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  1. S

    Recto pre sound thin and weak

    And what about you have a big rig or you just put your both pieces alone in a SKB case? Maybe you posted it few months ago, sorry i don't remember. Here's another option i keep all my things and put it in 2 X 8U SKB, it would be easy to move and i could have an...
  2. S

    Recto pre sound thin and weak

    see the date...?i called several time (after each months) to italmelodie (montreal) i've been told they were waitting for pieces for the repair (under warranty)... after 3 months i came back there and tell them i wasn't satisfied and i want the recto pre back to send it directly to mesa boogie...
  3. S

    Does anyone have any experience with Mesa 2-Fifty power amp?

    That's what i always thought...i tried the 50/50 with the rect pre, it was too boomy but it should sound just o.k. (i would say awesome!) with the EL34.
  4. S

    Rectifier Recording Preamp : two questions !

    LOL! You're the lucky one! I don't need it but i noticed it was very cheap! :)
  5. S

    all DC clips in here got me by the heart...this my first reason why i decided to play guitar...bevause of that genius! Thanks for sharing this with us, great playing too. :wink: Edited: Am i dreaming...where those autographs are coming from on youtube? :shock:
  6. S

    Quick Video of my Mark IV slaving...

    Your head slaved in a stereo power amp? how did you do? There's only one slave out on the mark IV...right? and 2 input in the power amp...sound great though.
  7. S

    New pics

    my updated guitar...he he he:
  8. S

    Mod Studio Pre to have switchable efx loop?

    i was going to tell you go with the abcadabra but you need to control it with midi...(then i deleted my message) maybe a mod is possible but you're better with somekind of device you can buy...
  9. S

    Just missed a great deal

    i've lost one for 25$??!!!? on ebay because the refresh function didn't work well on my computer... that day i almost cry. Lets be patient for the next deal...
  10. S

    BOSS MT2 (metalzone) with recto?
  11. S

    A comparison - Triaxis / Quad

    That's all right i already got the 2:100 but my recto pre is in repair since about two months (they ordered pieces and received only half of it :( ) but i was looking for somekind of spare amp (maybe a mark series) or power amp for playing at low volume (with studio pre if i could get a good...
  12. S

    A comparison - Triaxis / Quad

    That's all right i already got the 2:100 but my recto pre is in repair since about two months (they ordered pieces and received only half of it :( ) but i was looking for somekind of spare amp (maybe a mark series) or power amp for playing at low volume (with studio pre if i could get a good...
  13. S

    A comparison - Triaxis / Quad

    Yeah but which one got the best natural midrange sound? IMHO the 20/20 is best one a ever heard for lead sound and clean (not at high volume though).
  14. S

    post your mark iii clips

    Sounds very good, very professionnal, nice. When i'm listening to the radio sometime i think it's forbidden to be a good musician and do popular music at the same time!???!...i would prefer to hear music like yours on the radio, seriously. :wink: Edited: the voice (especially on steel and...
  15. S

    Mark IIC+ Clips website

    That guy is going to increase the price for sure! Thanks for the clips!
  16. S

    2ch Dual Recto/Blackface

    **** meeee! I liked the intro contrast and i wasn't suprisied when i saw the LSD-studio name(nice name)...what i like from that kind of music is you can hear the answer even before the people start to criticize it! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Metal is powerful and always will! Edited: oh...
  17. S

    noise gate in fx loop

    Right man! of course that's where it goes!
  18. S

    Recto 2:100 Power amp trouble. One side louder.

    Good so no prob.
  19. S

    Recto 2:100 Power amp trouble. One side louder.

    If you really wanna compare each side, it's the way matched the tubes at their best: on opposite side(as written on the new mesa tubes boxes: one color on the exterior and another in the interior).