Roadster and AC/DC type tone

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2007
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I am trying to dial in ac/dc like tone on my roadster channel 2. Anyone came close to getting an ac/dc type tone on their roadster? Please help.

I am using a gibson les paul studio and my cab is mesa 1x12 thiele.
Unless you put EL-34s in your Roadster, you're not going to approximate the classic Marshall tone to that extent. That's also not a great speaker choice for your intended sound. And if that's not enough for you, Malcom likes to play Gretch guitars that have a different sound than a Les Paul.

So getting a close sound from your 6L6 Roadster and Les Paul with a 112? Um... you'll have to expand your definition of "close" :p.
Well I am not trying to nail the sound of Angus Young. I am trying to be in the same ballpark. I guess whatever I can get using 6l6/Les Paul. For practice I use a mesa 1x12 thiele but for live I use genz benz g-flex 2x12 or mesa 4x12 recto cab.
I just cant see even getting close to a marshall sound with a boogie..Even though the ace/stilleto/deuce amps are good amps, you just cant get that Marshall "GRUNT" from them.
channel 3 on brit with gain set to almost 10


clean channel with a distortion pedal. Box of Rock>?
My band uses a lot of 'Marshall crunch' type sound in our songs (as well as lots of other sounds) but i've found channel 2 brit to be everything that people on this forum think its not! (no offence intended).

At first i was using channel 1 tweed for these sounds (as I'd heard bad reviews about the brit mode) but found brit mode to be more treble-y and 'crunchy' (for want of a better word). Its not perfect and its not a marshall but its pretty good. I found nothing lacking against the other guitarists TSL crunch.
Master - 11
Presence - 12
Bass - 10
Mid - 11
Treble - 1
Gain - 3
i agree... channel 2 on brit mode gets you very very close with 6l6s in the power section..... it gets even better if you throw some kt77s in the roadster..... i was amazed at ac/dc tones i could get with kt77s in the roadster instead of the 6l6s..... the brit mode becomes very plexi-like... plus with the kt77s the cleans stay clean unlike el34s
playdosboogies said:
I just cant see even getting close to a marshall sound with a boogie..Even though the ace/stilleto/deuce amps are good amps, you just cant get that Marshall "GRUNT" from them.

I can get pretty darn close with my F-30.
I'm sorry but I don't think brit mode, which is on Channel 2, not 3, gets you anywhere near a Marshall tone. It's designed after brit amps of the 50s and 60s not the 70s and 80s. It's my least favorite mode on my RKII.
On the recent ACDC live DVD box set there is a concert (I think in Russia) where ACDC look like they are usinging Mark III Boogies