You CAN NOT mIx TuBeS on the Mark 5

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phyrexia said:
I've worked with my rep for three years and he has given me only one piece of incorrect information. It was regarding an amp that had yet to be announced at the time.

The Bias for EL34s in the outer sockets of a Simul-Class power section has always been incorrect. That's my point. In a Mark IV, if you put EL34s in the outer sockets, they're biased cold, just like in a simul II or III, and in a V. I'm not trying to debate the bias points of EL34s and 6L6s - everybody knows that EL34s run 'hotter' than 6L6s, and what happened with your Behringer is normal. The same thing happens in a Boogie with a bias select switch.

That switch is present so you can run all EL34s. When you mix the 6L6s and EL34s in the method we're talking about here, part of 'the sound' is cold-biased EL34s. In EL34 mode, the bias for the whole amp is changed and I assume the amp is properly biased for EL34s (I am not going to get into Mesa's cold-natured biasing habits). Heck, You can stick four EL34s in any Mark IV, right now. Go do it. It'll sound fonky because the tubes are biased way too cold. But there is nothing keeping the amp from functioning. The EL34s would probably last forever. On the other hand, I can set the bias switch to EL34 and keep my 6L6s in there and it'll operate fine until the tubes blow.

The manual really only has two problems I can see: grammar and the 45W Class A parts. Everything else looked correct. I got an "EXPORT" manual and it is the same as the PDF posted here.

Cool. But the manual just wasn't clear. It should have stated to leave the bias switch on 6l6 when using el34's in the outersockets. I prefer using all 6l6's anyway though.
I like the 6L6's... my head came with 2 pairs of 6L6's STR 440 code green. i had an extra pair of Mesa 6L6 STR 440's code blue so i placed the code blue in the inner sockets and i am getting overall a little bit extra headroom which i loved for the cleans :D I'll be replacing the power tubes soon with some TAD's 6L6GC's :wink:
2 stupid things: 1- what does ftw mean? (i decided to finally ask!) 2- his experience is with a bugera not a behringer and yes it doesnt matter hahahaha

Now my question since the EL34 is not biased right or say running optimaly when in the outer sockets, cant you choose a hotter grade EL34? or some kind of EL34 that would run a bit less cold (not fixing the problem but making the bias a bit more efficent). Sorry if im talking nonsense, have yet to learn more about tubes
A) i own a mark v B) both el34 modes will operate in the same manner

But as you said, it doesnt matter.
rispsira said:
2 stupid things: 1- what does ftw mean? (i decided to finally ask!)
For The Win

rispsira said:
Now my question since the EL34 is not biased right or say running optimaly when in the outer sockets, cant you choose a hotter grade EL34? or some kind of EL34 that would run a bit less cold (not fixing the problem but making the bias a bit more efficent).
I think if you talk to the guy at Eurotubes, he can set you up with just that, EL34s that'll run closer to ideal in a Boogie set to 6L6. But I've heard some guys who seem to know what they're talking about criticize some of his practices. I'm of the opinion where if it sounds better and don't asplode, let's do it!

Bonez said:
rispsira said:
his experience is with a bugera not a behringer

both are the same company

LOL thanks for the info i didnt know that, but please you have to understand that it was a stupid comment (knowing that it doesnt matter wether it was owned by nokia) that i did at 6 am local on a saturday night. and i do know t2mike that you own a mark V because i dont miss many posts around here 8)

Yes i usually order from Eurotubes, wonder what people had to say about it. Anyway! going back to sleep (woke up for paypal buying gear :s) Later guys!

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