Wild West Guitars & Mesa amps (plus test drive results!)

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2005
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Deizels are nice, but very hard on the wallet.

Care to expand on the other Mesa's for sale, my son lives near there and has been looking for something to replace his Vox Valvetronix guitar tone faker.

A bunch of capacitors and resistors for $3000 you can deal with, but a handmade thing of beauty like a D28 you cannot fathom?

I a/b'd the Herbert with my old 2 Ch with the same cab (Marshall 1960 Lead). Hands down the Mesa was smoother and had a better crunch. I found the Diezel to be very harsh and fizzy. The second channel was the most impressive... Sounded like a pushed JCM 800. I couldn't justify the price for the one channel I liked.
Did you try any Fuchs amps while you were there? They are awesome, but definitely a different beast. BTW, I'll be passing by the westminster Sam Ash tomorrow. I'll attempt to take some pictures of the said UFO Boogie..... 8)
ursinus said:
Did you try any Fuchs amps while you were there? They are awesome, but definitely a different beast. BTW, I'll be passing by the westminster Sam Ash tomorrow. I'll attempt to take some pictures of the said UFO Boogie..... 8)
Good call on the Fuchs! Nice amp!
I spent forty minutes or an hour with a Herbert with a mahogany Les Paul and a '58 VOS and I was not $3800 impressed or whatever...I'd have taken a Recto (and a IV or a LP or something with the leftover money...)
rabies said:
Robin Ford was there once and said it doesn't really matter what equipment you use "b/c at the end of the night all they want to hear is Brown-Eyed Girl".

Unfortunately this holds true in Albuquerque.
Wild West guitars is a really great place to try some high quality gear.
rabies said:
I saw the Fuchs amps but didn't get a chance to try them out. This ultra-anal dude from Switzerland (I know cuz I asked him if he was from Germany and he looked at me like I had a donut glued to my cheek) was waiting to try sh!t out. He was a much better lead player than me and he didn't like the 45 watt Mojave amp (it has a built-in turnable variac which he said caused the tone to suffer).

He was using a Suhr guitar and told me that he had the internal wires in a Marshall cab replaced with much thicker speaker wires. I've never heard of that and almost started laughing. The Boogie cab I have has very thin internal wiring and it's probly due to the fact that the tabs on the spkrs onto which the wires get soldered to are small. He said it had a positive affect on tone.

Him and his cowboy boots. Whatever.

The other maximum stupid thing was that the worker dude there told me Robin Ford was there once and said it doesn't really matter what equipment you use "b/c at the end of the night all they want to hear is Brown-Eyed Girl".

I was like f%&# that. I hate that song (played that in college in the band). I told him to tell that to the Pantera audience. Some people should die.

The thicker speaker wires trick is old news, this truly improves the sound a lot... we got to see about the "Brown-Eyed Girl" if that improves the female audience... :lol: 8)
I like the Ford comment..if it was true.. Sadly in a club,the only one who pays attention or notices..or even gives a S@#$ about your tone is you. I've spent hours tweaking tone, a ms of delay here or there and no one noticed. Yea, it's usually Brown Eyed Girl or Mustang Sally.
Oh, and by the way. I have a Fuchs ODS 50. Great amp! Haven't taken my DC5 out of the road case in over a month.
Did a show last night where the 2 guitarists in opening act both used Buddah's. Same model. One guy had his rack mounted with DMC Ground Control Switcher, Keeley pedals in the rack with a TC Electronics G Major effect unit and a Buddah 2 12 cab. Serious rig. Looking at it I thought, man, this is going to sound great. The other guy plugged straight in with a couple of Boss pedals. Hmmm. Which one sounded better? Take a guess. Come on. OK.
The guy who plugged straight in...his tone was killin" The other guy...not so much. Actually bad. Thin, lifeless.

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