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  1. T

    It's a boogie or not? a little sound test for you ;-)

    Check out RAIN on my SoundClick. It's the MESA patch in Guitar Rig 2. Not bad...
  2. T

    Dual Recto clip

    I just spent Sunday morning cranking the Dual Recto and working on this, over an old karaoke backing track. My recordings wouldn't normally be called Beautiful - but it is an accurate description in this case. Have a listen and see! It starts rather laid back and then (suprise!) cranks up...
  3. T

    Post your Rig!

  4. T

    Blues/funk/rock'n'roll in a metal style - new clip added

    I've now added a new song using the MESA set-up. It's called "Van Helsing" and if you are a fan of BOC then you'll soon see why. It's a bit more slow and moody, but still heavy. The levels wander about a bit, which I'll fix at some point, but the right feeling is there. It's on the music...
  5. T

    MESA in Guitar Rig 2

    I've now added a new song using the MESA set-up. It's called "Van Helsing" and if you are a fan of BOC then you'll soon see why. It's a bit more slow and moody, but still heavy. The levels wander about a bit, which I'll fix at some point, but the right feeling is there. It's on the music...
  6. T

    RAW mode

    I've never been impressed by the raw mode on my Dual Recto. At "polite" volume it sounds a bit thin and weak to my ears so I've never really given it a chance. However at tonight's ROUGH JUSTICE gig I felt like a change and went with the orange channel in raw mode with a tube screamer in front...
  7. T

    Blues/funk/rock'n'roll in a metal style - new clip added

    I don't do tapping very much - if it sounds like that it is probably fast pull-offs to open strings. No live clips of ROUGH JUSTICE available yet. I've always played 9's and probably always will. I'm recording some more stuff tomorrow so that should be posted on my soundclick page soon.
  8. T

    Blues/funk/rock'n'roll in a metal style - new clip added

    Yeah - Musicman Axis with floyd and d-tuna. I use Ernie Ball super slinky (009s). Glad you like the clips - more coming soon!
  9. T

    MESA in Guitar Rig 2

    I used a modified version of the "Green Graty" sound in the "Rock and Alternative" bank. I boosted the treble and presence on the MESA Dual Recto and added a CryBaby wah. I've found that the key to making Guitar Rig 2 sound good is to turn the "air" control on the speaker simulator up to max...
  10. T

    Blues/funk/rock'n'roll in a metal style - new clip added
  11. T

    MESA in Guitar Rig 2

    Here's another one - some fast and furious playing over a rock'n'roll backing. Friday Rock'n'Roll...
  12. T

    MESA in Guitar Rig 2

    Yeah I've got the Rig Controller, and very handy it is too. BTW, I've just recorded another number with the MESA setting. It's a metalised funk/fusion groove. WednesdayFunkFusionThing...
  13. T

    MESA in Guitar Rig 2

    Cheers mate! I try to mix 90% fast licks with 10% slow/"tasteful" ones to give an interesting contrast. I suppose there is a bit of a Steve Lukather or Neal Schon vibe in there - which is a good thing in my book as they are both great players. The only real FX on the sound is a "long hall"...
  14. T

    MESA in Guitar Rig 2

    I recorded "Monday Blues" with my Musicman Axis straight into Guitar Rig 2 and that was it, nothing else! GR2 has got two simulated tape decks and you can play over backing tracks, etc without needing anything else - it's great! I've spent a while tweaking the sounds and that Monday Blues tone...
  15. T

    MESA in Guitar Rig 2

    I've just recorded a 90 second instrumental using the MESA sound in Guitar Rig 2. It sounds pretty good to me and close to the real thing, see what you think... Click on the "hi-fi" link next to "Monday Blues" at this page...
  16. T

    Amp sound changes during a gig

    During last night's gig my Dual Recto behaved in a way that it often does. We start the first set and everything sounds awesome. But towards the end of the second set (about 2 hours later) the sound, especially on solos, sounds harsh and thin. Someone said it was "ear fatigue" and nothing to...
  17. T

    Dual Recto AND Stiletto?

    I had really bad experiences with a Nomad combo a few years back - it just totally shut down on me, not something a tube change could fix. Lack of backup meant the end of the gig - big disaster! I swore that would never happen to me again...
  18. T

    Dual Recto AND Stiletto?

    Lots of reviews/comments say that the Dual Recto and Stiletto compliment each other well in the way they cover the "sonic spectrum". Well I always have to take two amps to every gig (in case one goes down) so I thought why not take a Dual Recto and a Stiletto and run them BOTH TOGETHER off a...
  19. T

    Dual Rec. Channel 1 volume?

    I have the same problem. Unless Ch1 is in "pushed" mode with the gain up a fair way that channel is very quiet compared to Ch2 and Ch3 (although admittedly I've got both of them cranked way up). Luckily I don't need to use clean sounds very often - I just pull back the guitar's volume on Ch2...
  20. T

    What do you stick in front of your MESA

    Had a gig last night and tried going as "minimal" as possible. Guitar (Hamer Diablo II - great underrated guitar) into BOSS tuner, Morley wah and then straight into the Dual Recto. BOSS reverb/delay pedal in the loop. Can't go much less then that - I need a tuner, a wah and something in the...