why is my amp picking up radio stations?

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Apr 25, 2006
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When I have my rectoverb head cranked in the 2nd channel I faintly pick up a salsa radio station. There's somethings I'm not liking about this...

1. It creeps me out
2. Recording is going to be a *****
3. I hate salsa

Anything I could do about this, and what is causing it? Would a noise supressor help out? Thanks a million...

I had the same problem, I was told the amp wasn't "shielded" properly. (I still don't know what they meant)

.....it turned out to be the cheap cable I was using.

If it isn't your cable, I'm surprised it's doing that! (hey, it's a mesa! ;) they use the best parts, don't they?!)
its your cable, your cable is a large piece of metal connected to the front end of the amplifer, if not shielded properly all sort of noise can get in there, your cable is acting as an antenna right now
This has happened with me on several occations, but here's the kicker, it wasn't my amp or cables, it was my old apartment!

I played my Dual Rec, Rectoverb, Tube Works Tube Driver, and even my buddy's Marshall, all with the same problem. At least it was KBPI coming through the amp (the local rock station)! But when I played at my band's practice room with the same amps, it didn't happen at all.

I used to think it was my cables, but I changed them out with Monster cables and even experimented without running the fx loop. Just a 15ft Monster cable going into the input of my amp from my guitar, and a 3 ft. Monster speaker cable going from my amp to my speaker cab.

I tried different guitars, cables, amps, cabs, etc., but there was only one constant........my apartment!

I think it was the wiring in my apartment that was picking up the local radio station. Good AC power is hard to find anywhere, especially my old apartment.

...I don't know if this helps your situation, but it might be "where" you are playing, not "what" you are playing. Try the same set up in a different room or better yet, in a different house/practice space and see if that dosn't help your problem. If all of your other gear is up to snuff (guitar, cables, amps, cabs, etc.) it could be just as simple as changing where you play.

On a side note..........I don't know if this will help you feel any better, but if you listen to the begining of "Flying in a Blue Dream" by Joe Satriani and hear the boy talking in the background during the intro, well, that was caused by radio interferance when he was recording that album, and he decided to keep it in the song!

You might be in good shape when you go to record....or hopefully you can at least try to filter out the salsa station. :wink:
I've never heard anyone blaming the amp for this kind of interference... but I have heard it attributed to crappy cables, poorly shielded (single coil) guitars, and crappy power source.
This problem reminds of the part in the "Spinal Tap" movie when they were playing at a Air Force base and the control tower/airplane transmissions started coming out of the PA during a song. The looks on their faces was outright funny.
Cheez said:
I've never heard anyone blaming the amp for this kind of interference... but I have heard it attributed to crappy cables, poorly shielded (single coil) guitars, and crappy power source.

Yeah, it can be from any of those things. In my case I think it was the bad AC power at my old apartment since I tried changing out everything in my setup to trouble shoot the problem. You can usually eliminate the problem by trying new cables, but it could be other parts to your setup that are picking up the interferance as well.
It's not the amp. It is the guitar you are playing with, and/or the cable. I had the same problem everytime I plugged in my really crappy Fender Strat Jr. into my Stiletto. But all of my ESP's never did it. The cable wasn't making as well of a connection with my strat jr., as it was with my ESP's.
also, if you are using any wierd fuzz's, they will pick up radio stations too. reading on the zvex board it seems to be a pretty common problem with the fuzz factory.
markblasco said:
Does your amp still do this if there is no guitar or cable plugged into it?

Not sure, I'll have to test it out when I get home. BTW, I'm playing a Gibson Les Paul Studio for those wondering.
I ocassionaly pick up radio stations and I use a Ernie Ball John Petrucci Music Man, Planet Waves cables, and a Mesa Boogie Road King. The Planet Waves cables are supposed to be good, so who knows where the problem lies. The problem hasn't been annoying enough to motivate me to troubleshoot it, but I just want to share this example of where both the guitar, cable, and amp are all top-knotch yet the problem still appears.
I was picking up radio stations on my other amp which is a Carvin Legacy. I finally got it to stop picking up radio stations by using a power conditioner with filtering.
CodeTitan said:
I was picking up radio stations on my other amp which is a Carvin Legacy. I finally got it to stop picking up radio stations by using a power conditioner with filtering.

What kind did you get and how much did it cost? I've heard the Furman power conditioners are good.

Also, wah pedals are notorious for picking up radio stations. They even mention it in the FAQ's on the Dunlop website.
If you plan to record with the amp, then insulate your whole room like this: That ought of take care of radio frequency problems.

(image courtsey of MarkSound)
RR said:
G.I.G. said:
RR said:
If you plan to record with the amp, then insulate your whole room like this:


That will also prevent aliens from reading your mind! :wink:
I got that cover too.


LOL! I haven't laughed that hard in awhile! Thanks guys!

On topic: I used to have the alien mind reading and salsa station problem. But I got the news station, helpful when you want to know what temperature it is outside! Any ways switched out all my cables and problem solved!