Help me narrow my search..I'm new to Mesa Boogie

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New member
Jan 19, 2006
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Something in the 30-40 watt range...1x12,or 2x12's.
I play a tele,and like blues and classic rock,my owns things too...
Which amp/s would get me there? They have many and I want to get the names of a few to research,starting here of course : )
If you could,please compare to a Fender DRRI..All things being relative,it would help give me a base line
Thanks all!
I first went the route of used Mk series amps, now I sometimes use a 20/20 into a single 12" cabinet. For the pre-amp I use either the V-twin rack or the triaxis. I guess it depends on how much you want to spend. I've personally not used the Lonestar series but they gets good reviews.
Another nod for Lonestar. There are two models of Lonestar. The Special and the Classic. The Lonestar Special uses EL34's Class A 5/15/30 watts and the Classic uses 6L6's Class A/B 50/100.
I've not tried the Special, but I think highly of the Lone Star Classic. This amp has the most Fender like voicing of the Boogie line imo. Being a Mesa, it is also very versatile, and does the low gain thing exceptionally well to my ears.

I also agree with the F-series recommendation. On the clean side, they are voiced between vintage Fenders and the Mark series. On the dirty side, they cover all shades of rock from classic through hard, to aggressive modern. Check out the F-30 and the F-50. I have some clips of my F-50 widebody combo over in the Rigs & Tones area (look for my "Signing In..." thread). :)

Big smiles,

... and another tick for the lonestar classic. it is a beautiful amp with cleans that would break your heart and a breakup that can be any edgy blues tone you can think of. i put a voodoo labs sparkle drive in front on either the clean or drive channel and it is rich harmonic sustain for ever... luvvit! especially with single coil p'ups.
Get the Lone Star Classic. It will let you use 6L6 or EL34 power tubes. And if you really wanted the EL84 sound, you could always buy Yellow Jackets and put EL84 tubes in it.
I have had the F50, LSS and LSC at one time or another. I don't think I gave the 50 a decent chance, but I've kept the LSC and really like it. It sounds good even at lower volumes. I've put a Hotplate with it and that really tames it down.
+1 for the lonestar.

If it is out of your price range, consider the mesa boogie nomad. I think it was the lonestar predecessor.

The cleans are more mark I. It does a great blues sound, especially the pushed mode. The orange channel is fat, more vintage mark II (classic boogie tone). The red channel is like a modified marshall tone. When you back off the gain, it has a really nice bluesy sound. Very touch sensitive.

You can probably get one used for like $500-700 bucks. They don't make them anymore, so you have to get it used.

The mesa maverick, class a, is also a really nice amp. A lot of the guys on the gearnet say that it has a "dumble," sound. Very vintage, very nice. The blue angel is pure blues. It uses 6V6, class A. It may be the amp you are looking for.

hope this helps
Check out the F series. Hell, check out all of them like I did. My dollars went to an F-50. I'm totally happy with it. I guess it depends on your budget and what you want to lug around. All amps mentioned above will make you smile. :D