NEW VIDEO: Mark V In Depth - Mark 1

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Thanks buddy! The tones in this one are my absolute favorite.... My "desert island" sounds. Maybe that's why I have a Mark I?!?! NOTHING sounds like a Mark I..... except a Mark V. :lol:
to all mark v detrackters, this series of videos should show you the versatality of this incredable amp. i have the combo and it is a lifetime investment in tonal bliss. thanks for these great snapshots of just some of what this amp has to give.
markvdude said:
to all mark v detrackters, this series of videos should show you the versatality of this incredable amp. i have the combo and it is a lifetime investment in tonal bliss. thanks for these great snapshots of just some of what this amp has to give.

That's really a good point. We'll probably end up with 50 minutes of footage for this amp, and it really only scratches the surface of what it can do, one major thing being how things change with different guitars or pedals.
That's some really informative stuff. Cool GEQ info, too. I'm going downstairs right now to experiment with my IV!
I think this was the best one yet. Mesa should really be paying you guys for this stuff. It appears the amps in hard bypass on the snapshots as the output is all the way off. Were those snapshot accurate.
HaggertysMusic said:
Thanks buddy! The tones in this one are my absolute favorite.... My "desert island" sounds. Maybe that's why I have a Mark I?!?! NOTHING sounds like a Mark I..... except a Mark V. :lol:

I think that the Mark V captures the Mark I sound at a much more reasonable volume level. My old 1978 60/100 sounded better as the amp got hotter and louder. I've been tempted to try a reissue, but my ears may not be able to withstand it. The Electradyne is bad enough in the deafening department. :lol:
Thanks again Don!!

I couldn't agree with all other posters so far on this thread. The MkV is capable of achieving nearly all sounds that most guitarists are after, however, one has to "find" their tones using this amp because of its incredibly flexibility and versatility.

That being said, clearly, I need to give the MkI mode of channel 2 more time after witnessing and hearing this great demo! It has been the most difficult mode of the amp for me to get my arms around. Thanks to Don's help.....I am fired up about spending some quality time with this mode!! :lol:

Don, by the are using stock preamp tubes and the stock 6L6's that come with the amp.....right?

On a side note for potential new MkV owners.......spend some time with this amp stock to get a feel for the great sounds it is capable of achieving in all modes of each channel prior to changing out tubes, etc. You may find that it sounds great "stock". I did!!

Personally, I feel that some people are far too eager to immediately swap out tubes, etc. on many amps (not just the MkV) without even giving the amp a chance stock as a reference point. My .02
I meant...."I couldn't agree more with all posters so far in this thread"....sorry about that.
Good job on this one man. You got the PRS to boot. It doesn't get any better then that.

Thanks for the positive feedback. I can't believe I haven't gotten flamed yet!

SST said:
I think this was the best one yet. Mesa should really be paying you guys for this stuff. It appears the amps in hard bypass on the snapshots as the output is all the way off. Were those snapshot accurate.

The snapshots are accurate, yes. We take them as we film, right before playing. The amp is in hard bypass, which provides the purest tone and simplifies things by taking the balance between the master and output controls out of the picture.

I think that the Mark V captures the Mark I sound at a much more reasonable volume level. My old 1978 60/100 sounded better as the amp got hotter and louder. I've been tempted to try a reissue, but my ears may not be able to withstand it. The Electradyne is bad enough in the deafening department.

The reissue behaves a lot like the Mark V version of the MKI... and with the release of the Royal Atlantic at NAMM, it looks like the volume issue with the electra dyne will be history.

Don, by the are using stock preamp tubes and the stock 6L6's that come with the amp.....right?

Absolutely. Everything is stock out of the box.
HaggertysMusic said:
Thanks for the positive feedback. I can't believe I haven't gotten flamed yet!

Not sure I understand this statement, maybe I misunderstood it. This is one of the most well-behaved forums I have ever been a part of. No trolls, no egomaniacs putting lesser individuals down. I actually enjoy reading this forum since it rarely, if ever, descends into flame wars and such and that is a credit to the peeps here that have shared their knowledge.
golfnguitarz said:
HaggertysMusic said:
Thanks for the positive feedback. I can't believe I haven't gotten flamed yet!

Not sure I understand this statement, maybe I misunderstood it. This is one of the most well-behaved forums I have ever been a part of. No trolls, no egomaniacs putting lesser individuals down. I actually enjoy reading this forum since it rarely, if ever, descends into flame wars and such and that is a credit to the peeps here that have shared their knowledge.

I had youtube in mind when I made that comment. Everyone here has been incredibly supportive, and have contributed to making these videos better.

On, youtube however, people tend to rip each other apart. :roll: But even there, the feedback has all been positive, and that's surprising to me, considering all of my tired old licks that are all too easy to tear down.

But to everyone here, I'm very grateful for the ideas and suggestions, all of which have been presented in class.
HaggertysMusic your demos of the mark V most be the best right now on you tube, keep up the good work.. :D
mxr2000 said:
HaggertysMusic your demos of the mark V most be the best right now on you tube, keep up the good work.. :D

Agreed, these vids have appeared at just the right time for me as a prospective MK V buyer. It's just the price of Boogie amps here in the UK that's holding me up at the moment along with some anxiety at the prospect of letting my Express 5:50 go. I'll get there though! :wink:
HaggertysMusic said:
Thanks for the positive feedback. I can't believe I haven't gotten flamed yet!

SST said:
I think this was the best one yet. Mesa should really be paying you guys for this stuff. It appears the amps in hard bypass on the snapshots as the output is all the way off. Were those snapshot accurate.

The snapshots are accurate, yes. We take them as we film, right before playing. The amp is in hard bypass, which provides the purest tone and simplifies things by taking the balance between the master and output controls out of the picture.

Don, are you by any chance playing in front of a green screen that has the background and the Mark V maginclly placed there? Sitting next to it with the loop hard bypassed and the Channel's Master up at 11 o'clock must be deafning!! :shock:
Don, many of your so called "tired licks" are better than my most recent!! :mrgreen:

I only thought I knew my V after 15 months of ownership!! Please keep the great demos coming...these are very helpful to existing owners and potential new owners alike!!

And yes, Mesa should be compensating you for your excellent demos promoting this great amp IMO! :wink:
satch4u3 said:
Don, are you by any chance playing in front of a green screen that has the background and the Mark V maginclly placed there? Sitting next to it with the loop hard bypassed and the Channel's Master up at 11 o'clock must be deafning!! :shock:
:lol: No green screen! The amp is very loud, but since I'm off to the side of it, it doesn't really bother me. I feel bad for our camera man though... he's right in the line of fire.