why is my Mk IV doing this to me ...

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Newcastle , Australia
i am this close to selling it...it's way to trebley,it doesn't cut thought the mix playing in my band..nowhere enough volume for a live performance..Weak..the gain sounds so unfocused .it has a full new sett of power and pre amp tube's..I know how to set up amp's i have used about so many different setting's coming from about 30 different plp..all sound crap...i used it with a marshall 4x12 1960A or my mesa 200 watt 1x12 EV which sounds worst than the marshall...

What should i try to mke it sound better..any idea's why it would sound so bad,,,i am thinking of selling it and getting a road king..

Thanks Tom
Hi Tom,

my honest opinion........ three posibilities
first, the Mesa Boogie sound is simply not jours, then sell the amp and look for another

second, beside the tubes something else is wrong with your amp, take it to a good amp tech and fix the problem

third, the MK IV is no plug in and play tube amp, it takes some time and patience !!! to get the sound out of it, you want. But normally it shouldn't be too difficult, to get good sounds, at least by using the orignal manual as a guide line.

I have my MK IV since 1991 already, and over all the years of use I have learned more and more to appreciate this amp, with it's great versatility and sound. It's all in it!!! :wink:

Something is definetly not right with your amp. The Boogie sound may or may not be for you. But if you are complaining about the volume not being enough, the amp has a problem. I don't think I've ever had my Mark III above "3.5" on the Master and that was painfully, room clearing loud ...drowning out a hard hitting drummer and an Ampeg SVT bass amp loud.

Are you using fx? If so, are they hooked up right? Are the FX's output levels set correctly? I'm sure you thought of this but I'm just throwing out ideas that might cause a weak volume.
Here's another thing to check - one time I had the same thing happen - very low output so I cranked up the volume to get it to a level where I could hear it well enough. I couldn't tell what it was until I decided to switch some of the switches on the back and then - WHAM!

It turns out one of the back switches was only flipped halfway - not sure what switch it was but it definitely scared the crap out of me...
i can run it at about 2 in my room and it would be pretty loud but not as loud as you guys say...i am going to give it to a tech...and get hime to check out the output and the cap's...see if anything is running under...Thanks

any tech heads here have any idea where to look?..

Thanks Tom
Somthing is definately wrong with the amp. I had mine on 3.5 this weekend and kept up with the band no problem. You may want to check all your tubes again. just because they are new doesn't mean they can't be bad.
Also, was this a problem before you changed the tubes?
Did this only come up after you changed the tubes.
Were you able to get the sound you wanted prior to the tube change? were you able to get the volume you wanted before you changed the tubes?
Are you pluging into the correct Ohms for the cab. A mis match there could cause problems.

These are just a few questions off the top of my head
well...the tubes in it before i replaced were so worn it wasn't good at all...i find that the higher i push the mid's on the EQ the more volume it has...all the ohm stuff it right nothing worng there...
try pentode on the back

and harmonics

and simul class

and full power

keep your masters for R1 R2 and LD pushed in

Pull your channel volumes

Leave your presence knobs pushed in

don't use so much treble or mids

Drop your eq on the right side

Are you getting less trebly yet? More bassy yet? Your tone knobs work kind of backwards from other amps and you have to take it easy on the treble and mids to get any bass but not too much bass or it muds. You might want to try different brand 12ax7s too JJs tend to be a little darker sounding and less bright and icepicky. Also If you have EHs in there definitely swap those out to get away from too much highs. The amp seems to be punchy and tighter than many others from what I have found so far with some smooth tones in R1. Also try not diming your guitar volume and tone. This amp is very sensitive to even the slightest change. The knobs also are known to be so sensitive that you barely need to touch them sometimes to go form yuk to omg tone. Get your sound close to what you want it to be then use the eq to fine tune it.The suggested use is to dip the mids but you might want to keep your highs a little lower form what you said too.

Also, are you using the G12T-75's in your 1960a? If so don't. Try V30's. They tend to be a little deeper. I even play mine through low wattage in my greenback cab and it sounds good. You must not be dialed in correctly either.

I know my first couple days were feeling like what the hell did I get this for? After the knobs were moved from where the previous owner had them. His tone was ok but I wanted a little more in different areas to see what the amp had in store. I am still looking for the ultimate tone but I am satisfied so far. I know that the only problem with my amp is the user right now. I just can't seem to be satisfied yet. I hear good tones from all different kinds of settings but I haven't settled in yet. I keep changing guitars and pedals and everything else instead of concentrating on one thing. It is because it is still new to me and I keep wanting to play some other tone because I want to play this or that song. I can get close to the tones I hear, I just can't quite get that tone I feel inside yet. That tone inside my head. I am not sure where that one is on the dials or if it is even in this amp but I'll take what I have found so far. The more time you spend with it patiently the more you will progress on the learning curve here. As I have said before here on this board... This amp has one of the steepest learning curves of any amp i have ever played. I relate it to playing a tube amp for the first time. I tried to dial it in like my SS practice amp. It just sounded like crap. You have to learn to play the amp. It is an instrument too. Did you figure out how to play guitar in a couple weeks? I doubt it. Give the amp a chance. Try out other options with it. Take the time to learn the amp. Patience my friend.......
Russ said:
try pentode on the back

and harmonics

and simul class

and full power

keep your masters for R1 R2 and LD pushed in

Pull your channel volumes

Leave your presence knobs pushed in

don't use so much treble or mids

Drop your eq on the right side

Are you getting less trebly yet? More bassy yet? Your tone knobs work kind of backwards from other amps and you have to take it easy on the treble and mids to get any bass but not too much bass or it muds. You might want to try different brand 12ax7s too JJs tend to be a little darker sounding and less bright and icepicky. Also If you have EHs in there definitely swap those out to get away from too much highs. The amp seems to be punchy and tighter than many others from what I have found so far with some smooth tones in R1. Also try not diming your guitar volume and tone. This amp is very sensitive to even the slightest change. The knobs also are known to be so sensitive that you barely need to touch them sometimes to go form yuk to omg tone. Get your sound close to what you want it to be then use the eq to fine tune it.The suggested use is to dip the mids but you might want to keep your highs a little lower form what you said too.

Also, are you using the G12T-75's in your 1960a? If so don't. Try V30's. They tend to be a little deeper. I even play mine through low wattage in my greenback cab and it sounds good. You must not be dialed in correctly either.

I know my first couple days were feeling like what the hell did I get this for? After the knobs were moved from where the previous owner had them. His tone was ok but I wanted a little more in different areas to see what the amp had in store. I am still looking for the ultimate tone but I am satisfied so far. I know that the only problem with my amp is the user right now. I just can't seem to be satisfied yet. I hear good tones from all different kinds of settings but I haven't settled in yet. I keep changing guitars and pedals and everything else instead of concentrating on one thing. It is because it is still new to me and I keep wanting to play some other tone because I want to play this or that song. I can get close to the tones I hear, I just can't quite get that tone I feel inside yet. That tone inside my head. I am not sure where that one is on the dials or if it is even in this amp but I'll take what I have found so far. The more time you spend with it patiently the more you will progress on the learning curve here. As I have said before here on this board... This amp has one of the steepest learning curves of any amp i have ever played. I relate it to playing a tube amp for the first time. I tried to dial it in like my SS practice amp. It just sounded like crap. You have to learn to play the amp. It is an instrument too. Did you figure out how to play guitar in a couple weeks? I doubt it. Give the amp a chance. Try out other options with it. Take the time to learn the amp. Patience my friend.......

the best reply ever thankyou so much..and thankyou to All..!!