very large chunk of money down just to get one in the store to try out. When it finally came in 3 months later, I just took it home to try out. It sounded nice. The amp does have it's great tones, but after spending several months with it, the awe factor starts to wear off and you start to see where Mesa fell short on their promises. Lone Star cleans...not even close. I would like to try a Mark IV, but since they don't keep a demo model in store, I would have to put down a very large sum of money again just to get one in the store to try out. Is Mesa trying to be like Carvin? I could see Carvin selling guitars without having examples available to play...they do an amazing job on their guitars and the cost is very low. But if Mesa is going to make it's product exclusive to certain stores, I feel like they should have at least one example of every amp in store at all times that cannot be sold. This would do wonders for their business I'm sure. I can see a large rack of Mesa heads and speaker cabs with a MIDI speaker and channel switching system so you can try out the product, make the cabinet/speaker/head combination you want, and go ahead and make your custom order. Hell, even go as far as having swatches available so you can see and feel the actual material that will be on your amp. That is about 65% of making a sale. The rest is customer service and word of mouth.

Sorry for the rant, but I hate seeing companies that make great products fall into this way of doing business.
This is just my 2 cents. I'm pretty much a newbie when it comes to tube amps and know nothing about electronics. I'm not crazy about the fact that my amp pops but after cycling it goes away so it's not an annoying issue for me. I was told it is something inherent to their amps. I have never owned another tube amp so I don't know. I can only go by what others say. I totally understand that when you spend this kind of money you have a certain expectation. I feel if Mesa was able to get rid of pop they would. I'm sure plenty of people have called in with that complaint or question. I also look at the fact that with all the artists and non artists that use Mesa, it has to be a great amp or they would not have the following they have. I'm sure that the artists also experience the pop but choose to ignore it because of their love for the product. Besides with all the electronic experts and amp builders, repair people out there, someone would have figured out how to get rid of the pop. Maybe it's not possible because it just electronics. I don't believe it's because Mesa doesn't care or their products are inferior to others.

I also have used customer service and those guys have been nothing but excellent. I know everyone has different experiences.
jdurso said:
....has anyone noticed this started happening when they first started with the monsterous footswitches... i never had this problem with my other mesa amps that used the 1/4 inch jacks for the footswitch.....

My Mark IIB (1/4" jack) pops when switching channels, but only if there's signal coming from the guitar when i switch.

Not than anyone cares, but my LSC has no popping noise issues at all.

good luck,
Although I cycle through all the buttons on my RK II while in STDBY, it still pops the first time I go to Channel 3...but no more pops the rest of the and out of channel 3.

I am in for the petition... :wink:
I got my Roadster a week ago last thursday and for the first week i only got a really quiet pop when switching to channel 3. However after a week of playing for about 4 hours a day at most and only at bedroom levels so far it's started popping LOUDER and more noticeably. It's still only in and out of channel 3 and yes when i cycle through the channels on standby it seems to disperse most of the static and i don't get such a loud pop, but i spent £2000 on this amp not to mention the vast shipping charge AND the money i spent on a step-up transformer AND the money i spent on my 4x12. I'm sorry but from such a respected brand and for that amount of £££ i expect problems like that to be dealt with in Mesa's QA.

Can anybody here shed a little light on why this popping happens?

Mesa simply can't afford to put products out with faults like this. While i can't see any real evidence of their reputation having been severely damaged so far, it's only a matter of time before more people start to question their "standards".

Interesting theory R.E the Road King conspiracy! You never know...:wink:

Sign me up for the petition


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