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The Boogie Board

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  1. J

    Roadster Retube - now ive got the fizzy distortion! :(

    I recently decided to change the tubes in my Roadster (as it hadnt been done since I bought it) to find out my tone had actually changed for the worse. I bought 4xSED 6l6s, a tungsol (V1), JJ high gain (V2), penta (V3), shuang-something (V4) and a sovtek LPS for V5 through Dougs tubes. Anyway my...
  2. J

    Roaster: Head vs. Combo?

    Depends on what cab you're going to use it with. I use my roadster head with a fairly undersized local brand cab (good quality, not some MDF crap haha) with V30's so that will clearly bias my view as will someone who plays it through a rectifier cab (oversized). For comparison mine is only a...
  3. J

    Is it just me, or is this amp damaged????

    That is disturbing! and its not just the first pic, the pic from behind also looks warped. It looks like someone has sat on it all the time and bent the frame in at the middle. Immediately you'd think its the camera but all the shots show this bowing!.... that is seriously weird
  4. J

    Roadster and AC/DC type tone

    My band uses a lot of 'Marshall crunch' type sound in our songs (as well as lots of other sounds) but i've found channel 2 brit to be everything that people on this forum think its not! (no offence intended). At first i was using channel 1 tweed for these sounds (as I'd heard bad reviews about...
  5. J

    question about early Roadsters and pop-noise

    Plus it doesnt happen that often. For me it only pops when going into channel 3 and usually only the first time or the first few times. After that it stops. Occasionally the 'tuner mute' button will pop when engaged but again it stops after the first time. Like jdurso said it isnt noticable at...
  6. J

    Are my tubes about to go?!

    I'd like to get some advice on this too. I just got a roadster head (second hand) and it crackles slightly after muting chords too. Does anyone know if this would be caused by power tubes or preamp tubes? I not too keen on buying new power tubes to find out it was actually the preamp tubes...
  7. J

    Help me make my Boogie's signal carry!

    I dont know how you figured that DeFrag. I mean yeah the sound is delayed by like ~27ms but that doesnt change the sound as it is not adding an additional delayed signal 30ms after the original (like a delay pedal would). Its like saying that you would sound different if you shouted something to...
  8. J

    Roadster video (for potential buyers)

    This was actually one of the videos that helped me make my decision before buying a roadster! among many other things. You got some great sounds, especially through some average videocam. And gear-monkey i'm the guy that bought your roadster! :D
  9. J

    Roadster video (for potential buyers)

    That is one sweet deal you got there!! Good work! I always try and buy smart and have never bought any considerable gear purchase brand new! The only thing i have splurged on was my Roadster head which essentially cost me $1770 used!!...although mint condition...looking back i think the seller...
  10. J

    Played with 2 cabs this weekend, big volume difference -Why?

    I was in a similar situation when i plugged my 2x12 marshall combo into my 4x12 cab (usually goes with whatever head i have at the time, roadster atm). I could barely hear the sound coming from the 4x12 and most of the sound coming from the 2x12 speakers in the combo. There was only a small...
  11. J

    the cost of a mesa in australia

    I just thought I'd share my story to give some perspective to any Aussie's considering mesa gear but don't want to pay the completely ridiculous retail prices over here. Anyway, I just bought a used Roadster head from the US for US$1700, US$300 for shipping (to Australia) and US$75 for Paypal...
  12. J

    Need help with step-down transformers!!

    I thought of putting one of the many furman products between the transformer and the amp, but realised i would need one with US style plugs to match the amp. The one you suggested is looks like a pretty sweet unit. All i'd need is converter plugs (something like $4ea) but that unit looks ****...
  13. J

    Need help with step-down transformers!!

    Hey everyone. This is my first post on here (long time reader though) and need some help regarding step-down transformers. I'm in Australia but have just bought a US Mesa Roadster (don't have it yet just preparing for when i gets here) but have only just been told that this can be a mistake as...