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  1. L

    Using 2:90 without using a Triaxis.

    I picked up a project box, 3 mini DPDT on/off switches, and 3 1/4" jacks from Radio Shack and made a switcher box for my 2:90. I use it when I am setting up sounds so I don't have to go thru all the options on the Triaxis. This way I can set what I like and then program it once I decide what...
  2. L

    Retubing a TriAxis a 2:90

    It's time to retube. Suggestions? I have a Triaxis, 2:90 and 2 Thiele (90 watt and 200 watt) cabinets. I'm looking to get a Petrucci clean and rhythm tone and a Steve Morse lead tone. But I also want the Lead 1 channels to be flexible and have a more modern high gain tone. Is this...
  3. L

    My 2:90 just died can anyone please help????

    I bet it's a fuse. It is that time of year, assuming you live in an area that you have already turned your heat on. This happens to me every year in the fall adn winter. I turn the heat on, the air gets dry, static electricity builds up, and I blow fuses in my 2:90. I invested in a...
  4. L

    What Rack FX processors do you guys use?

    This is what I am currently using ... Rocktron Intellifex Rocktron Replifex Rocktron Intellipitch TC G-Force
  5. L


    I'm considering using Amplitube 2 and Amplitube Metal live on a MAC laptop. I'm currently using a Triaxis, 2:90 and 3 Rocktron processors. I was thinking about running Amplitube on the MAC. Using a DigiDesign USB to Audio and MIDI interface and then running it to the 2:90 with my 2 1x12...
  6. L

    Organizing G-Major User Presets

    Sure I'll send it to you later. I'm at work right now and that file is on my home PC. I'll send it tonight. I don't have one created specifically for the G-Major yet. The spreadsheet I'm talking about is for my Rocktron processors and Rocktron All Access MIDI Controller. The effects and...
  7. L

    Organizing G-Major User Presets

    Here is an old post about this topic ... Looks like the posting stopped May 07, but maybe you can contact the developer and have a go at getting this thing up and running for us to share files Good luck! As...
  8. L

    G-System Help

    Sounds like the Insert Loop is not engaged. I had this unit for a while but sold it for various reasons. I ended up getting a TC G-Force and I'm in the process of setting it up wth my rack system. Make sure the Insert Loop is engaged on the G-System. It happened to me the first time I...
  9. L

    Adding Effects...Processor vs. Pedals?

    I use a combination of rack effects and pedals. I love the way phaser and flanger sound before the amp, so I use an MXR Phaser and MXR Flanger there. My Digitech Whammy pedal is also before the amp. IMO it just sounds better there. I will be getting a GCX Audio Switcher soon to simplifiy...
  10. L

    G major. Which midipedal ?

    I would suggest either the Rocktron MidiMate or the Rocktron All Access. I've been using the All Access for 12yrs. Four different bands, hundreds of gigs, same unit, no issues ever. I've used it to control preamps, effects procesors, synths, drum machines, DAW's, you name it. Best midi...
  11. L

    patch cables for pedal board

    I've been using Planet Wave cables for almost 2yrs with no problems. I gig regulaly and went on a 2 week tour so they really do get used alot. As far as the previous post, I don't see how they can be stripping unless you tightened them too much or keep reusing the ends. Make the cable, tie it...
  12. L

    Mesa Tubes

    They are the more expensive Meas 12AX7's. You can use them in different positions (V1 - V5) to alter the tone. Not as much as using different manufacturers, but there can be a slight difference. I think I use them in V1 and V2.
  13. L

    What preamps are you guys using........

    Preamp: Triaxis Power Amp: Simul Class 2:90 Cabinets: 90watt Thiele and 200watt Thiele Effects: Intellifex, Intellipitch, and Replifex. Other: HUSH IICX Midi Controller: All Access Triaxis --> 2:90 --> Thiele Cabinets Triaxis FX Loop: [FX Send] --> HUSH IICX --> Intellipitch -->...
  14. L

    HELP! I read too much. Triaxis Tubes?

    I want to get new tubes for my Triaxis. So like a good Mesa user, I read through the forums on Boogie Boards, did some alternate google searches, talk to friends (other Mesa users), and talk to people at the local Guitar Center. Problem: Now I'm confused. :shock: I'm going to list stuff...