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  1. H

    Never Mind

    Wrong section sorry :lol:
  2. H

    Quad Pre Comparison: 1D & 1E versions

    To be honest, after trying it out for a while after posting this, I think I prefer the 1D version. But that's for live/practice sessions. I'm not going to say I completely prefer one over the other overall just yet because to me it's which one will record better that will win. I'll be able to...
  3. H

    Quad Pre Comparison: 1D & 1E versions

    One isn't better than the other. Just different. I'll have to wait until my recording rig is back up and running to do some tests on. That'll take place over time once I really learn both of them.
  4. H


    Only a short while left before it goes to the 'bay.
  5. H

    Quad Pre Comparison: 1D & 1E versions

    I don't have any sound examples because my recording rig is being renovated at the moment, but here's some written info for you: I've got two Quad preamps. One built in 1988 (1D) and one built in 1989 or 1990 (1E). I've compared them side by side and there are definitely some differences...
  6. H


    This is going to Ebay soon, let me know if there's any interest before it's gone!
  7. H

    Rack obstructing fan ventilation?

    Thanks guys =)
  8. H

    Rack obstructing fan ventilation?

    Yeah, I noticed that. I'm a little concerned though since it's not THAT much space. I'm thinking of getting a completely ventilated rack, but for studio use. Plenty of people have power amps in proper guitar racks that cover the entire amp, and they've not had much of a problem, so I'd probably...
  9. H

    Tube pinouts / locations in the Mesa Quad ?

    After looking at the layout from that photo, it seems that when looking at the Quad from the front like we do when tweaking the knobs, I'd have to either flip the layout paper, or flip the amp, right?
  10. H

    Quad preamp tube replacement

    Old thread but this is due for a bump, very helpful. I just placed a big order at Doug's Tubes. Here's what I got: 1x Tung Sol 12AX7 re-issue 2x Ruby 12AX7AC5 HG+ 1x Penta 12AX7M 1x Penta 12AX7 2x JJ ECC83 standard 2x JJ ECC83 high-gain 1x Mullard 12AX7 1x Electro-Harmonix 12AX7 Swapping all...
  11. H

    Rack obstructing fan ventilation?

    For example, the 50/50 has a fan on the side of it. If I were to put it into a rack, the fan wouldn't have any room to breathe since the rack would cover the side of it. Is this bad for rack gear?
  12. H


  13. H

    295 presence control

    Should I stay on the lookout for a later 295 model that has the presence knobs on the front, or would an older version with simply the switches on the back be ok? I'm not how how much presence it'll lock in whenever a switch is pressed. At the moment I want to get a 295 with the knobs, but I'll...
  14. H

    Quad Pre Outputs A & B: different sonic character

    I had a chat with a Boogie tech earlier. I'm going to completely retube the amp and see if it helps, but I don't think it'll correct the problem. After the retubing, regardless if it fixes it up, I'm going to be sending it on over to Boogie to have it looked over. Want to get it up and running 100%
  15. H

    Quad Pre Outputs A & B: different sonic character

    I've switched out tubes in the V22 slot, problem still persists. I bet it needs a recapping by now. I'm going to get a completely new set of tubes and check it out. If that doesn't fix the problem, I'll send off the Quad for servicing. I think it'll be worth it to have the Quad at 100%...
  16. H

    Quad Pre Outputs A & B: different sonic character

    Anyone know what this may be? I'll probably be giving someone at Boogie a call tomorrow to see if they can help. I'm thinking about sending the Quad in to be looked at and fixed up.
  17. H

    Quad Pre Outputs A & B: different sonic character

    I checked my power amp and my cab and that isn't the problem. Output A on the Quad Pre has a more 'chunky' sound, while output B has less of that and more high frequency content. I'm not saying either sound 'bad', but definitely different. I switched the cables in the back of my rig to test and...
  18. H

    Upgrading power amp: will I get a jump in quality?

    I've always been more about pre amps than power amps, but I think I might try something a little different just to see. I've got a 50/50 running with a Quad pre. I've read that if I pair the Quad with a better power amp that it'll give me a jump in at least some kind of quality. I've looked...
  19. H

    Heathen tone with a Mark III? Considering purchase

    I thought I'd be happy with a 50/50. My head is turning a little though, maybe I'll check one out. I can't imagine that it would make it sound THAT much better, but I haven't tried one so I can't say. Exactly how would it improve it? Enlighten me and sell me on it quicker :D
  20. H

    Heathen tone with a Mark III? Considering purchase

    I've seen a few things about people using Quads with parametric EQs in the loop. I guess they're that important? I've got a 50/50 power amp that I run my Quad to. I was thinking the 50/50 would work just fine for the Quad, but maybe I'll see what these other power amps have to offer. My guess is...