Woot! My Mark III finally sounds the way I wanted it to!

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Well-known member
Aug 27, 2006
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Yeah, for a long time, my mark III had a very bad attack. The first half second of any note sounded a tiny bit brittle, so it was very hard to make things sound smooth. People I showed it to didn't seem to think it was a problem, probably because many other amps naturally sound like this.

Well I took it to a shop because I was getting volume cutout issues. I got it back today, and ****, it sounds different! They said that they pretty much cleaned every aspect of the amp. It sounds so smooth and rich now, I don't get the fuzzy attack anymore. I guess I'm just gushing, because I'm a happy player.
On the receipt, it just said they cleaned all jacks, connections, and pots. I don't know much about amps, so I don't know if this would produce the change I heard.
Hi All,

Have had similar issues.

On one of my quads the whole amp was sounding gritty, fizzy, flubby - I thoroughally cleaned the FX loop and replaced the old "Carlton" switch and it improved the sound (for a while !).

I've received some excellent advice from Boogiebabies around changing some components to improve the inherently bright sound of the MKIII's.

Its really hard to describe sounds in words so if anyone has any soundclips of MKIII's with these kinds of issues then please let me know your links. I can't create MP3's etc myself.

Thanks !
