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  1. F

    Wow...what a difference some preamp tubes make in a C+.....

    Holy crap. Some of you know about the C+ I recently obtained from a buddy who had it hidden away in a closet for years. Anyway, the amp had the original number Mesa preamp tubes that all checked out fine with my amp tech. However, it was still a bit icy. Finally bit the the bullet and replaced...
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    IIC+ I finally got one....

    I just swapped out the EV force for an old evm12l in the c+ I just got last month. Monster cleans now. Very usable two-channel setup. Gonna get another 12l for the thiele that's coming. I bought a mkIII in '87 too (100 watter) that I used for a long time when I didn't know squat about tone. I...
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    Doug's tubes - Plate Current for Simul Class

    Hey BB, speaking of tubes, can you run just two tubes in the class A spots without the others or do you have to keep all four installed even though you're in Class A and only using the two?
  4. F

    MKIIC+ settings?

    I just picked up the exact same model a few weeks ago and have had a nice time playing around with it. I mainly play single coils (and ones with a bit of treble bite like an old ASAT Classic and and SG w/lollar P90s) so I keep the presence off completely. With those pickups I like a bit higher...
  5. F

    1979 Mark II Go to the used and vintage amp section and scroll down a bit....that ones smokes. It's in my buddy's shop up the street.
  6. F

    New MkIIC+ in the house....

    Rocky Mount also has Dortches Red & White sausage! whoo hoo! I'll try and get some pics up as this thing looks brand new. "Ahh, Lindley. He was a habitual Dumble user." Yeah, I know....and there a million Dumble threads on certain websites (and Dumble clones blah, blah, blah). I can nail that...
  7. F

    New MkIIC+ in the house....

    And I tried to get you real BBQ!! Actually, the two new 6l6s were part of that total. Got to crank it up a bit this afternoon. Sounds very good and (obviously) much better with the master up a bit. I'm usually a class A guy but I like it with the simul class on too. Ran the old Asat, the '74...
  8. F

    New MkIIC+ in the house....

    Just got her home from the shop. Problem was a bad tube socket connection that had shorted out two of the old Sylvania 6l6s. He also fixed a bias cap for me. I have it running on SED EL34's and new Mesa 6l6s right now and sounds pretty good (haven't had a chance to pump it up yet). I have an old...
  9. F

    Got some funky tube happenings on the new MKIIC+............

    Come on down to Raleigh and fix it onsight. Same guy has an old MkIIB that needs a going through. We'll pay the gas and the bill and you can get the hell out of Charlotte for the day! Close enough to get some real Eastern NC BBQ while you're at it. You got a shop in Charlotte? I've got some real...
  10. F

    Got some funky tube happenings on the new MKIIC+............

    Triangle born and raised my man. The FloridaMike started with a fantasy football board...most of the guys in the league check out a certain website I was using so I used a fake name to throw 'em off (worked too..won our super bowl last year). Just kind of stuck. I called Darren (he usually...
  11. F

    Got some funky tube happenings on the new MKIIC+............

    Darren Riley don't do Boogies! He does all of my other stuff and he is the one who sent me to Yonce at Mad Science. He officially is a Boogie service center now!.
  12. F

    Got some funky tube happenings on the new MKIIC+............

    You know when I pulled the right outside 6l6 the black piece in the middle of the tube was broken off and there was no sign of it inside so we just stuck it back inside and it played fine until we shut it off. However, when I puilled that one and put the EL34 back in that spot is when the...
  13. F

    Got some funky tube happenings on the new MKIIC+............

    Wow...the same 6l6 that didn't work in the inside right did not work on the left. I replaced it with oneof the previous ones that I thought worked and hit the simul class switch and the 6l6 glowed blue and the left El34 started getting red hot so i shut it down quickly. How do i find out if the...
  14. F

    Got some funky tube happenings on the new MKIIC+............

    I'm about to pull the trigger on a trade for a Simul/Rev/105 combo (she's mint btw :D ) and I get her home to check her out and am having some issues. The amp has all of the original Mesa preamp tubes (not sure what actual brand they are) and two Phillips Str-387's on the inside plus two Peavey...
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    Mark IIC+ - Guide for Dummies

    Thanks, I've bought tubes from Doug before he knows his stuff. I didn't think that speaker sounded right.
  16. F

    Need some MKIIC+ help....

    New member here. I've got a chance to buy #12955 from a good buddy. It's black tolex, simul class w/reverb but no EQ. Very good condition and has an EV Force speaker. Also has additional cabinet. Any idea how much this thing is worth and is that the original speaker? Also, any recommendations...
  17. F

    Mark IIC+ - Guide for Dummies

    New member here. I've got a chance to buy #129## from a good buddy. It's black tolex, simul class w/reverb but no EQ. Very good condition and has an EV Force speaker. Also has additional cabinet. Any idea how much this thing is worth and is that the original speaker? Also, any recommendations...