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  1. C

    DC-5 Gritty, grainy distortion

    Well, I think it was ultimately a mismatch between me and the amp. Got some great tones out of her, tons on he clean channel, and finally got a good working relationship with the high gain side. Ultimately, not the amp for me. Look for it in the classifieds!
  2. C

    DC-5 Gritty, grainy distortion

    I accidentally stumbled on a solution - my V-Twin...on it's clean mode! I was planning on twiddling the V-Twin to see if it cold do a satisfactory job as a distortion stomper on the DC's clean channel. But when I hooked it up, the DC was on dirty, and I wondered . . . So the V-Twin smoothes...
  3. C

    DC-5 Gritty, grainy distortion

    Tubes got in over a week ago, I got home a day ago. Put in: V1: Mullard ax7 V2:Tung-Sol ax7 V3:Tung-Sol ax7 V4:Mullard 5751 V5:RCA at7 V6:Boogie at7 Power: Boogie 6L6 (didn't buy new 6L6s as I've already got two sets around - these and the JJs) It's an improvement. The clean is still very...
  4. C

    DC-5 Gritty, grainy distortion

    Uh, oh. Itchy trigger finger. Bought an X100B for 275 clams on ebay. But my new tubes will get here first. I'll let the two brutes argue with each other for a while, and see which one sits and which keeps getting played.
  5. C

    6V6 power tubes (DC-5)

    I'm sure I can find someone - thanks!
  6. C

    6V6 power tubes (DC-5)

    Here's a sot of the switch from the outside. Being the only DC-5 I've ever gotten to know, I assumed everybody's were like this!
  7. C

    6V6 power tubes (DC-5)

    The 6F6s won't be going back in, that was just impatient curiosity. Maybe I'll contact M/B and see if they know anything about this, then. But I'll try to get inside the chassis sometime soon and get a shot of the guts.
  8. C

    6V6 power tubes (DC-5)

    I noticed the power tube switch in my DC-5 for 6L6 vs. 6V6 tubes. What change would I see if I were to try out 6V6s? Slightly lower output? Any significant tone coloring? On the side, I found some ancient RCA 6F6GT tubes in a giant old wooden radio set that my wife has had for years (long...
  9. C

    DC-5 Gritty, grainy distortion

    Ordering tubes . . . will hold Edward personally responsible if the result is not exactly to my personal taste. :wink: Interesting side note - we have on old, long dead radio that my wife had before we married - from the fifties at the latest. Giant wooden thing, beautiful. Just stands in...
  10. C

    DC-5 Gritty, grainy distortion

    Hmmm...sounds pretty good through the headphone jack. First amp I've ever played that sounded better through headphones! Makes for a rather cumbersome headphone amp, though, if you ask me! :roll: And thanks for the heads up, Old BF Sred!
  11. C

    DC-5 Gritty, grainy distortion

    i yanked the tubes out of my V-Twin (12at7 and 12ax7 - don't they normally have 2x12ax7? never peeked in mine before!) and stuck them in V2 and V3 in the DC-5. For the heck of it, put the 12ax7 from my bugera in V1. Seems to be a an improvement, so I think we're on to something here. :D...
  12. C

    DC-5 Gritty, grainy distortion

    I'm finding a mix of preamp tunes in here - (JJ, GE) could this just be a case of poorly matched tubes resulting in a arsh and unfocused sound? The 12au7 in V3 resulted in (surprise!) lower gain, not much else :)
  13. C

    DC-5 Gritty, grainy distortion

    Thanks, guys. Tried your settings, Sixstringpsycho. Less worse than some others, but still harsh, not very warm. Playing around with the pre-tubes, just using what I have laying around (not much) to see if I can get any ideas. I have a 12au7 sitting here - would that be dumb to stick in...
  14. C

    about the DC-3

    About 25,000 lbs fully loaded, 64.5 ft long, 95 ft wingspan . . . :) Sorry, - I'm sure that's a tired joke around here, but I'm new and couldn't resist - I'm a pilot as well as a guitar player!
  15. C

    DC-5 Gritty, grainy distortion

    Thanks - the presence knob makes no difference in the buzziness. I did try a new set of power tubes (the previous owner put JJs in, but still had the original Mesas, so I tried swapping them back. No noticable difference. But I figured it wasn't power tube issue anyway. So should I try a new...
  16. C

    DC-5 Gritty, grainy distortion

    Hello - I recently purchased my first Boogie (apart from my pedal V-Twin), a DC-5 combo. Very pleasantly surprised b the clean channel - I'm enjoying that a lot. Not so much with the dirty side. I like a distorted sound that is smooth, fat, warmish, and sustains all week. To me all I'm...