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  1. C

    Mark III C30 mod

    Use the "Search" and ye shall find... try page 3, but read it all As for the mini-toggle, I have a IIC(+) and it has a cap equivalent to the C30 cap on the...
  2. C

    Mesa Mark iii+ questions

    If you're buying caps...I'd suggest that you buy a 500 pF and a 1000 pF. The 1000pF makes it like a IIC+, but the 500pF makes it like a Mark IV. In my Mark IIC -> IIC+, I think that I like the 500pF best. Just a suggestion. Chip
  3. C

    Petrucci-ites, confirm or deny this pic

    If he was using Dual Rec's on Six Degrees, my dying question is what amp did he use for the euphoric opening riff of About to Crash (Reprise)!?! Harmonically explosive! I've never been able to get it to sound right when I play it. I figured it was just my fingers. If it is from a Dual Rec, I...
  4. C

    Petrucci-ites, confirm or deny this pic

    ...and I didn't know that Petrucci was using a Dual Rec that early. I thought that it came in much later with Train of Thought. What songs did he use it on for Scenes from a Memory and Six Degrees? Thanks, Chip
  5. C

    Petrucci-ites, confirm or deny this pic

    What's that skinny Mesa Boogie rack piece that is tucked below the TriAxis and above the Mark IV head? Chip
  6. C

    My Own Little Amp Fest Comparison(Recto/MarkV/5150/JCM800KK)

    I actually thought that the marshall sounded the best of the lot. Excellent bite. No splat on the chugga-chuggas. As soon as the Marshall clip started, I forgot that I was supposed to be listening for tone and I just started kickin' back to the metal. That's the way it's supposed to be. Chip
  7. C

    How to make the Lead Channel of a IIC+ Brighter?

    Hi George, If the de-mod is simply removing the 1000pF cap, you should be aware that you can put it on a switch. I put the switch in place of the slave-out jack on the back of the amp (a fully-reversible thing to do). Now, I can use the stock 1000pF cap or some other value (in my case 300...
  8. C

    Mark 2C catalogue

    Notice that the pic of the head on the half-stack has the silver tipped knobs. All the rest have black knobs per the standard IIC dress. Were there any IIC's that had silver knobs? Didn't silver knobs end with the IIB? Chip
  9. C

    Mark 2C catalogue

    If I may offer a small correction, the IIC+ effects loop comes after the first V2 stage and not the V1 stages. And actually, on my amp, the "first" V2 stage is actually V2B (meaning pins 6, 7, 8), not V2A as shown in the schematics on the web. Furthermore, the IIC+ effects loop (I believe)...
  10. C

    Mark 2C catalogue

    Zooming in close, the circuit block diagram at the bottom of Page 2 is for the IIC+ and not the IIC. Yet, this brochure clearly title "IIC". Now I'm no expert in Mesa Boogie product literature, but I've never seen any Mesa material that makes a distinction between the IIC+ and the IIC. Sure...
  11. C

    Delay for IIC

    Yeah, here's the guy who made an effects loop out of his pre-amp "send" and "return" that's hidden on the underside of the chassis... He had a special buffer circuit made, which is what he's showing pictures of. It's not a great thread for...
  12. C

    Mark IIC+ pull deep question.

    Or, if you've got a common Graphic Eq Pedal like the Boss GE-7, you could try something like... 100Hz: +5.5 dB (ie. up to the first of its three tick marks) 200Hz: +4 dB (up to just shy of the first tick mark) 400Hz: +2 dB (just above the center) 800Hz and Above: Zero. Chip
  13. C

    Delay for IIC

    I had a IIC (now IIC+). Time delay effects work fine with the IIC until you kick into the lead channel. Then, it destroys everything. Its exactly like running your delay pedal IN FRONT of your distortion pedal. Sounds fine when playing clean...sound NASTY once you kick in the distortion...
  14. C

    Mark IIC+ pull deep question.

    As BB said, the "Pull Deep" affects the frequency response of one of the tube stages in the preamp. For the IIC+, it affects the response of the tube stage that is right after the effects loop before the signal heads off to the GEQ and the power amp. Here's the change in frequency response of...
  15. C

    A major breahtrough with opening up my MKIV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your children are circled about the fire...tell us a story, oh wise one...tell us a story of heroes and legends and tone of the gods... Chip
  16. C

    A major breahtrough with opening up my MKIV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OK, BB, if you had to give up your boogie(s) or your Soldano...which would go and which would stay? Chip
  17. C

    Mark I on Ebay...RCS initials...Fender Xformer!

    Wow, I hadn't noticed that they only used 2 of the 4 screws to hold it in place. Yikes! Chip
  18. C

    Mark I on Ebay...RCS initials...Fender Xformer!

    OT replacement is a pretty big deal. That could have a pretty decent impact on the sound/feel of the amp. Chip
  19. C

    Mark I on Ebay...RCS initials...Fender Xformer!

    Hi All, With the two old articles posted recently about Randall Smith and about the factory, it put me in a mind to go look up what is happening price-wise for those old Mark I's. Well, here's one on eBay...
  20. C

    Homebrew Mesa?

    Since the Mark series started as a deviation on the blackface-era Fenders, I modded by Fender Deluxe Reverb Re-issue to include the Mark IIC+ / Mark IV lead circuit. Let me tell you, the sound and feel of the overdrive is nothing like my Mark IIC+. Based on this experience, I believe that the...