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  1. J

    BB preamp noise question

    I use an ISP Decimator pedal in front of my Roadster after my OCD. Works great and doesn't change the tone. If you play a lot of cleans you need to be careful where you set it at, but otherwise it's great.
  2. J

    Boss RV-5 w/ Roadster

    I am looking for a reverb to go with my Roadster head. I feel the built in reverb colors the tone and I don' really like it. I was thinking of getting the Boss RV-5. Is it a good reverb unit? I am also open to suggestions, but I don't have $200+ to spend on one. I don't need a big variety of...
  3. J

    Nova Delay vs DD-20

    If you use 2 presets in one song, is it hard to change them on the Nova Delay?
  4. J

    Nova Delay vs DD-20

    Pros and cons of each? Is one better than the other? Has anyone had a chance to try both of them? I have a Roadster head. Any input is appreciated.
  5. J

    KT88's & KT66's in a Roadster

    Has anyone tried using either KT88's or KT66's in their Roadster head? I am curious how each affects the tone. Thanks
  6. J

    turning gain way up on Roadster

    I'm just experiementing with different settings. I love the Roadster but I think it's the EMG's that I am not liking very much. I'm trying to give them a little character.
  7. J

    turning gain way up on Roadster

    I have been trying different settings with my Roadster. I tried turning the gain on Channel 3 to 3:00 or more and found that I like it. I am not doing it for more gain, just more saturation. I have emg's which are a little sterile. I'm not doing any chugging palm muting so the bit of mushyness...
  8. J

    Power Soak with a Roadster

    Has anyone ever used a power soak (THD, Power Brake, etc...) with their Roadster heads? I played a show last weekend and the sound man suggested I get one so I can crank my amp more. As everyone knows, the tone isn't the same with the volume down. How much does it affect your tone and does it...
  9. J

    Tremonti PRS vs Petrucci Music Man

    Has anyone ever had the chance to play both of these guitars? If so, what are the strengths and weaknesses of each. How would you compare them. I have a Roadster head and these 2 guitars are on top of my list. I play hard rock but not screamo metal. Thanks
  10. J

    Pickups with Roadster

    Can anyone guide me to some threads or info on pickups that work well with a Roadster. I play rock/hard rock music. I just had an EMG 81tw and 60 installed on my Jackson. So far, I'm not liking it much. They sound a bit sterile and metallic (if that makes sense) Maybe I just need to get used to...
  11. J

    carl martin combinator 2 / mesa dual rec

    Can the combinator 2 be used with a Roadster head? Would you still need to buy an amp gizmo or something like that to switch all the channels? Sorry to butt in, but I thought I would just ask here instead of a new thread. Thanks
  12. J

    EMG 81tw with a Roadster

    I got the 81tw and the 60 in today. I will report on how the 81tw sounds. How does an 85 sound in the bridge position? Does it sound bassy and muddy like it does in the neck position?
  13. J

    EMG 81tw with a Roadster

    guitar is a Jackson Professional
  14. J

    EMG 81tw with a Roadster

    Are you using your 85's in the neck or bridge position? Mine is in the neck and I think it is too bassy. I haven't tried it in the bridge though.
  15. J

    Best Noisegate?

    I use the ISP pedal. I really like it. I don't feel it colors my tone at all, but you have to be careful where you set it, especially if you play a lot of cleans.
  16. J

    EMG 81tw with a Roadster

    I didn't know where to post this topic, so if it is in the wrong place, I apologize. Has anyone tried an EMG 81tw with a Roadster yet? I ordered one and it should be here this week. The 81tw is an 81 and a single coil pickup in one. I can't wait to try it. Also, has anyone used an EMG 60 in the...
  17. J

    Best OD/Boost Pedal for 2007 Triple Recto?

    I use an OCD with my Roadster and I love it.
  18. J

    How to get a nice lead tone

    I'll try it, thanks. On the back of the amp, I have the f/x loop level at noon, is that sufficient?
  19. J

    How to get a nice lead tone

    I have always been a plug and play guy so never really learned how to use effects properly. I am looking to get a nice lead tone. I have a Roadster and a Boss DD-20. I've been messing around with the DD-20 but can't find a setting I really like. I know it's not the unit, its me, lol. I searched...
  20. J

    G-Major for sale--SOLD

    SOLD!!! Thanks