YES! It has started!

The Boogie Board

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I ... Ready for football .
Oh yeah .

Game's on , no honeydo's ...

8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Watch out for the return of my favorite day! SUNDAY!
Every year about this time I start getting excited that *this* is the year the MIGHTY Seahawks become world champs! Unfortunately, more often than not, my expectations are a breeding ground for dissapointment.
Anyways, it is good to hear a couple other fans in the house....

The Seahawk Apologist formerly known as
"There are only three true sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; the rest are merely games."


If I'm gonna watch games, it's usually women's. AVP and womens tennis are good for killing time while waiting for your significant other to get home. :lol:
I am in always in a much happier state after the hall of fame game. Football is starting back up and the weather out here will start calming down.

Cant wait to see what my team does this year, even though they are facing one of the most difficult schedules.
Go Chiefs!

My team I am hoping will be a break out team and surorise the league cuz most people predict them to be close to the bottom. I am a BENGALS fan no matter if they are 2-14 or 14-2 I will suffer or thrive with them lol.