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  1. F

    Am I being crazy here?

    yes I´m a very special dude, so 90% of people wants a saturated channel strong, but I look for a good clean. For example my triaxis is the direct offspring of the mark series, I think that it has the best clean channel as all the mark amps and the saturated channels are for rock, well if I need...
  2. F

    Advice for tubescreamers, IC and diy

    Hi to all, I want to said a few words about the fever of mods. Well if you are modding some of your stuff because it doesn´t sounds as you wants it is totally admisible, even if you are bored at saturday rainy day, ok but don´t think that good mods are as easy as simply just replace components...
  3. F

    I found a small tube "stash".

    the first time I found some tubes I was really excited, but after I found at least 200 tubes in an old audio storage I think that I will not more excited with that kind of situations :D of course the 200 tubes where all for RF and only a few for guitar amps :(
  4. F

    Scored an oscilloscope !

    even if your scope is a 20 MHz with an upper 20 MHz probe you could work so fine
  5. F

    Am I being crazy here?

    to me the dr has the all ages classical rock saturation, maybe one of the most nicest saturated channels but the clean doesnt´really likes to me, I prefer the cleans of the mark series
  6. F

    Scored an oscilloscope !

    ok after that great offtopic :D I understand that you want to make your own probe test. ok you could do a probe even with the potate of your image but the matter is the resolution and the accurate of your measures, a probe has some resistors and caps, the voltage divider you quote is for probes...
  7. F

    Am I being crazy here?

    Dude your case has a very easy solution. Your anxiety is caused by a faulty of lithium, you must to suck all the lithium cells at your home ;) after the treatment you will be totally good
  8. F

    Triaxis/Abacus problem

    First of all try to isolate the problem, which is swapping to 1 the triaxis or the abacus??? did you test with other midi equipment, the most clues that you give us the more easily the troubleshooting will be
  9. F

    Hurray for the moderators ( no more spammers )

    I want to congratulate the moderators tasks. Last week we suffered an incredible nonsense attack of a pedal builder spammer, after two weeks only posting nonsense about that pedals at last all his messages has been deleted. Thanks to you guys the forum is another time in the right way, hang up...
  10. F

    20/20 dismatched ???

    a bit dismatched is not a seriously problem, for example on my 20/20 the matter was very easy, it becomes with different phase inverter tubes, and that makes me to sound a bit different, only heared if you pay a lot of attention
  11. F


    ok i will check them
  12. F

    different Triaxis.....please help

    anyway it is very difficult to get a total view of the triaxis with some clips, because is very difficult to isolate the TA from the elements used for recording for example the power amp, the cabinet, the mic, the mic preamp, etc... I recomend to you if it is posible to meet some people in your...
  13. F


    storm, pics of the dsp :D
  14. F

    different Triaxis.....please help

    ohhh dude the best answer I could give you is use the search button, about that thread there are tons of discussions on the forum that could guide you
  15. F


    I use my triaxis with a butler desings tube spring rack reverb, it was manufactured ala old style fender black face, check on the web for the tube works rt921, it is a not surrender reverb, I could bet it is better than eh and it costs to me 100 dollars second hand
  16. F

    bk butler tube driver...anybody got one?

    they are awesome, butler designs are very good know, I recommend it 100% it is not on the same way that H&K so we can´t compare them is like trying to compare blondes and brunetes, they are totally different
  17. F

    Any body dig the ENGL amplification?

    I repaired some of this amps, they are so cool, they sound really really good and they have a very nice and rough construction, good value
  18. F

    Your experience with TC G-Force and G-Major

    I think that tc electronic is the most discussed brand on this forum, if you use the search button you could find tons of posts
  19. F

    Did you guys check out E-Bay lately?

    wysiwyg :lol: