BB preamp noise question

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2007
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Hi, I was just wondering, since the BB preamp is quite noisy, do you think putting a noise gate right after it would help? It is the only thing in the signal chain. Any other suggestions on making it hush would be nice as well. Thanks.
I'm wondering if you are running it before the amp or in the effects loop?
Fluorescent lights can cause a noisey signal.
Some kind of noise gate or hush pedal should work as long as there's no outside interference.
backwordsman13 said:
I have it in front of the amp. It is only really "noticeable" when its on the lead channel.

Have you tried it in the effects loop with any success?
Which amp do you have? Has this problem just started or has been like this since the beginning?
I haven't tried it in the loop, but I always thought that OD pedals should go in front. It's a Mark IV and it has been like this since I bought. i have heard from others that it is a noisy unit though. I was mainly wondering if a noise gate would change the tone in a bad way.
Just wondering for troubleshooting reasons...
I prefer to run my pedals in the front called "front ending".
Is the amp quiet without the pedal? Just want to make sure you don't have another issue.
I believe if you get a good quality noise eliminator pedal- you shouldn't have a tone robbing issue.
How much gain are you running?

NEVER run a distortion pedal in the effects loop.
Rocky said:
NEVER run a distortion pedal in the effects loop.

It's said not to run an EQ either through the effects loop but I haven't had any problems. There is the potential to overload the FX loop return circuit, done carefully there's no issues at all. You can easily set up your distortion so that the signal level is constant through the FX loop.

This is only troubleshooting purposes and not being ran for long periods of time. Set the volumes right and you won't have a problem. I don't know of anyone troubleshooting going to dime the volumes.
Of course overdrive, distortion, fuzz etc sound better in front of the amp, but this is troubleshooting. If you don't feel comfortable doing it then don't do it.
Who told you not to run an EQ in the effects loop? Eq between pre and power amps is pretty normal.

Troubleshooting a device by using it as it was NOT designed makes absolutely no sense.

I use my BB on my Mesa Nomad and well as my Matchless, Harry Joyce and Koch amps. No noise problems at all. HOWEVER I set my amp gains quite low (think Malcom Young) on the gain channels and let the pedal take it from there.
I use an ISP Decimator pedal in front of my Roadster after my OCD. Works great and doesn't change the tone. If you play a lot of cleans you need to be careful where you set it at, but otherwise it's great.
Rocky said:
Who told you not to run an EQ in the effects loop? Eq between pre and power amps is pretty normal.

Troubleshooting a device by using it as it was NOT designed makes absolutely no sense.

The EQ question is on many boards-
EQ's change signal frequencies and amp builders
don't suggest running one in the effects loop.
Are you going to tell me that no one runs an overdrive
or similar design pedal in their effects loop?
As far as "who told me" I don't listen to any unfounded
opinions or advice. I'll do the research and compare findings.
I suggest this alot- because on forums such as this you don't
know how credible the advice is.
"The EQ question is on many boards-
EQ's change signal frequencies and amp builders
don't suggest running one in the effects loop."

---that would explain why amps with onboard EQ sit that EQ between the preamp and the power amp.

Good one.

"Are you going to tell me that no one runs an overdrive
or similar design pedal in their effects loop?"

---No I did not tell you that...dont put words in peoples mouths. Drives and 'similar pedals' simply are not designed to be used in loops.... .end of story

"As far as "who told me" I don't listen to any unfounded
opinions or advice. I'll do the research and compare findings."

---of course you do

"I suggest this alot- because on forums such as this you don't
know how credible the advice is."

--well, you got that part right. Now go find ONE overdrive pedal that is intended for use in an effects loop.....
amps with onboard eq's- different subject

go find an overdrive that is intended for use
in effects loop- it's all in how you set it up
Tubegear Junkie said:
amps with onboard eq's- different subject

go find an overdrive that is intended for use
in effects loop- it's all in how you set it up is not a different subject. Amp makers sit slider EQs after the preamp and before the power amp....that is where the effects loop sits. It IS the same preamp. pre power amp. Regardless of how you want to word it EQ's work amazingly well in the position that would otherwise be called effects loop.

I understand that you dont want this to be true and want to split hairs to make it seem like you are correct but you are is are wrong. EQ after the preamp and before the power section is just as common, and has many advantages over, placing an EQ in front of the amp.

You insisting that the EQ isnt designed for being in b/w the amps is incorrect. Simple as that and that is all I am trying to get across to you.

go find an overdrive that is intended for use
in effects loop- it's all in how you set it up

no it isnt. Setting something up incorrectly or against intended use has NOTHING to do with design or intended use.
Rocky said: is not a different subject. Amp makers sit slider EQs after the preamp and before the power amp....that is where the effects loop sits. It IS the same preamp. pre power amp. Regardless of how you want to word it EQ's work amazingly well in the position that would otherwise be called effects loop.

I understand that you dont want this to be true and want to split hairs to make it seem like you are correct but you are is are wrong. EQ after the preamp and before the power section is just as common, and has many advantages over, placing an EQ in front of the amp.

You insisting that the EQ isnt designed for being in b/w the amps is incorrect. Simple as that and that is all I am trying to get across to you.

go find an overdrive that is intended for use
in effects loop- it's all in how you set it up

no it isnt. Setting something up incorrectly or against intended use has NOTHING to do with design or intended use.

You're not following me.
You're very objective towards me for some reason. So your ears are shut when it comes to me. You follow me around posting provoking an argument with me- that's how it comes across.

As far as different subject- on other boards members have
stated that contacting a certain MFGs- that they did not
suggest running EQ's in the effects loops of their amps
and the member would ask other board members...why?
If I didn't agree with the EQ thing I wouldn't be running
mine that way and telling others that maybe the tech misunderstood,etc .
I guess I didn't make myself clear. I looked back at that thread
and I did run the two things together- my mistake.
As far as signal boost pedals- all I was saying is that
people are running them in the effects loop. Never say Never

Your relentless behavior towards me has made my visit on
this board very unpleasant.
Not intended.

Anyone that tells you that EQ in the effects loop is a fool. Plain and simple.

You can refer them my way if you want to.
If you have an EQ in front of the amp input, you are ONLY EQ'ing the direct guitar signal. Placing the EQ in the loop give you MUCH greater tonal flexibility, as you are EQ'ing the signal AFTER it has passed through the preamp.

EQ is MUCH more effective in the loop; I can't think of any damage that could occur...

Overdrive pedals are designed to OVERDRIVE the input of the amp.

Clean boost pedals actually work pretty well in the loop, as they boost the signal going into the power amp without adding the compression and gain that would occur if placed in front. Any gain-poducing pedal in front of the amp will eventually max out the input stage and only get more compressed and splattery.

Rock on!
Tubegear Junkie said:
Rocky said: is not a different subject. Amp makers sit slider EQs after the preamp and before the power amp....that is where the effects loop sits. It IS the same preamp. pre power amp. Regardless of how you want to word it EQ's work amazingly well in the position that would otherwise be called effects loop.

I understand that you dont want this to be true and want to split hairs to make it seem like you are correct but you are is are wrong. EQ after the preamp and before the power section is just as common, and has many advantages over, placing an EQ in front of the amp.

You insisting that the EQ isnt designed for being in b/w the amps is incorrect. Simple as that and that is all I am trying to get across to you.

go find an overdrive that is intended for use
in effects loop- it's all in how you set it up

no it isnt. Setting something up incorrectly or against intended use has NOTHING to do with design or intended use.

You're not following me.
You're very objective towards me for some reason. So your ears are shut when it comes to me. You follow me around posting provoking an argument with me- that's how it comes across.

As far as different subject- on other boards members have
stated that contacting a certain MFGs- that they did not
suggest running EQ's in the effects loops of their amps
and the member would ask other board members...why?
If I didn't agree with the EQ thing I wouldn't be running
mine that way and telling others that maybe the tech misunderstood,etc .
I guess I didn't make myself clear. I looked back at that thread
and I did run the two things together- my mistake.
As far as signal boost pedals- all I was saying is that
people are running them in the effects loop. Never say Never

Your relentless behavior towards me has made my visit on
this board very unpleasant.


Not to be condecending but your insitance that a distortion or overdrive pedal works well in the effects loop is just way off base. Distortion or overdrive pedals are designed to increase gain with the result of enhamced 2nd or 3rd order harmonics, the harmonics we find pleasant to the ear in distorted sound. Placing the pedal between the pre amp and the power amp removes any possability that the subtle changes in your pick attack will have an effect on the tone of the pedal.

And, pedals designed to be used with a guitar are generally pedals the require very small signal levels to operate properly within design parameters. effects loops are designed to accept a +4db signal, much higher than the output of your guitars pickups. The result is that although you may well be able to use the pedal in the effects loop you basically choke the amp by having to reduce the input to the pedal to a minute level.

I'll stand by rocky on this one. Having been a touring pro for over 40 years I've opened for more acts and played with more names than you may have gigs under your belt. I can honestly say I have never seen or heard of a pro putting an overdrive, boost or distortion pedal in the loop. I'll also say that most pro's don't use the effects loop anyway, but that's another discussion altogether. Use it if you want any way you like, that's your perogative, just don't try to fool yourself into thinking your doing the right thing or getting great tone.
Eq pedals can be in front of the amp or in the loop. Some will even use 2 EQs and do both simultaneously. Some fx are made for the loop ( delay/chorus/ modulation fx, etc). Sometimes you can get away with putting a modulation device like chorus in front of the amp. However, the one universal law of effects is that overdrives/distortion pedals go in front of the amp.

But hey, its your tone. If you like it go with it ( just dont send me clips! :lol: )

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