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  1. M

    Just bought a Swamp Thang

    I just won an auction for an Eminence Swamp Thang speaker. I'm gonna try it out in my F-50. Not that I dont like the celestion thats in it but what the hell. Does anyone have any experience with these? Maybe I'll get or build a 112 cab for it and run them both :twisted: Thoughts ?
  2. M

    Motorcycle owners on this forum?

    I started in '91 with a Honda 750 Interceptor. Way too much as a 1st bike but I got used to it. Took it to the track once and got it into the 12.8's. With a pro it ran 11.6's in a mag. Got a new 1200 Sporty in '95. Took it to the track and got it in the 13.8 range. Dont drag with buckhorns...
  3. M

    Loss of clean headroom when F-50 real warmed up?

    The only pedal used at the time was a wah which was off and it is true bypass. The amp still has the original tubes in it. I bought the amp new in Nov. '05 and generally use it 3-4 hours a week. Someone suggested checking for consistent line voltage. What do you think of that? Thanks.
  4. M

    Loss of clean headroom when F-50 real warmed up?

    Could be my ears but I dont think so. I think this may be a normal thing for tubes amps in general but I was just wondering.
  5. M

    Anyone put tiltback legs on a Mesa?

    Thats the one there that cheez found. I had just found the website and was comin back to post it. So **** it, here it is again.
  6. M

    Anyone put tiltback legs on a Mesa?

    I think these would be a better choice than the kind that get it 2 ft. off the ground. I think with my 112 it loses to much bottom when off the floor. I recently saw an ad for a stand that lets you lean your amp back on it but it still touches the floor. Cant remember what it is though. I...
  7. M

    if you could only have one guitar, which one offers the. . .

    You should consider Carvin. They'll give you what you want for a reasonable price and yes they are quality guitars.
  8. M

    Just played a F-30, now I'm confused????

    I went to check out a LSC twice. On my second visit I tried an F-50. I left with the F-50. Not saying its better then a LSC but it sounded just as good to me for for $600 beans less. Food for thought.
  9. M

    F-50 feedback;way too much

    This happened when jamming last night in a room the size of a 1 car garage, it didnt matter where I went in the room. All tone controls were used in moderation, no other f/x used. Master volume just enough to hang with a loud drummer. Passive pups also. Could a bad tube do that? It seems to...
  10. M

    F-50 feedback;way too much

    I recently posted a feedback question but it's a little out of hand now. On the dirty channel with the gain only at about 9 o'clock, contour off. I cant let a note or chord ring for any real amount of time without feedback. I dont mind a little feedback but this is a little hard to deal with...
  11. M

    Help me narrow my search..I'm new to Mesa Boogie

    Check out the F series. Hell, check out all of them like I did. My dollars went to an F-50. I'm totally happy with it. I guess it depends on your budget and what you want to lug around. All amps mentioned above will make you smile. :D
  12. M

    new f-50 bag inside?

    I wrap my power cord up and put it in there. I put the pedal in a gig bag.
  13. M

    F-50 combo feedback(the good kind)

    Brewski said: Man, I really like the reverb
  14. M

    F-50 combo feedback(the good kind)

    Thanks and yes it does sound good. Never had a setup before that would do this .
  15. M

    Played Carvin CT-4

    I've had a DC127T also for about 8-9 yrs and Ive yet to play a guitar that felt better in my hands. I was considering a pickup swap until I got my F-50. All is well for me now. It is tough to find a guitar hanging on the walls of a music store that are as flawless as Carvin's stuff.
  16. M

    F-50 combo feedback(the good kind)

    Hey guys, I've been enjoying my new amp for about 2 months now and I still love it. Is it normal for me to get feedback on the dirty channel with the low gain settings I use? The gain is around 10 o'clock and the master is around 9 o'clock. Contour off and all other settings are in the moderate...
  17. M

    Stolen F50 Alert! SN# F50 88 C0

    I hate people :evil: . Not really, but I do find myself saying that alot. Good luck getting your gear back. I'd be a fuming mf'r.
  18. M

    Need help deciding on amp

    I think my f50 could do that pretty well. You'll have to test drive one yourself to be sure.
  19. M

    What is a good price for a used LS classic?

    When I was thinking about getting one of those all the used ones ended up being around 12 to 13 hundred. The gc in my area had a used LSS with 410's for 1400. A good deal would be 1000-1100 IMO.
  20. M

    Almost giddy about my F-50

    I'd love to try it with a cab, even just a 112. It's not practical for what I'm doing right now though. Just jammin with some friends. How good a cab does it have to be?