Dual Rec. Channel 1 volume?

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Jan 4, 2006
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Does anybody else here have to push the living daylights out of channel one to get volume out of it? It's got a great clean sound, but I'm almost maxxed out on the volume and I'm still not getting the volume I should. Channel 2 & 3 volumes are perfect. Anybody give me some pointers?
Do you have the FX loop engaged? If so, what is the Send Level set to?
Also, if the FX is on how high is the Master Output?

I agree that from a standpt of where you have the channel volume set there is a big difference from ch1 to ch2 and 3. But if you have it all set up right you can get some really loud clean channel 1 volume! You just won't have 2 and 3 set anywhere near the level you have 1 at or you will tear your head clean from your body.
Is the fx on the same knob on the back of the amp as ch1 ch2 ch3 ftswtch? If it is, I believe I have mine set to footswitch. If I move the knob to fx, does the footswitch still function? I've only owned this amp 2 years, I feel kinda silly developing a problem now...... :oops:
Facing the back of the amp, just left of center there should be a cluster of rotary controls. They are from left to right: FX Assign, FX Send Level, FX Return Level, Footswitch.

The FX Assign will tell you whether you are using the FX loop at all and in what manner. Set to Footswitch...the FX loop is engaged only when you hit the FX button on the footswitch as far as bringing in anything connected to the loop. Having it set to anything other than Bypass means your Master Output and Solo controls on the front are active and are a part of your volume equation.... as well as now your FX Send Level is part of the equation. Make Sense?

It is easy to experiment and get a handle on what controls are active in what setttings. There is also a stencil next to the Loop Assign knob under Loop Bypass that states Defeats Output and Solo controls (when set to Loop Bypass).
Set your Assign to Loop on, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3 or FTSW and turn the FX Send...you will see it effects overall volume.

I also might add that from some recent experimenting...the FX loop does effect tone. When I bypass the loop all together the amp seems a bit tighter and more dynamic and 3D sounding. But I like to put the FX to FTSW so that my Output and especially Solo controls are active because I like the Solo button for lead volume boosts. Even though I do not run effects in the loop, I still keep it set to FTSW....I just don't actually activate it.
o.k. so if I set the knob to loop bypass, that makes my clean channel volume good, but it makes the overall volume of the amp screamingly loud. If I set the knob to footswitch, the channel 3 volume is good, but the channel 1 volume disappears. Anything else I should try?
I have the same problem. Unless Ch1 is in "pushed" mode with the gain up a fair way that channel is very quiet compared to Ch2 and Ch3 (although admittedly I've got both of them cranked way up). Luckily I don't need to use clean sounds very often - I just pull back the guitar's volume on Ch2 and it cleans up nicely and that's enough for me.

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