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  1. S

    thiele scoore

    I had that one on my watch list and had I not seen the one I bought I would have bid on it. Great price. Ebay can be so funny, I have recently seen Thieles sell for over $300 plus shipping. I got mine for $250 plus shipping, but it is dead mint and has a cover so I think I got a good deal. Good...
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    Bought a Thiele 1x12 with EV

    So would yall say I am safe to sell my hallf back cab? I have acouple offers I am considering for it, could turn it into either another guitar or a Studdio 22+. Or maybe save a little dough and turn it into a Mark III combo. If I were still playing metal for a living I would never even...
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    Bought a Thiele 1x12 with EV

    I have oen of those really kick *** Boogie 4x12 steel grill cabs but I am finding myself always loathe to carry it around with me. I sold my Mark IV and for the blues band I am currently playing with am using a Carvin Nomad with a V-Twin in front of it. The one thing I like about the Nomad is...
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    Thinking on selling my Mark IV and getting a Studio+ 50/50

    So, uh, wanna trade? :D
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    Thinking on selling my Mark IV and getting a Studio+ 50/50

    One other question, can the studio pre and 50/50 get just a s "big" and robust a sound as the Mark IV? I always liked the combination before but like i said I have never done a side by side comparison.
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    Thinking on selling my Mark IV and getting a Studio+ 50/50

    I have been a long time Boogie player. In the last 20 years i have had a few Mark IVs, Mark IIIs and a bunch of rack stuff including the Quad, Studio and Triaxis, along with the 50/50. 2:90 and 20/20. i loved all of these pieces at one time or another. Lately I have been wanting to run stereo...
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    About to retube the Mark IV, Questions...

    I have yet to retube the Mark IV since buying it a couple months ago. I came with a compliment of 5 GT preamp tubes and 4 GT power tubes. Here is my question for those of you who might know. The Mark IV has the option of running 2 EL34 in the outer sockets and 2 6L6GC in the inner. Most of the...
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    A/B amp switching with 2 Studio pres

    I have a Mark IV now. I have used the Studio pre before and really liked it. I was wondering, if I wanted to build a rack with 2 studio preamps, so that I might dial each in for the exact tone I wanted, what would be a good method to switch between them? Who makes a good A/B device or whatever...
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    Make a Mark IV sound full and robust at low volumes?

    Thanx for all the helpful hints yall. We did the gig Saturday at a nice sized club packed with a couple hundred people. We were setting up on the tail end of some companies Xas party and they had rented out the club for the night. We thought we were going to get a paid cancellation, just as we...
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    Mark IV A and B

    Thanx for the replies guys. Russ thanx for the info. I a thinking retube as well. I may throw a compressor in front to, cause I am using a strat. But, the thine sound I am getting on Rhy 2 is not the same thin quality of the strat, it is different. On my old Mark IV rigs, I always used Boogie...
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    new user, what to buy Mark iV or Single Rectifier

    I used to use an Ernie Ball Volume Pedal with a Carvin Legacy. I tried it in the loop, but the problem was that the cables, 40' (20' each way to and from the amp) sucked too much signal. Got frustrated after afew practices and took the pedal back to GC.
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    Mark IV A and B

    I have what, from what I have read, is a Mark IV A. It has not satalite send, and instead of the loop jacks being in the triangular configuration I have 2 switchable loops. It is a combo, I am told a 93. Has a really nice EV. I noticed right away that the amp seemed to have a bit less gain...
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    Make a Mark IV sound full and robust at low volumes?

    I knew it would happen. tonight, my other guitarist is complaining that the Mark IV was way too loud. Serves hm right, for weeks he drowned out my Carvin Nomad with his Fender Hot Rod Deville. We are practicing at lower volumes than any band I have ever been in. Even My fusion trio plays...
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    Mark IV clips

    I used Mark IVs for metal for a long, lon time, and they do excel at that for sure. They always get a bad rap from guys who love the toneless, modern buzzy fizz gain, but for really good, full bodies, well defined tones in which every nuance of the guitars wood is heard, you can't beat Mark...
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    Mark IV clips

    I used a Mark IV combo with an EV 12". The Triode/Tweed/Class A/Harmonics. The channel you hear in these clips is the lead channel. 5 band EQ off, I dont really remember the tone, gain and dry settings, though I know the gain and drive would have been no higher than 8. Just bought one of those...
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    Mark IV clips

    I got a rough mix from a location recording we did, this is unprocessed/unmastered except that I threw a tiny dose of Waves reverb on there to keep it from jumping so aggressively from the monitors. I played the Kinman equiped homemade Strat straight into a Vox wah and then Straight into the...
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    Mark IV vs Nomad

    Ahh, to have both.... I have read some of your sigs, some have really nice collections. I once did myself, and it was great, a rig for a mood, or a rig for any gig.... Nowadays, with the current state of my financial affairs, i would not dare keep both even if I could afford to, would just feel...
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    Mark IV vs Nomad

    never mind, I dont know what came over me, I am just going to keep the Mark IV. I am an idot, no matter what gear I own, i am always shopping for something else. I let the pretty wood on this amp and the irritating weight of the mark IV sway me for a bit, but it is all clear now....
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    Mark IV vs Nomad

    I currently own a Mark IV. I have owend about 5 of them over the years, they were always my "goto amp". I have owned so many other amps, including many Boogies, ranging from Triaxis and Simul 2:90 to Mark III, V Twin, etc... I am looking at a beautiful Nomad 45 in Hardwood. Looks pristine. I...
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    Wood choice for cabinets

    Bruce, I just talked to the guy doing the work tonight and he said the same thing. He thought I was crazy talking about trying to find 3/4" 8'X4' Mahogany or Koa. He said even if I do find it, it will be very expensive and likely need planed. He suggested laminate, but I dont think the...