You know what I love about my Mark V...

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2009
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I just tried completely new settings on all 3 channels and found 3 totally new sounds that I love!

I mean, I understand when these guys say that they like their simple amps but the seemingly endless versatility of the Mark V is just wonderful.

I went from Fat/Crunch/Mark IV to Fat/Mark I/Mark IIC+ all with completely different setups including wattage, rectifier, and triode/pentode settings and I'm loving it!

On a side not, it's incredible the way the Treble and Presence knobs effect the sound. Of course we all know that the Treble pot plays an important role in the gain structure but if you really sit and play with the pots with an open mind, you can come up with some great new settings.
from the time i decided to buy this amp, i looked at it because the versatility!!!!!!

i am glad you are rediscovering this beast.....

getting to know this amp in any situation, it just put a big smile on you :D
screamingdaisy said:
My pet peeve is that it only has three channels....

Sometimes it makes me jones for a Triaxis/2:90 setup.

Yes. I really need 3 more channels, so I can have a tweed, mark I, and extreme set up in addition to fat, crunch, and Mark IV.
eudaimonia02912 said:
screamingdaisy said:
My pet peeve is that it only has three channels....

Sometimes it makes me jones for a Triaxis/2:90 setup.

Yes. I really need 3 more channels, so I can have a tweed, mark I, and extreme set up in addition to fat, crunch, and Mark IV.

I would personally like to see a Mark V.1 -- have Ch 1 be the same as it is now, but two channels of CH 3 -- that way my CH2 could be set to the Mrk IV Mode and CH3 could be on Extreme.

Mesa -- are you reading this? :D
fjk1138 said:
eudaimonia02912 said:
screamingdaisy said:
My pet peeve is that it only has three channels....

Sometimes it makes me jones for a Triaxis/2:90 setup.

Yes. I really need 3 more channels, so I can have a tweed, mark I, and extreme set up in addition to fat, crunch, and Mark IV.

I would personally like to see a Mark V.1 -- have Ch 1 be the same as it is now, but two channels of CH 3 -- that way my CH2 could be set to the Mrk IV Mode and CH3 could be on Extreme.

Mesa -- are you reading this? :D

I totally agree with this. Versatility is nice to have but I pretty much settle on one high gain rhythm, one liquid lead, and one pristine clean. It would be nice to be able to switch between the modes of channel 3.

I'm very new to this amp but one thing I founbd last night is that you can't be afraid to turn the gain up. I'm coming from the JVM and the DSL. On those amps if you put the gain past 1 O'Clock it turns to much but you can basically do anything with the tone knobs that you want. This amp is the opposite, the gain is useful all the way through but you can get in trouble with the tone knobs.
I'm very new to this amp but one thing I founbd last night is that you can't be afraid to turn the gain up. I'm coming from the JVM and the DSL. On those amps if you put the gain past 1 O'Clock it turns to much but you can basically do anything with the tone knobs that you want. This amp is the opposite, the gain is useful all the way through but you can get in trouble with the tone knobs.

Mesa amps are a bit tough to get used to, especially if you are used to Marshalls. The tone knobs don't react the same, and they are very sensitive -- sometimes the tone can be affected by just the slightest nudge in one direction or the other. The best advice I can recommend is to try the settings offered in the manual as a starting point. Or, try all tone knobs at 12 noon and adjust from there. Once you get it where you think you like it, try the wattage switches and also the pentode/triode on the back -- all will affect the feel of it.

I had to experiment on this amp for a couple of weeks when I first got it....and my previous amp was a Mesa Roadster. But don't give up, the sounds the Mk V is capable of are fantastic and now that I am used to it, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

But I would buy a Mark V.1 (heh heh)
Nazgul666 said:
fjk1138 said:
I totally agree with this. Versatility is nice to have but I pretty much settle on one high gain rhythm, one liquid lead, and one pristine clean. It would be nice to be able to switch between the modes of channel 3.


FWIW: I find I'm able to get both a high gain lead and rhythm sound out of channel 3 without touching the tone knobs. I set it up to play dry with my bridge pickup for rhythms. For lead, I switch to my (midrange heavy) neck pickup and turn on the loop. In the loop, I keep an MXR stereo chorus (set very subtly, and using its EQ to smooth the high end), a slight delay, and some subtle reverb. I get what I consider an ideal Mark solo tone and a great rhythm tone this way, all on the same channel.
I have yet to find the sweet spot in the 2nd channel, but I am dam close. Yes, a very trying amp at times.
eudaimonia02912 said:
Nazgul666 said:
fjk1138 said:
I totally agree with this. Versatility is nice to have but I pretty much settle on one high gain rhythm, one liquid lead, and one pristine clean. It would be nice to be able to switch between the modes of channel 3.


FWIW: I find I'm able to get both a high gain lead and rhythm sound out of channel 3 without touching the tone knobs. I set it up to play dry with my bridge pickup for rhythms. For lead, I switch to my (midrange heavy) neck pickup and turn on the loop. In the loop, I keep an MXR stereo chorus (set very subtly, and using its EQ to smooth the high end), a slight delay, and some subtle reverb. I get what I consider an ideal Mark solo tone and a great rhythm tone this way, all on the same channel.

I agree, I can use either IIc+, IV, or extreem on Ch3 dry for a crunchy rhythm. Then for lead, ill also use channel 3 with a BB pre in front & delay in the loop to liquify the lead. Solo boost as well if needed. I use the GCX/GCP so it will do all of that in just one button. Just engaging the fx loop seeps to warm up the tone and take some edge of for a pleasing lead tone. Then it keeps channel 2 open for some lower gain stuff on crunch/mark I when needed.