Cool Discovery with Stiletto

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Jan 19, 2006
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Well to everyone who found their Stilleto to bright and brittle as proven in other topics I cleary had the same problem. Well I finally found my sound.
Because I used to own a tremoverb I always kept the treble at 1:00 Oclock and the base at 12 or 11 oclock. With the stilleto I lowered the treble and presence to 10 oclock and cranked the bass to five and wow I found that Mesa/Marshall Plexi sound that was promised. especially if you lower the gain to 1:00 oclock and crank the output (if useing the loop). I can't desribe it but I feel that I just saved an extra $1500 and got that plexi sound on my mesa with the mesa girth still at hand. Anytway's I've literally been playing for 3 hours now and find it hard to stop.
Im assuming you are using one of the crunch channels? What guitar/pick ups do u use?
Actually the tite gain belive it or not and I posted the settings on the amp settings data base.

FyI Gibson Sg Standard with burstbucker pro's
another cool discovery is if your using the fx loop for the master vol or solo, use a patch cable and turn up the fx vol. This lends the amp to a more beefer sound...
cpepper said:
Well to everyone who found their Stilleto to bright and brittle as proven in other topics I cleary had the same problem. Well I finally found my sound.
Because I used to own a tremoverb I always kept the treble at 1:00 Oclock and the base at 12 or 11 oclock. With the stilleto I lowered the treble and presence to 10 oclock and cranked the bass to five and wow I found that Mesa/Marshall Plexi sound that was promised. especially if you lower the gain to 1:00 oclock and crank the output (if useing the loop). I can't desribe it but I feel that I just saved an extra $1500 and got that plexi sound on my mesa with the mesa girth still at hand. Anytway's I've literally been playing for 3 hours now and find it hard to stop.

Congrats! :)
It seems pretty common that people with multiple amps try to dial them like eachother without really thinking about it. I think a lot of people would be surprised if they just treat each amp as it's own animal and dial it in accordingly. I know for me, I was'nt used to seeing the knobs on mine set in places that I was'nt used to, because of being used to other amps. :)
And how true I remember I had the privilage of useing a mark three at a rehersal spot my band was at and saw the base at 3 (not 3:00 oclock).
And being the idiot I threw in marshall settings and wondered why I was getting a flubby tone. Turned it back and saw the true amp shine through.
I guess it is easy for us (especially boogie users to think that every amp from the same manufacturer works the same).
actually i felt bold today and cranked the **** out of my stiletto. WOW it really filled out...and the treble was no longer piercing... it became soo full and balanced...have you guys found this? it was at about 12 on the master and about 2 on the volume drive, and the patch cable affix to the fxloop with the fx dial raised up...
yup just like the classic marshalls it's wierd but I am almost covinvinced that the stilleto's act exactly like the classic marshalls just with channel switching and preamp options. It's cool when you learn how to use you're amp. I just came back from rehearsal and I brought my stiletto head our other guitar player used the stock equipement at the jam space a marshall
JCM 900 (I know it's a wierd comparison) but the stiletto dominated the JCM 900 (100 watts) in sound, volume and tone. It had balls, clarity and I use it at the 50 watt mode. Anyways the 900 sounded like highgain mush and no tone. Every note in every chord that was played on my Stilleto could be heard and you know what it still sounded heavy.
Sounds cool! Yep they definately sound good cranked, as do all tube amps I think. :wink:
Bobbypols said:
another cool discovery is if your using the fx loop for the master vol or solo, use a patch cable and turn up the fx vol. This lends the amp to a more beefer sound...

What do you mean? What are you doing with the patch cable?
GibsonV05 said:
Bobbypols said:
another cool discovery is if your using the fx loop for the master vol or solo, use a patch cable and turn up the fx vol. This lends the amp to a more beefer sound...

What do you mean? What are you doing with the patch cable?

Yeah, can you explain this? I'll try it tonight. Also, how did you find out you can do this and be sure it doesn't hurt the amp?


cpepper said:
Well to everyone who found their Stilleto to bright and brittle as proven in other topics I cleary had the same problem. Well I finally found my sound.
Because I used to own a tremoverb I always kept the treble at 1:00 Oclock and the base at 12 or 11 oclock. With the stilleto I lowered the treble and presence to 10 oclock and cranked the bass to five and wow I found that Mesa/Marshall Plexi sound that was promised. especially if you lower the gain to 1:00 oclock and crank the output (if useing the loop). I can't desribe it but I feel that I just saved an extra $1500 and got that plexi sound on my mesa with the mesa girth still at hand. Anytway's I've literally been playing for 3 hours now and find it hard to stop.

Sounds similar to my suggested settings here:

Definitely keep both treble and presence below 12 o'clock, especially if you're going to be playing at higher volumes. If you have a brighter cab than the Recto cab, back off both knobs a little more. Try to keep the mids above 12 o'clock to fill out the sound, but not so high that it starts sounding "boxy." V30's are great speakers, but if you're using more mid scooped speakers, you may have to bump the mids a little more. The bass varies to taste...I keep it around the 1 o'clock region with my EMG's and Recto 4X12...if I was using the oversized cab, it would be a little lower.

About the loop...if you're not using the loop, I'd suggest switching it out. That's typically how I have my Stiletto as well as my Recto unless I'm running some FX in it. It'll keep your signal path a little less cluttered and you'll have one less thing affecting your tone.

Just try the settings out with some sizable volume...I think you'll like them... 8)
I too keep my treble and presence down around 10:00-11:00 and the amp sounds freaking KILLER that way! It can sound REAL bad with those up higher.
I keep my presence at 9:00, and my treble at 11:00. It smooths out, and opens up nicely with some volume.

I keep it at 50 watts, also.

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