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WTB: MESA Mark IV short head B version in good condition

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Jun 13, 2007
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I have decided to look for a short head to use with various cabs till I find the right combination. A head will have less vibration to the tubes prolonging tube life. If I can find one in good condition and at a fair price.
Edge59 :)
The 'A' is the best I could come up with in the short head, but I couldn't tell a difference b/w the long chassis B and the short head 'A' I traded it for... Just FYI.
You have had both the A and B then? You did not notice a difference? I have people calling and emailing me to sell me a short combo, a wide body (these are B versions and really new), there is a few on ebay, a short B rack, a long A, a short A... Wish I could A/B (no pun, lol) them all to decide... I have been wanting a short head since I have a 1-12 cab and it would be easier to haul around. The wide body looks sweet as the short combo, but the tubes are toast in a short time... Any suggestions? thanks for you replies :) Anyone care to elaborate on tube life ina combo vs. a head?
This might be wrong(most probably is :) ) But I have had no real trouble with the tube life in a combo or a head,the combo lasted as long as any head has!!

I owned a Nomad 100 short base combo 1x12" and it was super but I suppose I prefer a head and cabinet is just for me,I run a dual rec into a 1x12" Theile cab and it sounds awsome and looks erm.....a little uneven but hey it sound great

I prefer this combination because I love Noogies,the best tone on the planet but you get that at a cost.....they are heavy fuckers!!! so when I ve finished the gig and Im exhausted I really dont want to carry a combo out to the car I just take my time and take two journeys with the head and combo

Another plus side is that you can keep your cab for the rest of your life and only have the need to buy different heads

I say get a short head for your cab,

Ohh Im also on the look out for a short head to fit nicely onto my Theile but I have time still and the recto sounds ace anyways !! :):):)

But yeah I havent experianced the short tube life scenario,

I cant see that this could be a problem because a combo is just a head(the amp) and a cabinet (the speaker) in one box!!!!

Perhaps some of you tech guys here could shine some light on this :):)
Random Hero said:
If you're UK based, £1,200 for mine. Fantastic condition, B model.

Thats a fantastic offer right there,great price

Jezze I would have to sell my Dual rec first though,When I get her sold I will PM ya see if you still have her

Thanks man
mesanomad100 said:
Random Hero said:
If you're UK based, £1,200 for mine. Fantastic condition, B model.

Thats a fantastic offer right there,great price

Jezze I would have to sell my Dual rec first though,When I get her sold I will PM ya see if you still have her

Thanks man

Let me know. I'll only sell it if I can find a short to replace it though. I'm looking into a rack, see.
Yep, I've owned an A and a B version. I really could not tell a difference. When psycle_1 came over to make the trade (he had the shortie A and I had the long B) we played through mine first (the B at this point), and rocked out for a bit. Then, we hooked up his shortie A, RIGHT AFTER playing through the B. We used the same cab, and same guitar, and it sounded IDENTICAL! PLUS, psycle had used the same amp settings that I used that I found on the petrucci forums for his mark iv settings, so the knobs were all turned about the same on both amps. It was merely coincidence, but it was great grounds for comparison! I could honestly not tell the difference b/w the two! If you A/Bed them you MIGHT be able to hear SLIGHT differences, but nothing to write home about, if anything at all...

I don't see what all the hype about the A/B difference is about. I am truly happy with my short head A! Thanks psycle_1!!!

And I don't think the tube life would differ in the combo compared to the head...