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  1. C

    Stiletto Deuce help, need more low end chunk and boom

    Unfortunately you may have purchased the wrong amp for the music you play but this may help (settings from Kirk Hammets stiletto - he owns many amps so no he is not a stilleto man now) Gain 2:30, Bass 5:00, Mid 11:30, Treble 10:00, Presence 9:00 and Master 11:30, tite gain. Now when I tried the...
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    Cool Discovery with Stiletto

    yup just like the classic marshalls it's wierd but I am almost covinvinced that the stilleto's act exactly like the classic marshalls just with channel switching and preamp options. It's cool when you learn how to use you're amp. I just came back from rehearsal and I brought my stiletto head our...
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    stiletto seris 2

    Actually thats great that they did that I love the sound of the Stilleto series 1 for old el-34 amp sound. In fact I am thinking about getting a seris two for variety reasons (of coarse if it sounds good and lives up to what was promised). When I first found out about the sereis two I was a...
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    Just picked up a Traditional 4x12 cab - HOLY COW!

    yeah I love the traditional 4X12's as well they seem to match every mesa head (ohh ****) perfectly. Mind you a cabinet has a different function for environment, if at home don't sell you're previose one (trust me you will regret it). :)
  5. C

    what exactly would a tube screamer do in front of my head

    Yes I am useing the Stiletto but I was thinking more in terms with using the TS-808 as a pick up booster. I find the solo funtion of the most mesa amps add volume but no sustain (or not as much) .Here's the deal I love the sound of my burstbucker pickups and I love the sound of my amp but when I...
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    what exactly would a tube screamer do in front of my head

    Any help would be appreciated on this one. 1 I don't like having too many effects cluttering my single, but does the tube screamer add a boost to the signal or does it act as most overdrive stompboxes do and alter you're sound completely. Im looking for an ocasional boost without affecting my...
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    Cool Discovery with Stiletto

    And how true I remember I had the privilage of useing a mark three at a rehersal spot my band was at and saw the base at 3 (not 3:00 oclock). And being the idiot I threw in marshall settings and wondered why I was getting a flubby tone. Turned it back and saw the true amp shine through. I guess...
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    Cool Discovery with Stiletto

    Actually the tite gain belive it or not and I posted the settings on the amp settings data base. FyI Gibson Sg Standard with burstbucker pro's
  9. C

    so who actually plays out?

    Reherasals man, I use the stiletto duece and always keep it on the 50 watt setting there is something magical about 50 watts clipping the power tubes. I find most club gigs ask you to turn down because of the P.A and the small area space. Gibson Sg Standard, Stiletto Duece, recto traditional...
  10. C

    Cool Discovery with Stiletto

    Well to everyone who found their Stilleto to bright and brittle as proven in other topics I cleary had the same problem. Well I finally found my sound. Because I used to own a tremoverb I always kept the treble at 1:00 Oclock and the base at 12 or 11 oclock. With the stilleto I lowered the...
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    I guess the whole krank phenominom is a kind of based in a marketing skeme. It's funny though a lot of guitar players here in toronto are dumping their dual recs and buying Kranks. I tried one out and I can honestly say it suits someone else not me but then again I don't play metalcore. On the...
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    what ever happened to the mark 5

    I don't know if this belongs in the modern amps forum or not but I was going through an old guitarist mag UK when Randall Smith was being interviewed on the F-Series and was asked about the mark 5 in which he replied that because the mark 4 was going strong he has postponed desingns. Now after...
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    stiletto seris 2

    actually the fulldrive pedal from fulltron is a great pedal for just adding gain without colour. Im a huge fan of roccaforte amps which are the perfect marshall (cheaper than bogner and sound way better). Anyways the roccaforte high gain 100 head was demoed with a fulldrive infront of it and...
  14. C

    preamp tubes in stiletto

    Oh definently the power tubes converting from 6l6's which have a deep bottom sound to el 34's which have a higher lower end. The e34ls is an el 34 but has a deeper bottom than normal. It's all personal though
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    preamp tubes in stiletto

    well to be honest mabey it's just me but tubes will not drastically alter an amps sound just a couple of changes you may notice. I used to own a tremoverb head that I retubed the front end with jj 12ax7s and I did notice that it smooths things out but also adds a darker character which I liked...
  16. C

    are mesa heads and marshall cabs a really bad combination

    In response to bobbypols question I don't have that flubby sound at all mabey the stilleto is a different beast or something else. Anyways I don't go for a full onslaught metal sound but I do play heavier music. With most mesa amps I find the more you crank the gain the more you loose...
  17. C

    are mesa heads and marshall cabs a really bad combination

    Hey thanks for all the replys and help. I think the problem was I didn't like the sound of the speakers at gigging levels. I know the stiletto has a brighter more trebly sound than other mesa amps but it was that sound that made me purchace the head in the first place. Anyway's I went down to a...
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    preamp tubes in stiletto

    well i just struck gold just off a whim I bought the groove tubes 12ax7 c's the chinese reissue (it gives awarmer sound and and cut's out some of the highs in the preamp). In the stiletto it actually sounds more warm while still retaining that the origanal high gain character at least to my...
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    are mesa heads and marshall cabs a really bad combination

    Ok I admit I have not had the chance to buy a mesa cab yet most of my mesa's I have owned I have paired with a marshall 1960 lead cab with what I believe are celestions gt 12 75 watt speakers. I notice that when I turn my amp up the sound of my mesa's get very brittle and especially on the...
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    preamp tubes in stiletto

    Hey it's me again. Over the weekend I replaced my front end of my stiletto with electro harmonix 12ax7's eh and boy did this screw up the sound it was very glassy and running the amp on channel two just gave me a high shrill sound that was horrible. Long story short went back to the messa...