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  1. S

    NEW VIDEO: Mark V In Depth - Mark 1

    I think this was the best one yet. Mesa should really be paying you guys for this stuff. It appears the amps in hard bypass on the snapshots as the output is all the way off. Were those snapshot accurate.
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    Stooges Fun House type of Sound also gives you pretty close to a Black Keys/White Stripes type of sound. You can get a similar sound in Tweed but this gives me this sound with less noise. Tweed on my Mark V and I read on others is pretty noisy. Mark IV Master 9:30 Output 11:30 45 Watt Triod...
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    Enlighten me -- why the ED over the MKV? Roadster Owner...

    I just returned my electra dyne. I found out mainly it was too heavy and too loud for my tastes. Also I have a Mark V, which to some degree I'm struggling with to really dial in, but the Mark V takes pedal SO much better than the electra dyne. Any type of OD pedal I used sounded really thin...
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    What OD pedal to run with the Mark V? (OCD?)

    I don't know about screaming pinch harmonics but I have an OCD and it sounds pretty good with the Mark V especially in channel 1 clean and fat modes. The other OD/distortion pedals that work well that I have are a Catalinbread Dirty Little Secret and an MI Audio Crunchbox. The one OD pedal I...
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    Settings for blackface tone

    Anyone have any recomendation for a classic blackface era sounds particulary I mean a chicken pickin Don Rich Fender type of sound.
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    Footswitch killing tone

    I'm talking an additional degradation from the loop engaged. Sort of like two steps down and a real muddy sound with the footswitch plugged in.
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    Footswitch killing tone

    It seems when my footswitch is plugged in it sounds like a blanket has been thrown over the amp. When I disconnect it sounds much better. Sort of like when the difference between hard bypas and the loop on but to more of a degree. Has anyone else noticed this. Should I have my amp checked out?
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    New Mark V Videos: In Depth Channel 1

    Great videos!!!. I would like to see some videos especially on the clean channel of different tones based upon changes in the treble mid and bass knobs. I'm having a hard time optimizing these. And question did you disconnect the Black Shadow in your combo for these vids or did have it...
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    speaker connection

    I have a question. I have a combo with the combo speaker into the 8 ohm jack. I also have an 8 Ohm 2X12 cab (one celestion vintage 30 one celestion heritage G12H) that I plug in to the 8 ohm jack right above this. I am doing this correctly?
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    To much treble on 45 and 90

    This may be a stupid question but if i want to hook up a 2x12 cab and disable the speaker in the combo is it fine to just pull the internal speaker input on the back while having the cab hooked up to the 8 ohm output just above it?
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    To much treble on 45 and 90

    Thanks everyone for the replies. I think I'm going to get order some el34's. Is there a huge difference between SED el 34's and JJ's. I've used JJ el 84's in my Vox and Peavey classic 30 and have been pretty pleased with them.
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    To much treble on 45 and 90

    Hey sorry to make my first post a troubleshooting question but I recently picked up a used Mark V combo 1x12. The guy I bought it from acquired it new in January and as far as I can tell it's in mint condition. I even have a copy of the original receipt. Not sure how much he playing it or how...