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  1. S

    Mark V owners: Does your mark V have this inscription?

    I'll have to double check on mine, I have SN#00042. I don't recall seeing it though.
  2. S

    Mark V combo dimensions? Best fitting ext. cab??

    Ah, didn't notice at first you were talking about the combo. OOPS :roll: I was referring to the head. I'm sure some folks will chime in, sorry about that!
  3. S

    Well, I got rid of my mark IV

    Awesome, Les Paul's sound terrific through the Mark V! I just bought my first USA Les Paul, I immediately questioned what the heck took so long right after!
  4. S

    Mark V combo dimensions? Best fitting ext. cab??

    It is about the very same width as a Vertical Recto cab, mine sits on top perfectly with no overhang. I also use an Orange PPC212, which is considerably wider than the Mark V, but it looks awesome sitting atop that bad boy! I like the bass response of the Orange a little better, but the Mesa is...
  5. S

    Early serial numbered Mark V Issues - faceplates, noise, etc

    I have SN#0042, only issue I have is I can't stop playing through it due to it's high level of awesomeness! Seriously, no issues at all!
  6. S

    mark V 412 speaker choices

    I'm with Barry, I like mine too. They really don't "get going" until nicely broken in.
  7. S

    How do v30s sound in a V?

    I have a vertical 2x12 Recto cab with V30's and an Orange 2x12 closed back cab with V30's. I love the Recto cab for sure, but I REALLY love the Orange cab. The Orange cab just seems to supply more of that low end growl that I love. I run them both simultaneously and it sounds awesome to my ears...
  8. S

    Fender American Strat through the mark V

    Just got a new American Deluxe a couple of months back. LOVE it through the Mark V, especially in Ch.2 MK 1.
  9. S

    Recto 2x12 vs the classic Boogie "Mini-Stack"

    If you go with a Recto, I recommend the horizontal. I have a vertical, and it's great, but the horizontals seem to have a little more low end. Not sure if you are interested in a mismatch or not, but I totally LOVE my Orange PPC212 with my Mark V. Perfect cab for me, great highs, and tremendous...
  10. S

    Roadster or Mark V

    Mark V all the way!
  11. S

    a`m lost¡¡¡

    ^^^What He Said^^^
  12. S

    Pedals - opinions & suggestions

    I use a rack setup now, but the Carbon Copy was fantastic with the Mark V. As good as it was, the TC Nova Delay was even better yet! Yes, they are pricey, but they just have a ton of options and are worth every extra penny you spend. You can store up to 9 presets, which is just terrific if you...
  13. S

    I ordered a Mark V!!!

    Congrats! I've had my Mark V for good long time now(SN#00042) and I still love it as much as the day I first turned it on. Tonal bliss my man! :D
  14. S

    Favorite guitar / pickup?

    Main axe is the PRS Custom 24, stock with HFS/Vintage pickups. Really would like to hear the Dragon II pickups with the Mark V, but modding a PRS is a big no no for me. Strat with SCN Noiseless pickups is great too.
  15. S

    My Mark V has me seriously considering selling my Fuchs ODS

    Keep them both, nothing is worse than regret!
  16. S

    Brand new Mark V and a question

  17. S

    Extreme vs. IV mode, besides volume boost what.....

    Agreed. I just haven't hit it off with IIc+ or Extreme yet. I say yet because I experiment allot in hopes that I may find the sweet spot on these voices.
  18. S

    Chassis Vibration 5:50 2x12

    Exact same thing happened to me when I had my 5:50 1x12.
  19. S

    This is why I chose the Mark V over any other amp.

    Nice job yet again! :D
  20. S

    What Cab should I get to compliment the Mark V?

    Ditto with me. I just got my vertical 2x12 a few days ago and it sounds really great to me. Only thing I've heard close in my experience was my buddy's Orange 2x12.