Will a V30 serve my Mark IV well?

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Apr 16, 2009
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Hey fellas,
Greetings from Australia. Been here for awhile and enjoyed reading your stuff but this is my first post.

I'm using a Mark IV short head and a 1x12 Mesa compact cab loaded with a C90. Now I want to replace the C90 with a V30 but I'm wondering whether the V30 will be beaten to death by the IV because it's rated at 85W whilst the V30 is only 60W. What's your thought?
And also I've heard of the Eminence Governor being said to be a V30 clone. Will it serve my IV better than the V30?
I have had a Celestion V30 in my Mark IV combo since 2001. It is my favorite speaker with the Mark amps. I run the Master in the 2/6 range and have had no problems so far.
Thanks guys! But you mean the C90 is better than the V30 in terms of low end? What about highs and mids? I've heard that the highs are not as ice-picky in the C90 right? I haven't got a chance to try a V30 out yet. Cabs loaded with V30 are kinda rare here. How do you compare these 2?
BTW how different will it be if I make the open back cab closed?
I bought a V30 for my Cal .22 as it is more efficient (sensitive) and produces a little more sound per watt. I had to drop the high end and boost the lows a little. It sounded good, but I had to definitely change the settings.

Since then, I took the V30 out to put it in a 1x12 Cab that I have. I now use it together with another 1x12 with a C90 to give me contrast in my tone....now that's a great combination when driven with my Ace head! The sparkly mids and highs of the V30 with the meatier, bassier sound of the C90! :D :D

I like the combination of these 2 cabs best of all, but if I had to use only 1 cab, it would be the C90 as I feel the V30 sounds too thin on it's own...of course, that is just IMO. 8)

Good luck! :)
If you play metal or extremely high gain then the V30 is a good choice. I've found it to be harsh with a Roadster and my Soldanos. The V30 has a mid frequency spike compared to the more even C90 so it helps amps with scooped EQ metal settings come through the mix a little better.

Myself and many others generally prefer the C90 over the V30. Its one of the greatest all around speakers for clean and high gain lead tones. Except for Bass and Treble around 6, I keep all my EQ settings at 5/noon on my amps with the C90. I'm also interested in trying out the 10" Mesa "Vintage Black Shadow" Eminence E50 with my future Blackstar HT-5H.