Will a Roadking or Roadster do this..

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May 24, 2007
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OK - I'm in a bit of a pickle. I love the clean and bluesy tones of the Mesa Lonestar, but I also need the rectifier growl. The rectifier's unfortunately (to me) don't sound that great for anything other than that rectifier growl. If I had unlimited funds, unlimited space on stage and a dude to carry them around for me, I'd get one of each but that's not possible. Will a road king or roadster give me what I'm looking for in a single amp?
Both of them will give you good cleans and the recitifier sound. The RK will give you more bells and whistles to play with over the roadster which you can read about in detail on Mesa's site.. but essentially both will fit the bill nicely.
Cool - thanks Platypus. One more question... If I go with a roadking head and just run the standard 2x12 recto cab - not a road king cab am I losing out on a lot? Am I correct to assume that in a live situation to really maximize the use of a road king cab you'd need to mic all speakers?
The RK 2X12 cab has a C90 and a V30 with half open back to the C90. If your sound requires an open back tone then you may consider it. You can program each channel to utilize this feature also. I believe that Mesa states that the RK2 has the cleans from the Lonestar because of the ability to have the open back/C90 on the fly and doesnt state this about the Roadster because of this very difference. The Tweed mode on the RK2 is awesome in my opinion, however; its quite different than channel 2 on the Lonestar.This is a perfect situation where you HAVE to check these two amps out thoroughly before you make a decision on which one.Good Luck dude and take your time!
I'd say the RK sounds like it's for you if you want both Lonestar Cleans and Recto slam. It's a lot more dynamic than just those tones though and will take some tweaking.

Not sure if anybody mentioned it but the RK you can also select certain channels to certain speaker cabs, so in theory you could use a 2x12 RK and a 2x12 Rectifier.

Th Roadkings aren't cheep but you can find them on eBay and use the difference to get the cab or cabs you want.

Good luck.
Just so it's brought up.... the Roadster clean is the same as the RK2 and the Lonestar..... from my search i found the roadster's cleans (even though mesa states that the rk2 and roadster have the same clean channel) are better than the RK2...... also if you're not looking for the progressive linking (didn't think the rk's use of the el34 came close to the stiletto or marshall-esk tone) or the dual fx loops or the the dual cab outputs, save yourself a few hundred dollars and get the roadster..... plus to my ears the recto channels on the roadster sounded better with less fizziness and and more round sound.... just my opinion though.... thats why i chose my roadster
jdurso said:
JJust so it's brought up.... the Roadster clean is the same as the RK2 and the Lonestar..... from my search i found the roadster's cleans (even though mesa states that the rk2 and roadster have the same clean channel) are better than the RK2.....

100% Untrue.....The Roadster Cleans while technically the same as the RKII are not better....and this is due to the cabinet design (Cleans sound better in an open back -> the Lonestar Combos are open backs).

So if you're looking for the lonestar cleans (in a combo) then its the RK II. However, if you're going head/cab, then both the Roadster and RK II should sound similar
JAZZGEAR 100% Untrue.....The Roadster Cleans while technically the same as the RKII are not better....and this is due to the cabinet design (Cleans sound better in an open back -> the Lonestar Combos are open backs). So if you're looking for the lonestar cleans (in a combo) then its the RK II. However said:
Just for clarification i was a/bing a the head versions through a roadking 2x12, a roadster 2x12, and a recto 2x12..... the little difference i heard between the cleans could have been biased by the price tags..... each amp excelled a little more than the other through its matching 2x12, but i found the roadster to sound a little better in the recto cab..... BTW all the same eq settings, power settings, and RK was on 6l6s
the little difference i heard between the cleans could have been biased by the price tags..... each amp excelled a little more than the other through its matching 2x12

There is NO difference in tone between these two amps. The RK has the EL34s already in it and that's about it. If you want EL34s then simply put them in the Roadster and that's it. You're basically paying for an amp that already has the tubes in it and you don't have to switch back and forth.

I know, I a/b'd both of them and there was no difference. The amp I was looking at first was the Roadster before I bought mine, then I tried the Road King then back to the Roadster when the cleans in the Roadster was what sold me not the cleans on the RK so go figure. It was basically the same but the clean on the Roadster had more thickness to it, it sounded a bit fuller. I then changed my mind and was already going to buy the RK but they didn't have it in stock. Waited 2 weeks went back and tried them both again..I had even more money this time so the price was no issue. I ended up with the Roadster. If I wanted a Marshall type tone out of an amp..I'd get a MARSHALL besides the Roadster gives me everything I need except that super dark Soldano gain other than that I've been able to get all the tones I want out of it. I don't need it to do a SLO 100 type tone because I already own a Soldano SLO.

I just don't see the point in buying a Rectifier to use EL34s. That puzzles the **** out of me :?: :?:
I really liked the tone of EL34s in my Trem-O-Verb. That's what is leading me to the Road King II. I can have both.

As far as tone goes, it's always subjective, so everybody's take on tone is correct. However, in playing different Mesa's in the area (we have quite a few Guitar Centers) they're not all the same. I went to a non GC Mesa dealer, and the tone on the Road King and Roadster suddenly came to life. Why? The smaller dealer was experimenting with different tubes. Better tubes I should add.

I really think you would like the RK II for your application. I'm going to use an Avatar Vintage 2x12 cab with mine. It's a big little box.
Avatar has some great cabs... especially since you can basically customize to what ever you like..... for 2x12s i would also look at the port city tuned cabs if you have the money... they sound great but are a bit expensive.... same with dr. z ported cabs...... Freda also has so great 2x12s
jdurso said:
from my search i found the roadster's cleans are better than the RK2....

No way.

The progressive linkage sold me on the RKII as well. I figured if I was willing to spend $1900 on a Roadster, that the $500 extra for the RKII would be worth it.

I was right.
CudBucket said:
jdurso said:
from my search i found the roadster's cleans are better than the RK2....

No way.

The progressive linkage sold me on the RKII as well. I figured if I was willing to spend $1900 on a Roadster, that the $500 extra for the RKII would be worth it.

I was right.

The RK II and Roadster cleans are engineered the same. But to really hear the similarity, you would have to at least plug both amps into the same cab for an A/B comparison. Even with that, the tubes between the two amps makes a difference as well.
RoadsterAbuser said:
There is NO difference in tone between these two amps. The RK has the EL34s already in it and that's about it. If you want EL34s then simply put them in the Roadster and that's it. You're basically paying for an amp that already has the tubes in it and you don't have to switch back and forth.

No offense, b/c I am sure your amp is perfect for you, but this is just not true. My RK 2 sounds VERY different when I mix the tube selection so I can't imagine how there is NO difference between the RK and the Roadster. I'll stay away from the subjective better/worse thing, but just changing the tube selection without changing anything else on the channel impacts the tone a good deal.

Both are great amps, but progressive linkage is not just for lazy people who don't want to swap out tubes. It does create some new tonal options you just don't get without it. I personally love channel 3 with 2xEL34 and 2x6L6 far more than any other way setting I have dialed in.
I think a Roadster or Road King II will do what you want..... I've got clips of the Rodster at my site in my sig.

You can get more than just "recto" growl from both amps, you can get the LS cleans and almost Marshall grit and bluesy tones as well, and yes the Dual recto throaty growl as well.

Both great amps, just depends on how much tweaking you want to do.
2britz said:
RoadsterAbuser said:
There is NO difference in tone between these two amps. The RK has the EL34s already in it and that's about it. If you want EL34s then simply put them in the Roadster and that's it. You're basically paying for an amp that already has the tubes in it and you don't have to switch back and forth.

No offense, b/c I am sure your amp is perfect for you, but this is just not true. My RK 2 sounds VERY different when I mix the tube selection

NO it doesn't! (if you understood how amps worked and what REALLY makes an amp sound the way it does or gives it it's characteristic tone..surprise it's NOT the tubes) You might fool newbies or those that have been playing for a few years but I was born with my ear next to an amp and a Fender my man. I don't know exactly what you're trying to prove but try it with someone else..you know better than that.

I already explained the difference between the 2 amps. If you believe spending more for basically the same amp makes you cool then hey.."you're cool bro". End of discussion for me.
tele_jas said:
I think a Roadster or Road King II will do what you want..... I've got clips of the Rodster at my site in my sig.

You can get more than just "recto" growl from both amps, you can get the LS cleans and almost Marshall grit and bluesy tones as well, and yes the Dual recto throaty growl as well.

Both great amps, just depends on how much tweaking you want to do.

Exactly! I never liked Mesa before I tried both Road King and Roadster but now I love these amps. I wouldn't play the older Rectos though. I've always been a Soldano or Hot Rodded Marshall player. I do like the Mark IVs but who doesn't.

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