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  1. S

    Mark 2B 60w, custom strat (highway star cover)

    Did you think about a Q-filter? With this you could nail the single coil sound easily with your humbucker...that's what i got on my guitar.
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    C90's vs. V30's - which speakers are for me?

    I spoke with a tech at mesa boogie for swapping the speakers but he suggest me the cross configuration with both V30 and C90 (that's all they got). I'm tempted with Eminence G1258: For heavy...
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    closed cab v.s. open or 1/2 open cab

    Did you think about to sell it and just buy a roadking cab? Just an idea...
  4. S

    2x12 setup and impedence questions

    Yes, and don't you ever run 8ohms speakers in parallel in a 8ohms output. Keep it in the 4 ohms output. Matched output R(or less)= (R1*R2) / (R1+R2)
  5. S

    Dual Rectifier Rackmount question

    I heard that the roadster sound close to the old version of dual but not the same. Yes if you got a <#500 it supposed to sound a little better (than other 2 ch.) but it's not so oblivious. I'm not the best person for giving advise on this... ... yes i already tried the roadster head...
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    Dual Rectifier Rackmount question

    I meant #500pre production(serial number). The racktifier should be great for your needs then.
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    SloCLO 50w and Mesa Dual Samples in here...

    The solo sound good as hell! 2 channels dual you said? Really nice, it blew me away :!:
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    Dual Rectifier Rackmount question

    Sounds good man, i just heard that the racktifier sounds like the two channels head. I personally never heard but i think you can't go wrong with the racktifier. What about one of the pre 500 2 channels head?
  9. S

    Recto pre/2:100 anyone?

    Cool! Then you should have very good result with the G-force between the preamp and the 2:100 while you leave headroom for being able to use the solo(perhaps since you switch off effects with the rhythm, you're maybe better to add somekind of router for a true bypass). I guess you know that the...
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    musicans using rectifiers in studio

    See all the artists!
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    Recto pre/2:100 anyone?

    One thing for sure i does sound exactly like the head. First you should try that setting in the store if it's possible. If you cannot try go and listen to the "samhill"'s clips,(Mark use a line mixer for the effects, that's why it sound so good) I would say...
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    Post your Rig!

    ****! Man... :shock: :shock: :shock: I was looking for a RC booster and you got all of them! ...even the furman, nice! I just received a refurbished(great deal at 236$!) AR-1215 today! :)
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    Who is your Fav. mesa player/endorsee?

    Never heard about that but check this out at end of EQUIPMENT section, they're telling that the krank amps he use to play with were tube amps...interesting. I never thought about to look on wikipedia before today, there's too many good info there on everything you wanna know...
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    Who is your Fav. mesa player/endorsee?

    That's why i was wondering why his name was there...for EVH can't tell, eddie tried a multitude of things. But Dimebag (one of the greatest guitarists ever, RIP) especially preferered distortion from transistor amp for sure. For my part the first who made me want to buy a mesa is James...
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    Dream theater's new video in studio

    Maybe you guys knew about it... :roll: ...maybe not.
  16. S

    Greetings Boogie Board.

    Thanks to remind me, i just noticed how much posts i got today... :roll:'s not important...
  17. S

    Greetings Boogie Board.

    Hey brother! Happy you got the recto pre/2:100 like me! Nice rig. I know what i'm talking about, before now i just played 4hours non-stop and it seems like 50minutes! I always skip my meals during the day cause i loose the notion of time... 8) BTW welcome on the forum. :)
  18. S

    Wet/Dry Config

    What about basson cabs are they less expensive than mesa boogie and better for the sound? I need 2 cab for a wet/dry/wet rig. I just ordered a carvin DCM600! :) BTW what are the speakers inside those cabs?