wierd problem with stiletto

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Sep 20, 2008
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I just recently bought a second hand stiletto ace 2 x 12 combo . Something wierd is happening on channel 2 and mostly happens in tite gain or fluid drive . Say I let the amp feed back from the low e and then hit a couple of notes I get a wierd kind of muffled effect sound with no definition to the string that I struck . The only thing I can compare it to is the sound of a ring modulator effect . It is a horrible sound. The tubes are pretty clangy and I am hoping this is the problem .Any insight into this would be great .
Check your Preamp tubes, even if they are new. I recently bought a new set of Groove Tube Ecc83s and one of them was DOA. If you have an extra 12ax7 lying around try substituting it into each one of the preamp spots. See if it clears up at all if it does there is your bad tube..... Or just crank your amp up amlost all the way with no guitar plugged in and tap the tubes with a pencil lightly and listen for a ring.... if one does ring replace that one.
I think he's talking about the intermodulation distortion common when you play double-stops on a tube amp.
Try bending two notes, say D and F# at the 7th fret, up to E and G, Chuck Berry style.
As you bend the notes upward, you will hear background distortion going downwards. This is very noticeable on so-called "Class A" amps, like a Vox AC30, but Boogies do it too, to say nothing of any vintage Fender amp.
If this sounds horrible to you, maybe tube amps aren't your bag, 'cause to a certain extent they all do it, and it is considered part of the reason tube amp distortion is preferable to the really horrible solid-state brand.
Actually, solid-state and modeling amp designers go out of their way to try to emulate this trait.
I think it mut be the tubes and I will try that test to determine that. I got the amp used online and the box it came in was really beaten up . If I tap one of the el 34 tubes it sounds like a broken light bulb and I dont know if this is normal . I have played through a few tube amps and have never heard this sound . It is allmost like the sound cuts out for a couple of seconds ,like the strings are somewhat muted and sounding like a ring modulator and then comes back in full .The feedback is allso more of a squeal as well. I had a blues jr and never heard this and also an older fender twin. There just seems to be something a little off with this amp like it lacks a little something . Anyway I really apreciate the help.
I turned my amp to channel 2 and turned the guitar all the way down. My amp was hissing really bad and making some kind wierd animal noise or like a wierd kind on stomach growl . When I tapped on the power tubes I didnt really hear much but, the amp was making some wierd rattle sounds. Shouldn't the amp be quiet with my guitar turned all the way off. The animal noises are definitely not normal.
The rattle is not hurting anything. That is common with boogie power tubes. Now the animal noises sound like preamp tubes. You can tap each preamp tube with a pencil and listen for that noise to change or go away. When/if it does then that's the tube that you need to replace.

Also, are you plugged straight in to the amp?
Too much gain, not enough volume = too much preamp tube compression. Let her breathe and reduce the bass and gain controls :D

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