Heathen tone with a Mark III? Considering purchase

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Well-known member
May 21, 2010
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I've got a recording rig stashed away at the moment so I can't really test the following: I've got a Quad preamp and I want to use the Lead 2 channel (Mark III copy) to achieve that late 80s Justice, and Heathen tone (Victims of Deception). I'm not sure if this will be doable with the Quad or if getting a Mark III itself will be the way to go.

It sounds like they at least dual tracked, if not quad tracked the guitars on Victims of Deception since it sounds MONSTROUS. Playing the Quad pre alone doesn't quite give me the illusion of the tone I'm talking about, so I'm thinking it's either a matter of tracking a few takes and panning them when my recording rig is back up and running, or maybe it's just the Quad not matching it precisely.


There's similar stuff all over And Justice For All as well.

I'll be testing myself in the future but I wanted to check here. I might try to acquire a Mark III solely to get this tone because I love it :D . I'll see if the Quad can match it though. Now I've got to find out which color/stripe model would be the best to match it.
Neptical said:
Mark III Coliseum and crank it like a MF'er.


However, if you want to live through it, a Mark III through a decent parametric EQ will NAIL it. You have the quad already so if you have either a 395, 295 or a simul 2:90 poweramp it should replicate the mark III almost the same, if not exactly.
I've seen a few things about people using Quads with parametric EQs in the loop. I guess they're that important? I've got a 50/50 power amp that I run my Quad to. I was thinking the 50/50 would work just fine for the Quad, but maybe I'll see what these other power amps have to offer. My guess is that it won't make that much of a difference, but we'll see!
I thought I'd be happy with a 50/50. My head is turning a little though, maybe I'll check one out. I can't imagine that it would make it sound THAT much better, but I haven't tried one so I can't say.

Exactly how would it improve it? Enlighten me and sell me on it quicker :D