WHY ???

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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2006
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Why mesa simply put in your heads midi capabilities ?

I think it will not change the tone.

I will sell my triaxis and buy a roadster or a roadking

:shock: :?: :shock: :?: :shock: :?:
I think it would be a bad idea. There is just too much stuff in the head to begin with (circuit wise). It would be like adding another haystack to a pile of haystacks that is over stuffing the barn. If that is your only reason for not getting a RK or RS amp then it is a pretty weak argument since you can probably fit an external midi switching device inside the chassis of the amp with the tubes. You are going to spend a lot of money on the amp what is another 200 dollars for a midi switching device?
If that is your only reason for not getting a RK or RS amp then it is a pretty weak argument since you can probably fit an external midi switching device inside the chassis of the amp with the tubes. You are going to spend a lot of money on the amp what is another 200 dollars for a midi switching device?[/quote]

You know it can be done.
I don't.
I know nothing about electronics and I don't know how to do it.
If I know I won't asking about it.
So tell me how can I use my midi footcontroler to change a head's channels through a midi cable ?
sombra said:
If that is your only reason for not getting a RK or RS amp then it is a pretty weak argument since you can probably fit an external midi switching device inside the chassis of the amp with the tubes. You are going to spend a lot of money on the amp what is another 200 dollars for a midi switching device?

You know it can be done.
I don't.
I know nothing about electronics and I don't know how to do it.
If I know I won't asking about it.
So tell me how can I use my midi footcontroler to change a head's channels through a midi cable ?

Get a CFX4 from Axess Electronics and appropriate cable made for your head(Mario at Axess sells these too) hook the CFX4 to any midi foot controller and bingo you're in business. The CFX4 is small and can easily fit into most chasis with velcro or 3M dual lock. You can also get a GRX4 which is a 4 loop device to use for pedals and or rack FX, hook this to the CFX4 via midi cord and you can do all your amp switching and FX switching with the midi foot controller.
Many other manufacturers offer similar solutions.
Here is Mario's site: http://axess-electronics.com/

Mark Day
I bought a CFX4 when I had my Nomad, and now I use it with my Stiletto Ace. Mario Marino and his crew at Axess build great stuff, totally dependable and high quality. Midi In and Midi Through jacks make the connection simple and transparent. You can't lose!
Get a CFX4 from Axess Electronics and appropriate cable made for your head(Mario at Axess sells these too) hook the CFX4 to any midi foot controller and bingo you're in business. The CFX4 is small and can easily fit into most chasis with velcro or 3M dual lock. You can also get a GRX4 which is a 4 loop device to use for pedals and or rack FX, hook this to the CFX4 via midi cord and you can do all your amp switching and FX switching with the midi foot controller.
Many other manufacturers offer similar solutions.
Here is Mario's site: http://axess-electronics.com/
Mark Day

Dude I apreciated your help but do you think that there are people only in north america ??!!
In my country a cfx4 don't even exist.
Boogie only if we will travel and buy it .
That's why I'm asking why mesa just don't put midi in their heads.

sombra said:
Get a CFX4 from Axess Electronics and appropriate cable made for your head(Mario at Axess sells these too) hook the CFX4 to any midi foot controller and bingo you're in business. The CFX4 is small and can easily fit into most chasis with velcro or 3M dual lock. You can also get a GRX4 which is a 4 loop device to use for pedals and or rack FX, hook this to the CFX4 via midi cord and you can do all your amp switching and FX switching with the midi foot controller.
Many other manufacturers offer similar solutions.
Here is Mario's site: http://axess-electronics.com/
Mark Day

Dude I apreciated your help but do you think that there are people only in north america ??!!
In my country a cfx4 don't even exist.
Boogie only if we will travel and buy it .
That's why I'm asking why mesa just don't put midi in their heads.


Dude, Mario ships worldwide...Europe, Asia and South America loves Mario's stuff. They are often on Ebay in the UK and others...PS. You're profile doesn't state where you are from, how was I supposed to know..lol.


not saying where I live it says to you that I live in north america ??!!
I'm kidding. :D
Even if it is shipped worldwide I will have to pay 60% border taxes plus 30% to instrument stores.
I will pay more than twice its value !!
That's why I prefer a boogie head with midi.
I'm from brazil.

BTW if I was born in canada AVRIll wil be my woman !!!!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
sombra said:
not saying where I live it says to you that I live in north america ??!!
I'm kidding. :D
Even if it is shipped worldwide I will have to pay 60% border taxes plus 30% to instrument stores.
I will pay more than twice its value !!
That's why I prefer a boogie head with midi.
I'm from brazil.

BTW if I was born in canada AVRIll wil be my woman !!!!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Wow your tax system is worse than Canada..lol. I know there are guys in S America using this stuff perhaps you can find it used on Ebay in your area. Bradshaw makes similar products as well. I doubt you'll ever see Mesa do it.

Another one to watch out for on EBAY is a Rockman Octopus they spring up once in a while and a Rocktron Patchmate
sombra said:
not saying where I live it says to you that I live in north america ??!!
I'm kidding. :D
Even if it is shipped worldwide I will have to pay 60% border taxes plus 30% to instrument stores.
I will pay more than twice its value !!
That's why I prefer a boogie head with midi.
I'm from brazil.

BTW if I was born in canada AVRIll wil be my woman !!!!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
sombra. she'll be mine man sorry

8) :lol:
I think the answer is that the majority of guitar players have MIDI-phobia. The exception seems to be in Europe, where MIDI I think is more popular than the US. I love MIDI myself, but even I have to admit that when something goes wrong, you can be in deep trouble, especially in a live situation. I always document all my song settings on paper after programming, but what a pain in the ***.

I suppose it is possible to make any amp MIDI, but allowing full adjustment of the pots and all settings is not easy nor cheap to do. The main problem is that you want to allow the guitarist to still twist knobs and see his settings, so it is not ideal to completely replace the user interface with internal MIDI stuff.

For those of us who want MESA with MIDI, the Triaxis / Simul 2:90 is still the best way to go. I hope MESA comes out with a new model that includes the Lone Star and other newer sounds, but I'm not holding my breath.

Why? Becouse MIDI option costs preety much, that's why there is no MIDI in many preamps.

Dude I apreciated your help but do you think that there are people only in north america ??!!
In my country a cfx4 don't even exist.
Boogie only if we will travel and buy it .
That's why I'm asking why mesa just don't put midi in their heads.


pelo seu nick e pelo que vc escreveu, me parece que vc é dos trópicos . . .

provavelmente o hobbertt faz este aparelho ou então o Marcel9o da guitartech tb . . .


abs!! :D
samhill said:
sombra said:
not saying where I live it says to you that I live in north america ??!!
I'm kidding. :D
Even if it is shipped worldwide I will have to pay 60% border taxes plus 30% to instrument stores.
I will pay more than twice its value !!
That's why I prefer a boogie head with midi.
I'm from brazil.

BTW if I was born in canada AVRIll wil be my woman !!!!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Wow your tax system is worse than Canada..lol. I know there are guys in S America using this stuff perhaps you can find it used on Ebay in your area. Bradshaw makes similar products as well. I doubt you'll ever see Mesa do it.


Yes, our tax system is THE world's worst tax system. LOL! :)

although "Shade" is somewhat misinformed . . . he will not have to pay 60% for import taxes plus 30% for the stores, since 60% is the import taxes for individuals. if he wants to import direct, he will have to pay "only" the 60% . . . :?
yes but to do it I have to have an international credit card.
I don't have it.I don't use banks at all.
I hate them.
I prefer travelling :wink:
sombra said:
yes but to do it I have to have an international credit card.
I don't have it.I don't use banks at all.
I hate them.
I prefer travelling :wink:

vc sempre pode fazer uma ordem de pagamento internacional tb . . .

sem bancos vc não tem dinheiro . . . pense nisto . . . :wink:
vc sempre pode fazer uma ordem de pagamento internacional tb . . .

sem bancos vc não tem dinheiro . . . pense nisto . . . :wink:[/quote]

Brother eu nao uso servicos bancarios ha pelo menos 15 anos.Minha familia tem investimentos e contas mas eu nao.So trabalho com dollar recebo e compro dollar.
Nao pago servico bancario algum.Quando viajo ai levo o cartao da minha familia.
Mas eu detesto e nao vou a bancos.Escolha minha.
Cansei de me roubarem carros e eu ter q pagar pelos cheques cartaos documentos etc.
Chega pais de decimo mundo .
Agora recebo e compro dollar nunca desvaloriza.
Mas valeu pela dica.
Voce saberia me explicar sobre ordem de pagamento internacional ?
E igual a transferencia internacional ?
Se for o banco me cobrou uma taxa por isso de 150 reais !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nunca mais nao sou otario.
Vc sabe explicar isso ?

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