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  1. B

    Dear Abby

    How do all, This's something posted on another forum by Steve West who says that he got it from another forum. I thought that y'all might get a chuckle out of it. BillA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Letter from a professional guitar player to...
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    Stock Speaker in a Mark IIb?

    Hideeho Boogiewan, Thanks muchly for the info I'm glad you could tell from that picture. I sure ain't no photographer :lol: A googling I go, Bill
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    Pre-amp tubes

    Say hey Ryan, As far as I can figure, you only change the pre-amp tubes if'n'when there's a problem with tone or function (i.e. microphonics) It's the power tubes that take the beatin'. The more you play, the more you pay :wink: BillA
  4. B

    Recommend a good EQ please!?

    Or maybe, just maybe... ...You don't want 31.25 *up*. You might want to *cut* to save valuable "head-room". And to avoid mush in the mix. Just maybe :wink: BillA
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    Stock Speaker in a Mark IIb?

    Howdy folks, For them what was wondering... ...I just got offa the phone with a techie from Eminence. He had looked up my number and found that Eminence didn't actually give the speaker a wattage limit 'cause they were more interested in sensitivity. Mesa must have liked the sound (and price) so...
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    Major Boogie Gig - Montreal West Island

    Hideeho BWK, Like, it's bad luck to wish someone good luck? So's ya wish them to "break a leg" so as not to jinx them? But, where it came from?...... ...ain't gots a clue (dee dee deeeeee) :wink: :lol: Happy New Year, BillA
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    Major Boogie Gig - Montreal West Island

    Break a leg :wink:
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    what amp is this?

    Say hey all, I ain't no expert :roll: , but I would guess that it's a Mark I. Because, it has 2 instrument inputs. A Mark II would have 1 instrument input and a footswitch input. But what do I know? Happy New Year :D BillA
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    Help me ID my unlabeled speaker!

    You're welcome Scott, Nope. I got zip nadda back from Eminence. Maybe I'll try again, after the holidays. And just tread lightly wiff my amp :wink: BillA
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    Help me ID my unlabeled speaker!

    How do Scott, I asked an almost identical question, a few weeks back. Here's a link to the thread. Hope it helps, BillA
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    Stock Speaker in a Mark IIb?

    Good evening Twally, I like it :!: 'Ceppin... ...It's a 22 yr. old amp and I ain't the original owner. I would *** u me that the original speaker was meant to take whatever the amp could dish out. But, what do I know :wink: Thanks for the moral support, BillA
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    Stock Speaker in a Mark IIb?

    How do Joey, Thanks for the heads-up. That's why I'm trying to figure out which speaker that I've got in my amp. Iffen it's the 90 watt or less, I could lose it in a puff o'smoke. :shock: :cry: Iffen it's the 150 watt'r than everythang would be okey-dokie. I don't really want to add another...
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    Stock Speaker in a Mark IIb?

    Hello again Stokes, Oh happy, happy, joy, joy (sarcasm off) Thanks for the heads up. 8) I would take the amp to a tech, but it's a 4 hr. drive, via bridges and ferries, from here to anywhere :lol: I thought about plugging my hot-plate into one of the 4 ohm jacks (as a dummy load). But...
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    Stock Speaker in a Mark IIb?

    G'day Stokes, I tried to E-mail Eminence yesterday, but my ISP's e-mail server decided to go TU and my question is now lost in cyber-space :cry: I'll probably try again on Monday and let you know iffen I learn anything :fingerscrossed: Thanks for your time, man, BillA
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    Stock Speaker in a Mark IIb?

    Howdy Barry, Does your EV 12L have no label, just numbers on it? Like these? 12557 67-8311 How do Boogiewan, Will this work for ya? Thanks for the help, guys, BillA
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    Stock Speaker in a Mark IIb?

    Say hey D, Nope, no labels. Just them numbers. How do Stokes, Yeah, I guess that I'll keep playing with it at low volumes through the Hot Plate. Thanks, both of y'all for the responses, BillA
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    Stock Speaker in a Mark IIb?

    How do all, Does anybody know what speaker came stock in a MarkIIb? The reason I ask is that I'd like to play with the 100 watt setting on my amp but I'm afeared of blowin' up my speaker. Because, the manual said... I've played it at 100 watts before, at low volume through my hot plate, and...
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    4ohm vs. 8ohm speaker jacks

    How do Russ, Thanks for the response. Wow! I'll have to read that a coupla' more times to try and grasp everything. But...but...but...okay. Yer right. Good advice :) Thanks again, BillA
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    4ohm vs. 8ohm speaker jacks

    Howdy folks, The more that I read this excerpt from my Mark II manual, the more confused I get :? Question 1: If I had a 60watt model, I'm supposed to plug my 8ohm speaker into the 8ohm jack. But, because I've got a 60/100 model I'm supposed to plug into the 4ohm jack when using 60 watts? Why...