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  1. C

    2:90 and two 1x12 cabs governor 75w/8ohm loaded : help !

    Thanks for answering guys, I don't plan to play loud with those speakers, I usually mike my cabs so I prefer wise volume. So I just have to plug my two 8ohm cabs into the two 8ohms output, and never crank volume pot, that's right?! I'm really looking forward to try this amp, bacause I was a...
  2. C

    2:90 and two 1x12 cabs governor 75w/8ohm loaded : help !

    Do you think my pair of 1x12 Governor 75w/8ohm loaded will fit my 2:90 i'm waiting for (arriving soon) I'm afraid of burning the output transformer if the load is not strong enough... Regards Chris
  3. C

    triaxis vs recifier recording preamp

    If you want the recto sound, buy a recto head ! the recto pre is far from the head sound (I've A/B tested my former recto pre with a single recto head series 2) and the pre is less fat, less grindy. I haven't tried with matching mesa 2:100, maybe both can do the job. One thing sure, the recto...
  4. C

    Question about Earlier Dual rectos or Racktifier fx loop

    Hi, I noticed that there's only a send level pot on the earlier duals and racktifier fx loop. is it a serial loop? is the whole signal geting out by the send jack and can be reinjected in the return? Thanks for replys regards Chris
  5. C

    Road king and g major

    you can switch 3 ch with the G major : 1-relay1 off and relay 2 off : set RK to channel 1 (by default) 2 - Relay 1 on - 2 off : chan 2 or else 3 - relay 1 off - 2 on : chan 3 or else It works with the 3ch dual recto too regards, Chris
  6. C

    Trading my Roadster in for a Roadking ..

    RKI 2004, and the amazing thing is that I bought it in usa, I had the transformer changed for a 220v but I still have the original 110v! ! !
  7. C

    Roadster Head????????

    how about the weight ? (please in kilogrammes... ;-) )
  8. C

    Trading my Roadster in for a Roadking ..

    I would swap my roadking without any $$$ but I'm in France ;-)
  9. C

    Is there bleeding on 2ch Dual rectifier fx loop?

    the other fact is that I use a CAE 3+ preamp too so I need to get the whole signal from the head, it goes thru a looper that choses which signal from the preamp or the head that will go to my line mixer that feeds the effects racks. and the fx line mixer out should return to the rectifier power...
  10. C

    Is there bleeding on 2ch Dual rectifier fx loop?

    Hi there, I'd like to know if there is bleeding on the 2 ch fx loop. I mean when loop mix is at 100%, and then you put a vol pedal in the loop, when the pedal is off, do you still hear a amound of sound like the 3ch dual rectos? regards, Chris
  11. C

    New Roadster - first impressions

    I found the roadster ugly, I would have enjoyed a standard recto diamond plate instead of this wood/black diamond face.