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  1. O

    Stiletto Duece and Marshall 1960a slant cab???

    I've had my deuce for a while now and the best cab I've found for it was the recto traditional cabs. I had a celestion Messiah Series cab for a while and that was fine and the 1960a tried were fine too. Then when I was looking to upgrade, I was tossing up between an orange and the mesa. It was...
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    G-Force Tones

    Hey, I'm having a bit of trouble programming some effects onto the G-Force. I find the presets very cheezy. Does anyone know of any sites that have some settings that I could use as a starting point? Cheers Love Owen
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    Zuzz Factory in the Stiletto fx loop

    I use a stilletto and my sounds are quite bright and I don't really use a clean channel, it's more on the verge of break up using the ch1 crunch at a really low gain. I love the intense fuzz sound of the Zvex FF but it only really sounds good on a clean channel (preferably fat clean). If I run...
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    recommend a boost for stiletto duece

    I love the BYOC 808. I've never a/b it with an original so I can't comment there, but the sound itself is great. And if you want more gain or bass you just use the mods provided with the kit. If you're handy with a soldering iron, I would highly recomend it. And if not, you could probably build...
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    Stiletto, 4x12 and the presence knob

    I got myself a Recto traditional cab not long ago to use with my Stiletto and I know what you mean about 'a new amp'. I've never been more in love with that stiletto. I had to borrow marshal 1960 cab at a gig last weekend to cut down on change over time and it was aweful. Never again, it's the...
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    recommend a boost for stiletto duece

    I used to use a BYOC 808 clone for a boost, but I found the drop in the bass annoying. Now I use the AC booster. I have the gain on about 0.5. I run: ch1 on the crunch setting so it's pretty much clean but I can rip into the strings more for more break up. ch2 tite gain, gain about 5. It sounds...
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    G-major Freezing

    I've heard a lot of people having that problem. A possible solution:
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    G-Major freezes up

    Though I've not tried it myself, I did see a few posts on the TC board that claimed that the freezing was caused by one of the chips coming loose or one of the connectors and that if you open up the unit and push it in it will work as normal. There were a bunch of people that responded saying...
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    How Many of You Play Solos?

    My main sound is the tite gain setting (gain about 12 o'clock) on the stiletto. For leads I kick in the ac boost (gain all the way down, bass a bit past half way) and a short 250ms slap back analogue delay sound. But lately I've been enjoying the sound of the amp so much that I turn off the...
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    G-Force and Echo Pro Tap Tempo issues

    Hi, I've recently got myself a TC G-Force and I want to use it with my Line6 echo pro. I use my Ground Control Pro to tap the tempo on the Echo and I've even managed to set up the same CC# to the G-force. BUT... The echo pro uses a momentary switch to tap and the G-Force uses a standard one...
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    Perfect cab for a Stiletto Duece?

    I'm looking at the marshall with the tweed cover, I think its th AV one. But really I just want a better cab because every cab that I've played through sounds better than the celestion that I have now. Maybe I'll look into orange cabs, I've heard good things about them. Except that they're real...
  12. O

    Perfect cab for a Stiletto Duece?

    Im looking for a new cab. I love the traditional cab but I can't afford it due to mesa prices in au. The Marshal 1960a does a reasonable job IMO, but I've only used one a couple of times. Has anyone tried a vintage marshal cab? I'm not a high gain sort of guy, I prefer a raw sort of sound. At...