what exactly would a tube screamer do in front of my head

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Jan 19, 2006
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Any help would be appreciated on this one. 1 I don't like having too many effects cluttering my single, but does the tube screamer add a boost to the signal or does it act as most overdrive stompboxes do and alter you're
sound completely. Im looking for an ocasional boost without affecting my sound used only for solo breaks in songs.
Im looking for an ocasional boost without affecting my sound used only for solo breaks in songs.

If that is what you want, then I'd suggest the Fulltone Fat Boost.

Wonderful boost pedal...can add a bit of grind if you want, but won't muck up your tone. GREAT clean boost.

Overdrives, distortions, or clean boosts don't work too well as volume boosts before an amp with multiple pre-amp gain stages! Unless I'm missing something here, why not engage the F/X Loop and use the Boost function? This is with a Stiletto, right?
Yes I am useing the Stiletto but I was thinking more in terms with using the TS-808 as a pick up booster. I find the solo funtion of the most mesa amps add volume but no sustain (or not as much) .Here's the deal I love the sound of my burstbucker pickups and I love the sound of my amp but when I do the ocasional fills I hold notes for a couple of bars and I find my sound dies off too quickly. I don't wan't to turn up the gain on my amp because other than what was just mentioned evrything else is perfect. I'm just wondering if the TS 808 will give me a little more sustain power during those cercumstances.
If you're any good with an iron, I'd reccommend building your own TS. Then you can mod it to your own sound.
Personally I think it's exactly what you are looking for. I have the same problem with my DR, lots of great gain but the notes aren't very connected.. they sound almost like they decay too fast. You can compensate by adjusting the EQ but then you lose the tone you want.

I run my tubescreamer in front of it, the standard ts9. Gives that nice little chug without coloring the tone. I run it at 9 oclock on the drive knob and 12 noon on the other two (tone, level).
Lespaulstandard said:
If you're any good with an iron, I'd reccommend building your own TS. Then you can mod it to your own sound.

And the result is something like this:




it works but it needs optimization, because I did this when I was bored and did not have everything correctly. Keep you informed when its ready
The tubescreamer will alter your tone, because it will add midrange as that is how it's voiced. Unless you get one that's modded to have less midrange, but it's still there I think. If you want to preserve the amp tone but add some sustain, then maybe a clean booster is what you want? I just got a Timmy overdrive made by Paul Cochrane. I read about it on thegearpage.net. He makes a Timmy, and a Tim. Both are mild OD/clean boost pedals. I find it to be very transparent. You could use it as a clean boost, or it has gain, treble, bass, and volume knobs to dial in. There are other really good clean boosters and stuff for what you want, but these are the only ones I've tried. I have a TS9 also that sounds great. But it does add it's midrange, and alter your tone a bit, but you may like it.
I have a ts 808 and a ts 9 clone (blues devil) which is a really good pedal. Yes they add sustain, and yes they colour the sound....some more then others. helps achive more grind as well.....but no substitute for baking tubes.
jbird said:
Overdrives, distortions, or clean boosts don't work too well as volume boosts before an amp with multiple pre-amp gain stages! Unless I'm missing something here, why not engage the F/X Loop and use the Boost function? This is with a Stiletto, right?
jbird, we're probably in the minority.

I bought MESA/Boogie amps to avoid using distortion stomp boxes. I was always pleased with MESA's channel switching from clean, or mild clean to full distortion, so I never considered distortion boxes.

But everyone has their way to achive their tone. Hope I don't get flame for being a non-stomp box guitarist.
RR, I have to agree with you. I bought my Road King for that exact reason...I don't need stomp box distortion/overdrives any more. I know many people still use them...and that may be good for them...but I found that if you need a little bit extra (which I haven't since getting Mesa) just punish the front end of your tube amp with a good clean boost. I like the Fulltone Fat Boost and the KeeleyKatana Boost. Both are great pedals...and the Keeley even gives you a second mode that adds a bit of grit...not really o/d or dist, but edge to your clean boost. It is awesome.

I think with a Stilletto's great sound, all you would need is a clean boost...if anything.

agreeing with RB^ here... if you need a pedal to add a little gain and sustain then an OD would be it, it will color the sound slightly... but thats what they are made to do. if ALL you need is a volume boost then go with a clean boost.
cpepper said:
.Here's the deal I love the sound of my burstbucker pickups and I love the sound of my amp but when I do the ocasional fills I hold notes for a couple of bars and I find my sound dies off too quickly. I don't wan't to turn up the gain on my amp because other than what was just mentioned evrything else is perfect. I'm just wondering if the TS 808 will give me a little more sustain power during those cercumstances.

Bro, I would without a doubt go with a compressor. Set it up and get familiar with it and you'll get what you've described. You can turn up the sustain and gain and you'll be set.

I'm rhythm and fills and use the comp exactly for that. I set it using single notes so that the comp has a good amount of sustain and then bring up the gain so it's a few db's over the non-comp signal.

The sustain does just what it sounds like. Then gain, what this will do is drive the pre-amp slightly, which is usually good to get you up on the mix, add a small dash more overdrive, which helps with tube compression/sustain, and combined with the comp's sustain you'll hold notes all day and it will sound just like your pups!
And of course, if you're gonna use a compressor....don't waste time on anything else....use what I, and so many FAR BETTER guitarists than me use...a Keeley Compressor. (Look at the cool pic of the Keely in my fx board in the Effects section) A drool-worthy pedal.


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