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  1. L

    The JP-2C Owner's Manual is up

    Dear Doug, How cool of you to respond like this. I must admit that I missed the joke at first (but I was not offended), but that is settled now IMHO. Please don't refrain from using humor in the manuals. It does make the reading more enjoyable and it has worked many times in previous manuals...
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    The JP-2C Owner's Manual is up

    Marketing fail from the start. First the news was released to soon, then we got treated with an overproduced demo or two that doesn't demonstrate the sounds that the original IIC+'s were famous for. It must be really hard to do some Metallica-type riffs. This reissue is for djent fans! (sarcasm...
  3. L

    Mesa Mark IIC+ preamp tubes

    Haha, I agree. That's why I want to skip the whole NOS tube thing. For now I need to settle on a modern tube that can easily be replaced. I'm not afraid to try out a few, but will certainly limit it to a handful. The factors you mentioned matter most, yes. That little tube in V1 is just the...
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    Mesa Mark IIC+ preamp tubes

    One of the preamp tubes in my Mark IIC+ went microphonic. It was in the V1 position. I replaced it with an old Mesa 12AX7 Russian 2 that I had lying around. Still sounds good, but I'm thinking about trying out some others and also keep a few more as back up (I do have some JJ's too). As you may...
  5. L

    Ola Englund Mark V demo

    Yep, never heard a bad demo of him. Every vid sounds great. But he does a lot of postpoduction, double tracking , post eq etc. Also the bass guitars have distortion, so i have sometimes problems getting a good impression of the amp itself as used in his clips.
  6. L

    Another request for cab/speaker suggestions

    Thx man. I ended up with a 4x12 Rectifier standard (which is the relabeled OS, I believe). Actually, it was not possible to A/B it with the Stiletto (Traditional) cab. They just don't have them on stock over here. Sure, you can order via internet but I wanted to trade in my Marshall. So I took a...
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    To Blablatus: I see that you connected your cab to the 4 ohm input of the amp. Is that the correct value, I don't know about Soldano cabs but shouldn't it be in 8 ohm? If there is a mismatch, it can have impact on the sound (as mentioned in the manual). I'm a new owner of the Mark V myself and...
  8. L

    Another request for cab/speaker suggestions

    This kind of topic is beat to death on a regular basis, but I'l give it a shot anyway. Currently I run my Mark V through a Marshall 1960 AV 4x12 cab. The stock speakers have been replaced by celestion G12K-100. I didn't like the V30 in that cab very much (harsh high end), but I must admit that...
  9. L

    Mesa Mark 5 VIDEO CLIPS (HD 1080p)

    Awesome sound! What effects did you use? Oh yeah, one tip: cut your strings before you hurt yourself :wink:
  10. L

    As a Mark III owner, what can I expect from the V ?

    Thanks for all the responses, very good read, sometimes a bit too technical for me but interesting nevertheless. As mentioned above, the deep switch on the Mark III is indeed impressive with a thundering low end that makes my nuts swing in front of a cab. But it can be too much, so it depends...
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    New Video: In Depth Mark V Part 8: EXTREME MODE

    Nice work, again. I wish more people made demo vids like these. Very helpfull too.
  12. L

    As a Mark III owner, what can I expect from the V ?

    Thanks all, I couldn't resist and ordered a Mark V!
  13. L

    As a Mark III owner, what can I expect from the V ?

    That explains your forum name :mrgreen:
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    As a Mark III owner, what can I expect from the V ?

    Thanks for the replies. Are you saying that there is a difference in green vs blue stripe, because one has triode and the other pentode (and which has which?)? And what does a tube rectifier do and affect the sound?
  15. L

    As a Mark III owner, what can I expect from the V ?

    I own a blue stripe Mark III combo (hooked it up to a cab) and while it is a beast of an amp with thump and grind, the Mark V is gaining my interest. Having heard the tone setting vids from JP, i'm really considering the V now. I'm still stuck in 80's metal (think old style metallica), so can...
  16. L

    MARK V CLIP: The Circle of Blood Rhythms

    Really digging the tones, well done! Personally, the singing is not my cup of tea (I just don't like the metalcore style) but the riffs are very good.
  17. L

    Solid-state BLASPHEMY!

    With the studio pre you really need to take the time to find your sound. For me, the thrick was in the EQ. Although I liked it, I switched to a Triaxis because I got one cheap.
  18. L

    Studio Pre FX Loop barely audible? Help me solve!

    Did you clean the input jack with a cleaner, such as Deoxit? That helped to solve my problem.
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    Problem with Mesa studio preamp: sudden loss in volume

    Maybe a noob question, but they seem to burn all fine. How can you see when one is faulty?
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    Sudden channel power loss

    How did you find it? Did you take a new one and swapped it in all positions or else ?