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  1. W

    Anyone got a Maverick combo or Tremoverb head for sale?

    There's one for sale near me in Santa Cruz (saw it recently on Craigslist). I don't know if he would ship it, but you could ask.
  2. W

    Speaker isolation boxes on stage????

    Wouldn't you be able to just use an attenuator to solve the volume issue?
  3. W

    Mesa sold at all GCs?

    I don't know about the guitar vs bass amp thing, but it makes sense that they could transfer their product from one store to another, so long as they didn't directly stock it. The GC in San Jose doesn't carry Mesa but the one in San Fran does. I'm in the middle so I just go to the one with Mesa...
  4. W

    Realistic hazards of using ungrounded/unconditioned power?

    Great info guys. I had never thought to pickup a voltage/ground tester. I had my main room in my house rewired with properly shielded and grounded power but in the front room, where I frequently play my, it's still the shitty hardware adapter thing that you screw on and *hope* the screw lead...
  5. W

    Schecter C1 Hellraiser FR

    Nice, I was gasing for one of those for a while too for no particular reason. Quilt top, abalone binding, 24 frets, FR trem decent construction -- you don't usually find all that for under 1k. I think it's a pretty good deal. I tried the exact model you have at GC. I was hoping to have a love...
  6. W

    Realistic hazards of using ungrounded/unconditioned power?

    I was reading through the Roadster manual and it occured to me that every manual for everything electronic I have since I can remember has always specified that you should use clean and well-grounded power. My question is, how bad is it if the power fluctuates and is poorly grounded? I would...
  7. W

    Proud Roadster Owner!

    About a month before mine shows up! ;)
  8. W

    Guitar Setup

    Don't laugh at this either, if it's the first time you heard of doing it. It sounds pretty ridiculous but it's actually what pro guitar techs use. Here's a reference (text search the page for "chapstick"):
  9. W

    New Guitar - opinion welcome

    I still rave about my Yamaha SA2200. It's a Gibson ES-335 clone and it's a **** good one. I like it a lot more than most of the 335s I've played. The real deals always seemed kind of hit or miss to me; some would leave me disappointed while others would be heavenly, but mine's just pretty good...
  10. W

    Amp hunting-- advice wanted

    Wow, that THD sounds pretty nice. I just read up on it a little bit. Only 46 pounds! It's hard to believe it really sounds as huge as the bigger 2x12 cabs. I'll definitely consider ordering one of those. I saw one on craigslist used recently too-- it's too bad I didn't realize what I was looking at.
  11. W

    Amp hunting-- advice wanted

    I ended up ordering a Roadster. :) The 30-60 day wait begins! Now I just have to decide what cabinet I want to use with this thing. I'm still pretty luctant to venture into the 4x12 world because I have a relatively small car and am a relatively small dude, but man is it tempting. It seems like...
  12. W

    Mesa rectoverb series1 or F50 combo???

    Maybe 100ms or so? I had one briefly and noticed the problem as well. If you can train yourself to change the channel just before the beat, it won't be as noticeable when you play straight through it, but it'd be nice if you could just hit the button on the beat. Edit: To clarify, I was talking...
  13. W

    Is there a boutique amp that sounds better than the LSC

    Heh, I saw you post this on craigslist. Me and a friend were admiring the nice flame on that cabinet. ;) (I'm in San Mateo)
  14. W

    SCAM on ebay fake on ebay !!!

    Couldn't read a word but I think I'm all right since I wouldn't have bought an amp from an ebay listing where I couldn't understand anything anyway.
  15. W

    Roadster 212 combo or roadster head

    This isn't really an answer to your question but I'm in the same boat and am inclined to get the head+2x12 cab since I won't really need people to help me carry them that way. People have said the Roadster combo is really heavy.
  16. W

    Amp hunting-- advice wanted

    Read every word. ;) Thanks again guys. I hadn't been thinking of the Tremoverbs, though I did hear good things about them while researching this stuff. There's a used one at a store around here for 1.4k right now (might be able to talk them down a bit), I might go check it out but it's a bit of...
  17. W

    Amp hunting-- advice wanted

    Well, I spent a few hours playing a Roadster and a Dual Rec at Guitar Center. I think the Roadster must have been messed up because I wasn't able to get it to get that really thick and creamy recto growl, whereas I had no prob dialing it on the Dual. I was definitely able to hear the sweet...
  18. W

    Amp hunting-- advice wanted

    cool, thanks for the input. Tomorrow is my shopping day so I was hoping to hear some more but I think I blabbed too much to get many bites. ;) The Dual Rec vs Roadster thread has been interesting enough to read though!
  19. W

    Amp hunting-- advice wanted

    This is the kinda stuff I was hoping to hear, thanks. I'll check out whatever I buy for these problems. Part of why my OP above seemed so confused is because I've read so many conflicting stories here and I'm not sure how to balance it all. The RoV foot switch issue I had was the weird swell...
  20. W

    Amp hunting-- advice wanted

    I spent the last 4 hours reading posts here and I think it's between the Roadster and the Mark IV now. :) So hard to decide this stuff! I'm going to Guitar Center this Friday and I'm hoping they will have a Mark IV. Somehow I doubt they will, considering the demand for them, but if they don't...