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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
Antwerp, Belgium
everybody that owns a DC, record it and post your clips in here :)

i'll try to do it as soon as i got the time to record some
This is my cover of Jimi Hendrix's "The Wind Cries Mary". Once you are there, click on "more from this user" to here many other tunes featuring my DC-5 and Mesa Recto Slant (oversized w/ V30's)...

Thanks and enjoy!
motorpsych0 said:
This is my cover of Jimi Hendrix's "The Wind Cries Mary". Once you are there, click on "more from this user" to here many other tunes featuring my DC-5 and Mesa Recto Slant (oversized w/ V30's)...

Thanks and enjoy! got me by the heart...this my first reason why i decided to play guitar...bevause of that genius! Thanks for sharing this with us, great playing too. :wink:

Edited: Am i dreaming...where those autographs are coming from on youtube? :shock:
wind cries mary is wonderfull, mind sharing the settings? :)

i never thought that my dc could sound so clear :eek: (i always use emg's pickups and if i want clean, i have to turn the gain on the rythm channel to about 0,5)
Here are my amp settings for the YouTube video (The Wind Cries Mary):

I used the rhythm channel with the EQ knob set to "RHY". The Gain is set at 3 (not pulled), Master at 2.5 and Output Level set to 2.5. The EQ is set to a shallow VEE (80hz@9, [email protected], 750@5, [email protected], 6600@10), where 1 is the bottom and 10 is the top. My Strat is set to the neck pickup, with the volume and tone knobs set to 10. It's important to note that I am using all Mesa branded 12AX7's in the preamp, and Mesa 6L6GC 440's in the power section. Note: I tried a set of GrooveTubes (GT6L6CHP, 7 rating), but they broke up WAY to early compared to the stock power tubes. In fact, it was very hard to get a clean tone out of the rhythm channel with the GT's installed. The stock tubes went back in so fast it would make your head spin. Another note: I could not get the bass I wanted out the rhythm channel unless I used the EQ.

These settings really make the Recto Slant 4x12 really sing...smooth as silk!
I forgot to mention that I have Custom Shop '54 pups installed in my Stratocaster. The guitar electronics are all stock, and I am plugged directly into the input (no effects boxes).

bentium, thanks again for the nice comments!

I am working on "Axis:Bold As Love" right now. It may take a while to get this one laid out note for note :wink:
Here is another video/sound clip of my DC-5 clean channel. I am using the neck/middle (out of phase) pickup setting on my Stratocaster.

"Wait 'till Tomorrow" - Jimi Hendrix cover:

soundpurist asked:

Am i dreaming...where those autographs are coming from on youtube?

Answer: I found the autographs image using Google Image search, and just linked the image to my YouTube page background. I think it is from an "autographs for sale" website.

This is a little "rough around the edges", but here is a sound clip/video of my DC-5. I start on the clean channel, the add two effects boxes (Fulltone OctaFuzz and Fulltone OCD) for the lead. HELP! I need a better fade-out! Any ideas are appreciated!

"Axis: Bold as Love" cover -


With my Strat set to the middle pickup, and the DC-5's pull switch engaged on the clean channel, I was able to duplicate Jimi's tone on the studio version of "Beginnings" (aka "Jam Back at the House"). Also, I have the reverb set to 10.

Give it a listen (or watch). :D

nitrobattery. hey man. How did you record that DC-5 clip and did you have an overdrive/dist/etc pedal hooked up?

I made the video using a little Sony DSC-W55 pocket camera (~$179).

My USA Stratocaster is plugged directly into the DC-5's clean channel, and I am using the middle pickup. The gain knob on the amp is in the "push" position, and set to only 4. This gave me just the right amount of crunch. For this video, I have a Alesis NanoVerb digital processor connected to the effects loop on the back of the DC-5. The loop mix knob is set to 7. The Nanoverb unit is set to the "chorus" position, which sounded better to me than the "delay" position. The knobs on the NanoVerb (Input, Mix, Output) are all in the 2 o'clock position. The cool thing is, the NanoVerb degrades the signal enough to make it sound sort of "junky", which is how I interpret Jimi's tone on the studio version of Beginnings.

Thanks for the inquiry! I could chat about this **** all day long!

Peace. motorpsych0
I'm back again!

I told myself I would never cover "Purple Haze", but the I realized that it is inevitable!

I am using the lead channel here, with the gain set to 11. I also use two effects boxes (Fulltone OctaFuzz and Fulltone OCD) at different times.

"Purple Haze"

Back again, folks!

I conjure up some Fender tones from my DC-5.

John Mayer Trio's "Who Did You Think I Was":

Thanks for watching (and listening)!

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