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  1. L

    Are there any weird problems with getting the foot switch

    I absolute quote cleaner is one of the best things to keep jacks and plugs in good shape. Anyway, that's not enough in my be honest I don't even know if that's really a "problem" goin' on with my footswitch, but I still hear that sort of gap when I switch channels. I...
  2. L

    Preference? - open back cab or closed for Lonestar head?

    I tried both configurations and I like closed back a lot more. When I bought my Stiletto 2x12'' cab along with the LSC head, since I had always used open back amps before, I built myself an open back panel to replace the closed one on the cab. I played it for a few times (a couple of months more...
  3. L

    Lonestar Classic tubes advice

    Anyone tried this Lonestar tube set by Captain Bob's Electronic Emporium?
  4. L

    Are there any weird problems with getting the foot switch

    Cannot really help on this, since I'm getting a weird thing with channel selecting on my LSC head's footswitch too; it's not "intermittant" like Dr. Tweedbucket, but it doesn't switch between channels flawlessly: it always works but when I push the switch the sound doesn't come out immediately...
  5. L

    Lonestar Classic tubes advice

    ...yeah, got it...besides it's pretty funny since I used a Laney before Lonestar too!!! lol :mrgreen: I'm more into modern-sounding tones, but that's not really a big deal considering that I use my LSC mostly as a 1 ch amp for my pedalboard. Yeah, absoultely...actually, I already did some...
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    Lonestar Classic tubes advice

    Thanks for your reply Andy! :wink: I was wondering, how d'you find these Harma tubes? I mean, I've never heard of them before checking Watfordvalves; besides I've always been a little skeptical about these all-in-one kits: they're a great ready replacement for sure, but to me it feels like...
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    Lonestar Classic tubes advice

    ...apart from Watford valves (and Eurotube), d'you guys have some other advices for a LSC retube? What d'you think about the ones I posted in the 1st message?
  8. L

    Lonestars need pedal boards, let's see em!

    Great stuff here!!! :wink: This is what I use with my LSC head+cab: Following the signal path: Fulltone Clyde Standard Wah Masotti Black Box buffer Sonic Research Turbo Tuner ST-200 Fulltone Fat-Boost 3 Xotic AC Booster Fulltone OCD v3 Retro-Sonic Phaser Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man...
  9. L

    Lonestar Classic tubes advice

    ...thanks man, I'll check out Watfordvalves for sure. What is your doubt about your standard kit compared to classic? I'm looking for an improvement in CH1 fatness and headroom and I'd be even happier if I could make my CH2 a little less harsh on the top end and muddy on the mid-low freq, to...
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    Lonestar Classic tubes advice

    Hi man, no I'm from Italy. I was wondering about those WatfordValves does it work? I also checked Eurotubes kits, but I'm not a big fan of JJs, so I'd prefer something else. Thanks for help! :wink:
  11. L

    Lonestar Classic tubes advice

    Hi all! :wink: I'm thinking about changing my Lonestar Classic head tubes in order to achieve a better sound for my tastes and needs. First of all, I use my amp mostly as a 50w (both channels) mono-channel base for effects and in particular CH1 with a "breakup clean" setting that I push with...
  12. L

    Closing Up a Lonestar Cabinet

    I used my LSC head with an open-back Stiletto cab for awhile, but I ended up putting back its original panel to make it closed-back...sounded better to my ears, more powerful and tight. Hope it can help! :wink:
  13. L

    LSC With Closed Back Recto 2x12

    I cannot really compare the two options, but I have an LSC head running with a 2x12 Stiletto closed-back cab with V30s and it sounds amazing. I guess that it's a little more dark-sounding configuration but cleans are still there and you can also push your amp further into a less "classic"...
  14. L

    Lonestar Friends... Do I see a Roadster in my Future?

    ...neither do I...we play mostly rock/alt. rock with a great spectrum of inluences, from "classic" rock to grunge/post-grunge, but sometimes I need to push my sound to cover heavier tones. Anyway, RKII seems like a great choice for this kind of needs...hope I can try it soon! :wink:
  15. L

    Lonestar Friends... Do I see a Roadster in my Future?

    Yeah, that's the point...there aren't so many choices when you look for these characteristics. I heard good things about the Fender Super-Sonic but I guess it would be pretty strange to play metal with a Fender amp! ehehe :lol: Road King II is a good attempt in that direction imho: great...
  16. L

    Lonestar Friends... Do I see a Roadster in my Future? prob man...always great to share experience! :wink: I have an OCD too paired with a Xotic BB Preamp and I'm about to add a Fulltone Fat-Boost 3 to achieve even more tones on my clean channel. Anyway I mostly feel the same, just like I'm using the LSC as a single channel and that's...
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    Lonestar Friends... Do I see a Roadster in my Future?

    Hi Kiteboarder, I have more or less the same needs for what I play, so that's a pretty interesting discussion. In my search I've realized that if you play a particular music genre, there's almost no problem choosing your amp: if you play Metal then you have your amp, if you play Blues there are...
  18. L

    Tone Confusion and Frustration

    Yeah, I think this is a pretty common problem and it's all about how different environmental situations affect sound waves coming from audio sources (your amp in this case). I think the best way to deal with this is to find and set your sound at a stable and usable volume (for example, the one...
  19. L

    Lonestar Users; should I be one?

    Well, considering your current rig I think that a Lonestar Classic would be a less "drastic" change compared to the Special, which is more vintage-oriented amp. I play a Lonestar Classic Head + a 2x12 Stiletto cab and I couldn't be happier! You can get a lot of sounds out of this amp, and if...
  20. L

    Whats your favorite pedal with the Lonestar?

    ...BB Preamp + OCD v3 for me and someday I'll add the RC Booster...Xotic pedals are great with LSC!!!